from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import json, logging import os, sys import random import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.optim import optimizer from dataloader import create_batches, prepare_batch, prepare_batch_gcn import time from model import BaseModel from data_process import get_dataset from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score from sklearn.metrics import average_precision_score, ndcg_score from utils import * torch.set_printoptions(profile='full') np.set_printoptions(precision=4, threshold=sys.maxsize) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def eval(model, data, args, mode='test', task=1): time_val = time.time() model.eval() num_sample = data.triples[mode].shape[0] test_batches = create_batches(num_sample, batch_size=num_sample) res_loss = False if task == 1: neg_num=9 labels = np.zeros(neg_num+1) labels[0] = 1 pos_score = np.empty([0]) neg_score = np.empty([0,9]) with torch.no_grad(): for batch in test_batches: #print('here') idx, data_batch, l12 = prepare_batch(data, batch, mode) for k in data_batch.keys(): if k == 't0': data_batch[k] = torch.FloatTensor(data_batch[k]) else: data_batch[k] = torch.LongTensor(data_batch[k]) if args.cuda: for k in data_batch.keys(): data_batch[k] = data_batch[k].cuda() if args.use_emb: output, type, _ = model(data_batch) else: output, type, _ = model(data_batch, x=data.feat) a = output[idx[:,0]] b = output[idx[:,1]] c = output[idx[:,2:11]] if res_loss: pos = torch.sigmoid(torch.sum(torch.mul(a,b), dim=1)) neg = torch.sigmoid(torch.sum(torch.mul(a.view(a.shape[0],1,a.shape[1]),c), dim=2)) elif args.no_type: pos = - torch.norm(a - b, p=2,dim=1) neg = torch.empty([c.shape[0],0], device='cpu') for i in range(c.shape[1]): n_score = - torch.norm(a - c[:,i,:], p=2, dim=1) neg =, torch.unsqueeze(n_score,1)), dim=1) else: if model.op_rnn: t_a = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,0]], dim=1) t_b = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,1]], dim=1) t_c = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,2:11]], dim=1) t_ab =, t_b), dim=1) t_ab, _ = model.rnn(t_ab) t_ab = t_ab[:,-1,:] elif model.op_mean: t_a = type[idx[:,0]] t_b = type[idx[:,1]] t_c = type[idx[:,2:11]] t_a = F.leaky_relu(model.mlp(t_a)) t_b = F.leaky_relu(model.mlp(t_b)) t_c = F.leaky_relu(model.mlp(t_c)) t_ab = (t_a + t_b)/2 pos = - torch.norm(a + t_ab - b, p=2,dim=1) neg = torch.empty([c.shape[0],0], device='cpu') for i in range(c.shape[1]): c_i = t_c[:,:,i] t_ac =, c_i), dim=1) t_ac, _ = model.rnn(t_ac) t_ac = t_ac[:,-1,:] n_score = - torch.norm(a + t_ac - c[:,i,:], p=2, dim=1) neg =, torch.unsqueeze(n_score,1)), dim=1) pos_score = np.concatenate((pos_score, pos.cpu().detach().numpy())) neg_score = np.concatenate((neg_score, neg.cpu().detach().numpy())) pred_list = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(pos_score, axis=1), neg_score), axis=1) sum_ndcg = 0 sum_mrr = 0 sum_hit1 = 0 for i in range(num_sample): true = pred_list[i, 0] sort_list = np.sort(pred_list[i])[::-1] rank = int(np.where(sort_list == true)[0][0]) + 1 sum_mrr += (1/rank) if mode == 'test': if pred_list[i, 0] == np.max(pred_list[i]): sum_hit1 += 1 NDCG = ndcg_score([labels], [pred_list[i]]) sum_ndcg += NDCG H1 = sum_hit1 / num_sample MRR = sum_mrr / num_sample NDCG = sum_ndcg / num_sample if mode == 'test': log = "{:s} MAP/MRR={:.3f}, NDCG={:.3f}, H1={:.3f}, Time: {:.2f}" \ .format(mode, MRR, NDCG , H1, time.time()-time_val) else: log = "{:s} MAP/MRR={:.3f}, Time: {:.2f}" \ .format(mode, MRR, time.time()-time_val) print(log) return (MRR, NDCG, H1) else: pos_score = np.empty([0]) neg_score = np.empty([0]) with torch.no_grad(): for batch in test_batches: idx, data_batch, l12 = prepare_batch(data, batch, mode) for k in data_batch.keys(): if k == 't0': data_batch[k] = torch.FloatTensor(data_batch[k]) else: data_batch[k] = torch.LongTensor(data_batch[k]) if args.cuda: for k in data_batch.keys(): data_batch[k] = data_batch[k].cuda() if args.use_emb: output, type, _ = model(data_batch) else: output, type, _ = model(data_batch, x=data.feat) a = output[idx[:,0]] b = output[idx[:,1]] c = output[idx[:,2]] if res_loss: pos = torch.sum(torch.mul(a,b), dim=1) neg = torch.sum(torch.mul(a,c), dim=1) elif args.no_type: pos = args.gamma - torch.norm(a - b, p=2,dim=1) neg = args.gamma - torch.norm(a - c, p=2,dim=1) else: if model.op_rnn: t_a = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,0]], dim=1) t_b = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,1]], dim=1) t_c = torch.unsqueeze(type[idx[:,2]], dim=1) t_ab =, t_b), dim=1) t_ab, _ = model.rnn(t_ab) t_ab = t_ab[:,-1,:] t_ac =, t_c), dim=1) t_ac, _ = model.rnn(t_ac) t_ac = t_ac[:,-1,:] elif model.op_mean: t_a = type[idx[:,0]] t_b = type[idx[:,1]] t_c = type[idx[:,2]] t_ab = (t_a + t_b)/2 t_ac = (t_a + t_c)/2 pos = - torch.norm(a + t_ab - b, p=2,dim=1) neg = - torch.norm(a + t_ac - c, p=2,dim=1) pos_score = np.concatenate((pos_score, pos.cpu().detach().numpy())) neg_score = np.concatenate((neg_score, neg.cpu().detach().numpy())) preds = np.where(pos_score >= neg_score, 1.0, 0.0) labels = np.ones(num_sample) Acc = accuracy_score(labels, preds) print('Accuracy : {:.4f}'.format(Acc)) return Acc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(args, seed, data, path): print('Seed trial: ', seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) args.cuda=False print('CUDA = ',args.cuda) if args.cuda: torch.cuda.set_device(args.gpu) torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) model_path = os.path.join(path, str(seed)) model = BaseModel(data, args) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),\, weight_decay=args.decay) if args.cuda: if not args.use_emb: data.feat = data.feat.cuda() #data.struc_feat = data.struc_feat.cuda() model = model.cuda() print('Training ...') best_val = 0 best_epoch = 0 best_batch = 0 patience = 0 batch_break = False for i in range(args.epochs): print('Epoch: {:d}'.format(i)) minibatches = create_batches(data.triples['train'].shape[0], batch_size=args.batch) for j in range(len(minibatches)): t = time.time() # sample data batch for layer 1 and 2 idx, data_batch, _ = prepare_batch(data, minibatches[j], 'train') for k in data_batch.keys(): if k == 't0': data_batch[k] = torch.FloatTensor(data_batch[k]) else: data_batch[k] = torch.LongTensor(data_batch[k]) if args.cuda: for k in data_batch.keys(): data_batch[k] = data_batch[k].cuda() model.train() optimizer.zero_grad() if args.use_emb: output, typ, cons = model(data_batch) else: output, typ, cons = model(data_batch, x=data.feat) loss = model.new_loss(output, typ, idx) loss += args.w_film * cons loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (j) % 20 == 0: print('Batch: {:d}, Loss: {:.6f}, Film: {:.4f}, Time: {:.5f}'\ .format(j+1, loss.item(), cons, time.time()-t)) if args.dataset == 'ogb': step = 50 if i < 1 else 10 else: step = 10 # Validate if j % step == 0: res_val = eval(model, data, args, mode='valid') if res_val[0] >= best_val:, model_path) best_val = res_val[0] best_epoch = i best_batch = j patience = 0 else: patience += 1 if patience > args.patience: batch_break = True print('Early stopping at epoch {:d}, batch {:d}, MRR={:.3f}'.format(best_epoch, best_batch, best_val)) break else: patience += 1 if batch_break: break model = torch.load(model_path) #Test task1 = eval(model, data, args, mode='test', task=1) task2 = eval(model, data, args, mode='test', task=2) return (task1, task2) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() print(args) args.max_l += 1 # include the source node itself acc_list = [] ndcg_list = [] mrr_list = [] h1_list = [] np.random.seed(args.seed) seed = np.random.choice(100, args.n_runs, replace=False) print('Seed: ', seed) print('Processing data ...') data = get_dataset(args, args.dataset) save_path = prepare_saved_path(args) for i in range(args.n_runs): res1, res2 = run(args, seed[i], data, save_path) mrr_list.append(res1[0]) ndcg_list.append(res1[1]) h1_list.append(res1[2]) acc_list.append(res2*100) m_map = mean_trials(mrr_list, name='MAP/MRR') m_ndcg = mean_trials(ndcg_list, name='NDCG') m_h1 = mean_trials(h1_list, name='H1') m_acc = mean_trials(acc_list, name='Accuracy') res = [m_map, m_ndcg, m_h1, m_acc] with open(os.path.join(save_path, 'config.txt'), 'a') as f: f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in mrr_list]) + '\n') f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in ndcg_list]) + '\n') f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in h1_list]) + '\n') f.write(' '.join([str(i) for i in acc_list]) + '\n') for r in res: f.write(r + '\n')