import os class RDFParser(object): def __init__(self, graphs_dir, file_extension): graphs_dir = graphs_dir.rstrip('/') + '/' self.file_names = [graphs_dir + i for i in os.listdir(graphs_dir) if i.endswith(file_extension)] self.all_nodes = set() self.all_edges = set() self.n_all_triples = 0 def parse_graphs(self): for file_name in self.file_names: self._parse_ntriples_file(file_name) def print_stats(self): print('# Graphs: ', len(self.file_names)) print('# Triples: ', self.n_all_triples) print('# Unique Nodes:', len(self.all_nodes)) print('# Unique Edges:', len(self.all_edges)) class KGLiDSParser(RDFParser): """docstring for KGLiDSParser.""" def __init__(self, graphs_dir, file_extension='txt'): super(KGLiDSParser, self).__init__(graphs_dir, file_extension) def _parse_ntriples_file(self, file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [i.rstrip() for i in lines] self.n_all_triples += len([i for i in lines if i.endswith(';') or i.endswith(' .')]) improper_obj = False is_current_multiline_str = False current_str_obj = '' idx = 2 while idx < len(lines): line = lines[idx] idx += 1 # skip empty lines if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue # rdf star triples have fixed fomrat. # read this line and the next to get all nodes and edges. elif line.startswith('<<'): triple = line[2:line.index('>>')] subj, pred, obj = triple.split()[0], triple.split()[1], triple.split()[2] star_pred = 'pipeline:parameterValue' star_obj = lines[idx][lines[idx].index(star_pred):-2].strip() self.all_nodes.add(subj) self.all_nodes.add(obj) self.all_nodes.add(star_obj) self.all_edges.add(pred) self.all_edges.add(star_pred) idx += 1 continue # a new node and its triples elif line.startswith('<'): if line.endswith('>'): self.all_nodes.add(line.strip()) else: # sometimes the predicate is in the same line as node (malformatted) # read this line and the next line pred = line.split()[1] self.all_edges.add(pred) if lines[idx].endswith(';') or lines[idx].endswith(' .'): obj = lines[idx][:-1].strip() self.all_nodes.add(obj) else: is_current_multiline_str = True current_str_obj += line.lstrip() idx += 1 continue # some objects are multi-line strings. # if we are currently in a multiline string if is_current_multiline_str: # if the multi-line string ends in this line if line.endswith(';') or line.endswith(' .'): current_str_obj += line[:-1] self.all_nodes.add(current_str_obj.rstrip()) # reset is_current_multiline_str = False current_str_obj = '' # if the multi-line string continues to next line else: current_str_obj += line continue # we are now reading a line containing a predicate and object pred = line.strip().split()[0] self.all_edges.add(pred) if line.endswith(';') or line.endswith(' .'): obj = line[line.index(pred)+len(pred)+1:-1].rstrip() self.all_nodes.add(obj) # the object continues to next line else: is_current_multiline_str = True current_str_obj += line[line.index(pred)+len(pred)+1:] class Graph4CodeParser(RDFParser): """docstring for Graph4CodeParser.""" def __init__(self, graphs_dir, file_extension='nq'): super(Graph4CodeParser, self).__init__(graphs_dir, file_extension) def _parse_ntriples_file(self, file_name): with open(file_name, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() lines = [i.strip() for i in lines] self.n_all_triples += len(lines) graph_name = lines[0][lines[0].index('>')] subj, pred = star_triple.split()[0], star_triple.split()[1] obj = star_triple[star_triple.index(pred)+len(pred):].strip() star_pred = triple[triple.index('>>')+2:].split()[0] star_obj = triple[triple.index(star_pred)+len(star_pred):].strip() self.all_nodes.add(subj) self.all_nodes.add(obj) self.all_nodes.add(star_obj) self.all_edges.add(pred) self.all_edges.add(star_pred) else: subj, pred = triple.split()[0], triple.split()[1] obj = triple[triple.index(pred) + len(pred):].strip() self.all_nodes.add(subj) self.all_nodes.add(obj) self.all_edges.add(pred) def main(): kglids_graphs_dir = '/home/mossad/projects/kglids/pipelines/data/kglids_samples' g4c_graphs_dir = '/home/mossad/projects/kglids/pipelines/data/graph4code_samples' print('*'*25, 'Parsing KGLiDS', '*'*25) parser = KGLiDSParser(kglids_graphs_dir) parser.parse_graphs() parser.print_stats() import re print([i for i in parser.all_nodes if i.startswith('<') and (not'\/s[0-9]', i)) and ('/pipeline/library' not in i) and ('' not in i) ]) print('*'*25, 'Parsing Graph4Code', '*'*25) parser = Graph4CodeParser(g4c_graphs_dir) parser.parse_graphs() parser.print_stats() if __name__ == '__main__': main()