CloudScrapy /



This is a service to controls headless browser by json requests

This project, which is in continues development, allows you to control and manage most of the important features of a headless browser through a server that receive requests in json and are translated it to Puppeteer actions.

Preparing the environment


Download docker desktop here and install it.


Download mongodb here and install it.

  docker run -d --name YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=YOUR_USERNAME -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=YOUR_PASSWORD -v C:/mongodb/cloud_scrapy/mongo:/data/db mongo:5.0.6

DragonFlyDB (Replace for redis)

Download DragonFlyDB here and install it.

docker run -d --name YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME -p 6379:6379 --ulimit memlock=-1 -v C:/dragonfly/cloud_scrapy/db:/data

You can go and run the docker-compose.yml from local_docker to init everything instead

Configuring environment

Only need to set variable NODE_ENV in (dev, pre, pro) all the names of the config files in the ./config directory





Install dependencies

npm install

Run in dev mode

npm run dev

Run in normal mode.

npm run start

Run tests

npm run tests

Autogenerate API-DOCS

npm run swagger

How to use it

A full execution json is divided by 4 jsons:

  • execution
    "request_description": YOUR_DESCRIPTION,
    "send_in_request": {SEE_BELLOW},
    "get_in_response": {SEE_BELLOW},
    "request_config": {SEE_BELLOW}

  • request_description (An small description of the request for easy understand later) Example:
"request_description": YOUR_DESCRIPTION
"send_in_request": {
    "url": "YOUR_URL", "options": {"READ_DOCS"},
    "instructions": [
        {"command": "goto", "params": ["YOUR_URL"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "click", "params": ["SELECTOR"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "click_and_wait", "params": ["SELECTOR"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_for_selector", "params": ["SELECTOR"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_for_selector_and_click", "params": ["SELECTOR"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_selector_click_wait_nav", "params": ["SELECTOR"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_for_xpath", "params": ["XPATH"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_for_function", "params": ["JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "wait_for_navigation", "params": [], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "evaluate", "params": ["JAVASCRIPT_CODE"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "verify", "params": ["TEXT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}}, //Verify if a text exist in the current page and return true or false that leads to action required or not
        {"command": "xpath", "params": ["XPATH"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "type", "params": ["SELECTOR", "TEXT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "sec_type", "params": ["SELECTOR", "ENCRYPTED_TEXT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "keyboard_press", "params": ["KEY_INPUT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "keyboard_down", "params": ["KEY_INPUT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}},
        {"command": "keyboard_up", "params": ["KEY_INPUT"], "options": {"READ_DOCS"}}
  • get_in_response (It is what you need the server to send you once the execution is finished) Example:
"get_in_response": {
    "cookies": true,
    "headers": true,
    "html_to_pdf": true,
    "logs": {
        "active": true,
        "full_logs": false
    "screenshot": {
        "active": true,
        "full_page": false
    "source_page": true,
    "extract_rules": [
        {"name": "YOUR_RULE_NAME", "selector": "SELECTOR", "attribute": "THE_ATTR_YOU_WANT")
  • request_config (It is the way in which you configure your request according to your use case.) Example:

  • Resources: document, stylesheet, image, media, font, script, texttrack, xhr, fetch, eventsource, websocket, manifest, other

"request_config": {
    "block_resources": ["RESOURCES"],
    "headers": "YOUR_HEADERS",
    "cookies": "YOUR_COOKIES",
    "captcha": true,
    "geolocation": {"latitude": "LATITUDE", "longitude": "LONGITUDE"},
    "view_port": {"width": "WIDTH", "height": "HEIGHT"},
    "custom_proxy": "YOUR_URI_CUSTOM_PROXY"
  • An ActionRequiredExecution is similar than an execution, this endpoint is call it when an execution need to solve some action after verify that something planed happened in the html and take some actions instead
    "request_description": "YOUR_DESCRIPTION",
    "send_in_request": {THE SAME THAT EXECUTION}

Directory Tree

├── bin
├── components
├── config
│       └── config_files
│       └── docs
├── config_deploy
│       └── pre
│       └── pro
├── controllers
├── files
│       └── logs
│       └── pdfs
│       └── screenshots
├── middlewares
├── models
├── objects
├── public
│       └── images
├── routes
│   └── v1
├── tests
└── utils


  • Api-Docs endpoint => http://localhost:3000/api-docs


👤 Jose E Cortes

📝 License

This project is ISC licensed.

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Git WebStorm JavaScript Node.js Docker
This software utilizes the Puppeteer library to run the core instructions and navigate with the headless browser .
Powered by Puppeteer 🚀

Powered by Puppeteer