import io import json import time import pandas as pd from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError, STDOUT import shlex import os from tqdm import tqdm import random # change this to the real value import kaggle # make sure kaggle package is downloaded # to keep first 10 rows of dataset: # for i in *.csv; do echo "$(head -10 $i)" > $i; done def syscall(command): """ params: command: string, ex. `"ls -l"` returns: output, success """ command = shlex.split(command) try: output = check_output(command, stderr=STDOUT).decode() success = True except CalledProcessError as e: output = e.output.decode() success = False return output, success def main(): datasets = pd.read_csv('dataset_csv.csv') for _, row in tqdm(datasets.iterrows(), total=len(datasets)): dataset_name = row['ref'] dataset_path = 'data/kaggle/' + dataset_name.replace('/', '.') # Download the dataset (if size is < 100MB) size = row['size'] if 'GB' in size or ('MB' in size and int(size[:size.index('MB')]) > 100): print('Dataset too big:', dataset_name, size) continue else: download_cmd = f'kaggle datasets download {dataset_name} --path {dataset_path}/data/ --unzip -q' # download the dataset file output, succes = syscall(download_cmd) if not succes: print('Error while downloading dataset:', dataset_name) print(output) # List the notebooks notebooks = [] for i in range(1, 2): list_cmd = f'kaggle kernels list --dataset {dataset_name} --page {i} ' \ '--page-size 30 --sort-by voteCount --language python --csv' output, succes = syscall(list_cmd) if output == 'No kernels found': break df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(output)) notebooks.append(df) notebooks = pd.concat(notebooks, ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates('ref') # download 20 kernels count = 0 for _, nb_row in tqdm(notebooks.iterrows(), total=len(notebooks)): nb_name = nb_row['ref'] dir_path = nb_name.replace("/", "-") file_name = nb_name.split('/')[1] nb_download_cmd = f'kaggle kernels pull {nb_name} --path ../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path} --metadata' output, succes = syscall(nb_download_cmd) if not succes: print('Error while downloading kernel:', nb_name, '; Dataset:', dataset_name) continue count += 1 if os.path.isfile(f'../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}/{file_name}.ipynb'): to_python_file_cmd = f'jupyter nbconvert ../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}/{file_name}.ipynb ' \ f'--to script' output, success = syscall(to_python_file_cmd) if not success: print('Error while tranforming file:', nb_name, '; Dataset:', dataset_name) else: os.remove(f'../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}/{file_name}.ipynb') if os.path.isdir(f'../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}'): elements = os.listdir(f'../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}') if f'{file_name}.py' in elements: with open(f'../CFGDemo/{dataset_path}/notebooks/{dir_path}/pipeline_info.json', 'w') as f: json.dump({ 'url': f"{nb_row['ref']}", 'title': nb_row['title'], 'author': nb_row['author'], 'votes': nb_row['totalVotes'], 'score': random.uniform(0.5, 1.0), 'date': nb_row['lastRunTime'] }, f) if count >= 20: break if __name__ == '__main__': main()