KGTOSA / GNN-Methods / NodeClassifcation / IBS / models /
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score

    import torch
except ImportError:
    torch = None

### Evaluator for node property prediction
class Evaluator:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.num_tasks = 1
        self.eval_metric ='acc'

    def _parse_and_check_input(self, input_dict):
        if self.eval_metric == 'rocauc' or self.eval_metric == 'acc':
            if not 'y_true' in input_dict:
                raise RuntimeError('Missing key of y_true')
            if not 'y_pred' in input_dict:
                raise RuntimeError('Missing key of y_pred')

            y_true, y_pred = input_dict['y_true'], input_dict['y_pred']

                y_true: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)
                y_pred: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)

            # converting to torch.Tensor to numpy on cpu
            if torch is not None and isinstance(y_true, torch.Tensor):
                y_true = y_true.detach().cpu().numpy()

            if torch is not None and isinstance(y_pred, torch.Tensor):
                y_pred = y_pred.detach().cpu().numpy()

            ## check type
            if not (isinstance(y_true, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y_true, np.ndarray)):
                raise RuntimeError('Arguments to Evaluator need to be either numpy ndarray or torch tensor')

            if not y_true.shape == y_pred.shape:
                raise RuntimeError('Shape of y_true and y_pred must be the same')

            if not y_true.ndim == 2:
                raise RuntimeError('y_true and y_pred must to 2-dim arrray, {}-dim array given'.format(y_true.ndim))

            if not y_true.shape[1] == self.num_tasks:
                raise RuntimeError('Number of tasks for {} should be {} but {} given'.format(, self.num_tasks, y_true.shape[1]))

            return y_true, y_pred

            raise ValueError('Undefined eval metric %s ' % (self.eval_metric))

    def eval(self, input_dict):

        if self.eval_metric == 'rocauc':
            y_true, y_pred = self._parse_and_check_input(input_dict)
            return self._eval_rocauc(y_true, y_pred)
        elif self.eval_metric == 'acc':
            y_true, y_pred = self._parse_and_check_input(input_dict)
            return self._eval_acc(y_true, y_pred)
            raise ValueError('Undefined eval metric %s ' % (self.eval_metric))

    def expected_input_format(self):
        desc = '==== Expected input format of Evaluator for {}\n'.format(
        if self.eval_metric == 'rocauc':
            desc += '{\'y_true\': y_true, \'y_pred\': y_pred}\n'
            desc += '- y_true: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)\n'
            desc += '- y_pred: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)\n'
            desc += 'where y_pred stores score values (for computing ROC-AUC),\n'
            desc += 'num_task is {}, and '.format(self.num_tasks)
            desc += 'each row corresponds to one node.\n'
        elif self.eval_metric == 'acc':
            desc += '{\'y_true\': y_true, \'y_pred\': y_pred}\n'
            desc += '- y_true: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)\n'
            desc += '- y_pred: numpy ndarray or torch tensor of shape (num_nodes num_tasks)\n'
            desc += 'where y_pred stores predicted class label (integer),\n'
            desc += 'num_task is {}, and '.format(self.num_tasks)
            desc += 'each row corresponds to one node.\n'
            raise ValueError('Undefined eval metric %s ' % (self.eval_metric))

        return desc

    def expected_output_format(self):
        desc = '==== Expected output format of Evaluator for {}\n'.format(
        if self.eval_metric == 'rocauc':
            desc += '{\'rocauc\': rocauc}\n'
            desc += '- rocauc (float): ROC-AUC score averaged across {} task(s)\n'.format(self.num_tasks)
        elif self.eval_metric == 'acc':
            desc += '{\'acc\': acc}\n'
            desc += '- acc (float): Accuracy score averaged across {} task(s)\n'.format(self.num_tasks)
            raise ValueError('Undefined eval metric %s ' % (self.eval_metric))

        return desc

    def _eval_rocauc(self, y_true, y_pred):
            compute ROC-AUC and AP score averaged across tasks

        rocauc_list = []

        for i in range(y_true.shape[1]):
            #AUC is only defined when there is at least one positive data.
            if np.sum(y_true[:,i] == 1) > 0 and np.sum(y_true[:,i] == 0) > 0:
                is_labeled = y_true[:,i] == y_true[:,i]
                rocauc_list.append(roc_auc_score(y_true[is_labeled,i], y_pred[is_labeled,i]))

        if len(rocauc_list) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError('No positively labeled data available. Cannot compute ROC-AUC.')

        return {'rocauc': sum(rocauc_list)/len(rocauc_list)}

    def _eval_acc(self, y_true, y_pred):
        acc_list = []

        for i in range(y_true.shape[1]):
            is_labeled = y_true[:,i] == y_true[:,i]
            correct = y_true[is_labeled,i] == y_pred[is_labeled,i]

        return {'acc': sum(acc_list)/len(acc_list)}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ### rocauc case

    evaluator = Evaluator('ogbn-proteins')
    ### acc case
    evaluator = Evaluator('ogbn-arxiv')
    y_true = np.random.randint(10, size = 100)
    y_true=y_true.reshape((100, 1))
    y_pred = np.random.randint(10, size = 100)
    y_pred = y_pred.reshape((100, 1))
    input_dict = {'y_true': y_true, 'y_pred': y_pred}
    result = evaluator.eval(input_dict)
    from tqdm import tqdm
    pbar = tqdm(total=1000)
    import random
    while True:
        if num ==1001: