import os class DataSource: def __init__(self, name, file_type, path): # a human-friendly name for the data source to distinguish it from the others. E.g. 'kaggle' = name # path to the directory containing collection of datasets in this data source self.path = path # extension of the tables in this data source (usually 'csv') self.file_type = file_type class ProfilerConfig: # list of data sources to process data_sources = [DataSource(name='benchmark', path='/home/mossad/projects/kglids/storage/data_sources/dataset_storage/sources/profiler_benchmark', file_type='csv')] # directory to save the generated column profiles. output_path = '/home/mossad/projects/kglids/kg_governor/data_profiling/src/storage/profiles/' # number of workers (processes) to use when profiling columns. Defaults to the number of threads. n_workers = os.cpu_count() # maximum memory in GB to be used by Spark max_memory = 25 profiler_config = ProfilerConfig()