from datetime import datetime import glob import multiprocessing as mp import os from pathlib import Path import shutil from typing import Tuple import warnings warnings.simplefilter('ignore') from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext from fine_grained_type_detector import FineGrainedColumnTypeDetector from profile_creators.profile_creator import ProfileCreator from model.table import Table from config import profiler_config def main(): start_time = print(, ': Initializing Spark') # initialize spark spark = SparkContext(conf=SparkConf().setMaster(f'local[*]') .set('spark.driver.memory', f'{profiler_config.max_memory}g')) if os.path.exists(profiler_config.output_path): print(, ': Deleting existing column profiles in:', profiler_config.output_path) shutil.rmtree(profiler_config.output_path) os.makedirs(profiler_config.output_path, exist_ok=True) # get the list of columns and their associated tables print(, ': Creating tables, Getting columns') columns_and_tables = [] for data_source in profiler_config.data_sources: for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(data_source.path, '**/*' + data_source.file_type), recursive=True): if os.path.getsize(filename) > 0: # if file is not empty table = Table(, table_path=filename, dataset_name=Path(filename).resolve() # read only the header header = pd.read_csv(table.get_table_path(), nrows=0, engine='python', encoding_errors='replace') columns_and_tables.extend([(col, table) for col in header.columns]) columns_and_tables_rdd = spark.parallelize(columns_and_tables) # profile the columns with Spark. print(, f': Profiling {len(columns_and_tables)} columns') print(, f': {len(columns_and_tables)} columns profiled and saved to {profiler_config.output_path}') print(, ': Total time to profile: ', - start_time) def column_worker(column_name_and_table: Tuple[str, Table]): column_name, table = column_name_and_table # read the column from the table file column = pd.read_csv(table.get_table_path(), usecols=[column_name], squeeze=True, na_values=[' ', '?', '-'], engine='python', encoding_errors='replace') column = pd.to_numeric(column, errors='ignore') column = column.convert_dtypes() # infer the column data type column_type = FineGrainedColumnTypeDetector.detect_column_data_type(column) # collect statistics, generate embeddings, and create the column profiles column_profile_creator = ProfileCreator.get_profile_creator(column, column_type, table) column_profile = column_profile_creator.create_profile() # store the profile column_profile.save_profile(profiler_config.output_path) if __name__ == '__main__': main()