from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Optional import numba import numpy as np import torch from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, coo_matrix from torch_geometric.utils import coalesce from torch_sparse import SparseTensor from tqdm import tqdm def topk_ppr_matrix(edge_index: torch.Tensor, num_nodes: int, alpha: float, eps: float, output_node_indices: Union[np.ndarray, torch.LongTensor], topk: int, normalization='row') -> Tuple[csr_matrix, List[np.ndarray]]: """Create a sparse matrix where each node has up to the topk PPR neighbors and their weights.""" if isinstance(output_node_indices, torch.Tensor): output_node_indices = output_node_indices.numpy() edge_index = coalesce(edge_index, num_nodes=num_nodes) edge_index_np = edge_index.cpu().numpy() _, indptr, out_degree = np.unique(edge_index_np[0], return_index=True, return_counts=True) indptr = np.append(indptr, len(edge_index_np[0])) neighbors, weights = calc_ppr_topk_parallel(indptr, edge_index_np[1], out_degree, alpha, eps, output_node_indices) # neighbors, weights = get_calc_ppr()(indptr, edge_index_np[1], out_degree, alpha, eps) ppr_matrix = construct_sparse(neighbors, weights, (len(output_node_indices), num_nodes)) ## PPR Ranks ppr_matrix = ppr_matrix.tocsr() neighbors = sparsify(neighbors, weights, topk) neighbors = [np.union1d(nei, pr) for nei, pr in zip(neighbors, output_node_indices)] if normalization == 'sym': # Assume undirected (symmetric) adjacency matrix deg_sqrt = np.sqrt(np.maximum(out_degree, 1e-12)) deg_inv_sqrt = 1. / deg_sqrt row, col = ppr_matrix.nonzero() = deg_sqrt[output_node_indices[row]] * * deg_inv_sqrt[col] elif normalization == 'col': # Assume undirected (symmetric) adjacency matrix deg_inv = 1. / np.maximum(out_degree, 1e-12) row, col = ppr_matrix.nonzero() = out_degree[output_node_indices[row]] * * deg_inv[col] elif normalization == 'row': pass else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown PPR normalization: {normalization}") return ppr_matrix, neighbors def construct_sparse(neighbors, weights, shape): i = np.repeat(np.arange(len(neighbors)), np.fromiter(map(len, neighbors), dtype=int)) j = np.concatenate(neighbors) return coo_matrix((np.concatenate(weights), (i, j)), shape) # # @numba.njit(cache=True, parallel=True) def calc_ppr_topk_parallel(indptr, indices, deg, alpha, epsilon, nodes) \ -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]: js = [np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int64)] * len(nodes) vals = [np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float32)] * len(nodes) for i in tqdm(numba.prange(len(nodes))): # for i in numba.prange(len(nodes)): j, val = _calc_ppr_node(nodes[i], indptr, indices, deg, alpha, epsilon) js[i] = np.array(j) vals[i] = np.array(val) return js, vals @numba.njit(cache=True, locals={'_val': numba.float32, 'res': numba.float32, 'res_vnode': numba.float32}) # @numba.njit( locals={'_val': numba.float32, 'res': numba.float32, 'res_vnode': numba.float32}) def _calc_ppr_node(inode, indptr, indices, deg, alpha, epsilon): alpha_eps = alpha * epsilon f32_0 = numba.float32(0) p = {inode: f32_0} r = {} r[inode] = alpha q = [inode] start=1 # while (len(q) > 0 & start <100): while len(q) > 0: unode = q.pop() res = r[unode] if unode in r else f32_0 if unode in p: p[unode] += res else: p[unode] = res r[unode] = f32_0 for vnode in indices[indptr[unode]:indptr[unode + 1]]: _val = (1 - alpha) * res / deg[unode] if vnode in r: r[vnode] += _val else: r[vnode] = _val res_vnode = r[vnode] if vnode in r else f32_0 if res_vnode >= alpha_eps * deg[vnode]: if vnode not in q: q.append(vnode) start+=1 return list(p.keys()), list(p.values()) def sparsify(neighbors: List[np.ndarray], weights: List[np.ndarray], topk: int): new_neighbors = [] for n, w in zip(neighbors, weights): idx_topk = np.argsort(w)[-topk:] new_neighbor = n[idx_topk] new_neighbors.append(new_neighbor) return new_neighbors def get_partitions(edge_index: Union[torch.LongTensor, SparseTensor], num_partitions: int, indices: torch.LongTensor, num_nodes: int, output_weight: Optional[float] = None) -> List[torch.LongTensor]: """ Graph partitioning using METIS. If output_weight is given, assign weights on output nodes. :param edge_index: :param num_partitions: :param indices: :param num_nodes: :param output_weight: :return: """ assert isinstance(edge_index, (torch.LongTensor, SparseTensor)), f'Unsupported edge_index type {type(edge_index)}' if isinstance(edge_index, torch.LongTensor): edge_index = SparseTensor.from_edge_index(edge_index, sparse_sizes=(num_nodes, num_nodes)) if output_weight is not None and output_weight != 1: node_weight = torch.ones(num_nodes) node_weight[indices] = output_weight else: node_weight = None _, partptr, perm = edge_index.partition(num_parts=num_partitions, recursive=False, weighted=False, node_weight=node_weight) partitions = [] for i in range(len(partptr) - 1): partitions.append(perm[partptr[i]: partptr[i + 1]]) return partitions