import os import math import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from tqdm import tqdm from torch_scatter import scatter_add from import Data def uniform(size, tensor): bound = 1.0 / math.sqrt(size) if tensor is not None:, bound) def load_data(file_path,subgraph="FG",target_edge=""): ''' argument: file_path: ./data/FB15k-237 return: entity2id, relation2id, train_triplets, valid_triplets, test_triplets ''' print("load data from {}".format(file_path)) with open(os.path.join(file_path, 'entities.dict')) as f: entity2id = dict() for line in f: eid, entity = line.strip().split('\t') entity2id[entity] = int(eid) with open(os.path.join(file_path, 'relations.dict')) as f: relation2id = dict() for line in f: rid, relation = line.strip().split('\t') relation2id[relation] = int(rid) target_edge=target_edge.split("/")[-1] if subgraph=="FG": subgraph="" else: subgraph="_"+target_edge+'_'+subgraph train_triplets = read_triplets(os.path.join(file_path, 'train'+subgraph+'.txt'), entity2id, relation2id) valid_triplets = read_triplets(os.path.join(file_path, 'valid_'+target_edge+'.txt'), entity2id, relation2id) test_triplets = read_triplets(os.path.join(file_path, 'test_'+target_edge+'.txt'), entity2id, relation2id) print('subgraph:',subgraph) print('target_edge:', target_edge) print('num_entity: {}'.format(len(entity2id))) print('num_relation: {}'.format(len(relation2id))) print('num_train_triples: {}'.format(len(train_triplets))) print('num_valid_triples: {}'.format(len(valid_triplets))) print('num_test_triples: {}'.format(len(test_triplets))) return entity2id, relation2id, train_triplets, valid_triplets, test_triplets def read_triplets(file_path, entity2id, relation2id): triplets = [] with open(file_path) as f: for line in f: head, relation, tail = line.strip().split('\t') triplets.append((entity2id[head], relation2id[relation], entity2id[tail])) return np.array(triplets) def sample_edge_uniform(n_triples, sample_size): """Sample edges uniformly from all the edges.""" all_edges = np.arange(n_triples) return np.random.choice(all_edges, sample_size, replace=False) def negative_sampling(pos_samples, num_entity, negative_rate): size_of_batch = len(pos_samples) num_to_generate = size_of_batch * negative_rate neg_samples = np.tile(pos_samples, (negative_rate, 1)) labels = np.zeros(size_of_batch * (negative_rate + 1), dtype=np.float32) labels[: size_of_batch] = 1 values = np.random.choice(num_entity, size=num_to_generate) choices = np.random.uniform(size=num_to_generate) subj = choices > 0.5 obj = choices <= 0.5 neg_samples[subj, 0] = values[subj] neg_samples[obj, 2] = values[obj] return np.concatenate((pos_samples, neg_samples)), labels def edge_normalization(edge_type, edge_index, num_entity, num_relation): ''' Edge normalization trick - one_hot: (num_edge, num_relation) - deg: (num_node, num_relation) - index: (num_edge) - deg[edge_index[0]]: (num_edge, num_relation) - edge_norm: (num_edge) ''' one_hot = F.one_hot(edge_type, num_classes = 2 * num_relation).to(torch.float) deg = scatter_add(one_hot, edge_index[0], dim = 0, dim_size = num_entity) index = edge_type + torch.arange(len(edge_index[0])) * (2 * num_relation) edge_norm = 1 / deg[edge_index[0]].view(-1)[index] return edge_norm def generate_sampled_graph_and_labels(triplets, sample_size, split_size, num_entity, num_rels, negative_rate): """ Get training graph and signals First perform edge neighborhood sampling on graph, then perform negative sampling to generate negative samples """ edges = sample_edge_uniform(len(triplets), sample_size) # Select sampled edges edges = triplets[edges] src, rel, dst = edges.transpose() uniq_entity, edges = np.unique((src, dst), return_inverse=True) src, dst = np.reshape(edges, (2, -1)) relabeled_edges = np.stack((src, rel, dst)).transpose() # Negative sampling samples, labels = negative_sampling(relabeled_edges, len(uniq_entity), negative_rate) # further split graph, only half of the edges will be used as graph # structure, while the rest half is used as unseen positive samples split_size = int(sample_size * split_size) graph_split_ids = np.random.choice(np.arange(sample_size), size=split_size, replace=False) src = torch.tensor(src[graph_split_ids], dtype = torch.long).contiguous() dst = torch.tensor(dst[graph_split_ids], dtype = torch.long).contiguous() rel = torch.tensor(rel[graph_split_ids], dtype = torch.long).contiguous() # Create bi-directional graph src, dst =, dst)),, src)) rel =, rel + num_rels)) edge_index = torch.stack((src, dst)) edge_type = rel data = Data(edge_index = edge_index) data.entity = torch.from_numpy(uniq_entity) data.edge_type = edge_type data.edge_norm = edge_normalization(edge_type, edge_index, len(uniq_entity), num_rels) data.samples = torch.from_numpy(samples) data.labels = torch.from_numpy(labels) return data def build_test_graph(num_nodes, num_rels, triplets): src, rel, dst = triplets.transpose() src = torch.from_numpy(src) rel = torch.from_numpy(rel) dst = torch.from_numpy(dst) src, dst =, dst)),, src)) rel =, rel + num_rels)) edge_index = torch.stack((src, dst)) edge_type = rel data = Data(edge_index = edge_index) data.entity = torch.from_numpy(np.arange(num_nodes)) data.edge_type = edge_type data.edge_norm = edge_normalization(edge_type, edge_index, num_nodes, num_rels) return data def sort_and_rank(score, target): _, indices = torch.sort(score, dim=1, descending=True) indices = torch.nonzero(indices == target.view(-1, 1)) indices = indices[:, 1].view(-1) return indices # return MRR (filtered), and Hits @ (1, 3, 10) def calc_mrr(embedding, w, test_triplets, all_triplets, hits=[]): with torch.no_grad(): num_entity = len(embedding) ranks_s = [] ranks_o = [] head_relation_triplets = all_triplets[:, :2] tail_relation_triplets = torch.stack((all_triplets[:, 2], all_triplets[:, 1])).transpose(0, 1) for test_triplet in tqdm(test_triplets): # for test_triplet in test_triplets: # Perturb object subject = test_triplet[0] relation = test_triplet[1] object_ = test_triplet[2] subject_relation = test_triplet[:2] delete_index = torch.sum(head_relation_triplets == subject_relation, dim = 1) delete_index = torch.nonzero(delete_index == 2).squeeze() delete_entity_index = all_triplets[delete_index, 2].view(-1).numpy() perturb_entity_index = np.array(list(set(np.arange(num_entity)) - set(delete_entity_index))) perturb_entity_index = torch.from_numpy(perturb_entity_index) perturb_entity_index =, object_.view(-1))) emb_ar = embedding[subject] * w[relation] emb_ar = emb_ar.view(-1, 1, 1) emb_c = embedding[perturb_entity_index] emb_c = emb_c.transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1) out_prod = torch.bmm(emb_ar, emb_c) score = torch.sum(out_prod, dim = 0) score = torch.sigmoid(score) target = torch.tensor(len(perturb_entity_index) - 1) ranks_s.append(sort_and_rank(score, target)) # Perturb subject object_ = test_triplet[2] relation = test_triplet[1] subject = test_triplet[0] object_relation = torch.tensor([object_, relation]) delete_index = torch.sum(tail_relation_triplets == object_relation, dim = 1) delete_index = torch.nonzero(delete_index == 2).squeeze() delete_entity_index = all_triplets[delete_index, 0].view(-1).numpy() perturb_entity_index = np.array(list(set(np.arange(num_entity)) - set(delete_entity_index))) perturb_entity_index = torch.from_numpy(perturb_entity_index) perturb_entity_index =, subject.view(-1))) emb_ar = embedding[object_] * w[relation] emb_ar = emb_ar.view(-1, 1, 1) emb_c = embedding[perturb_entity_index] emb_c = emb_c.transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1) out_prod = torch.bmm(emb_ar, emb_c) score = torch.sum(out_prod, dim = 0) score = torch.sigmoid(score) target = torch.tensor(len(perturb_entity_index) - 1) ranks_o.append(sort_and_rank(score, target)) ranks_s = ranks_o = ranks =[ranks_s, ranks_o]) ranks += 1 # change to 1-indexed mrr = torch.mean(1.0 / ranks.float()) print("MRR (filtered): {:.6f}".format(mrr.item())) for hit in hits: avg_count = torch.mean((ranks <= hit).float()) print("Hits (filtered) @ {}: {:.6f}".format(hit, avg_count.item())) return mrr.item()