import pandas as pd import datetime import requests import traceback import sys import argparse from threading import Thread import threading lock = threading.Lock() def ExecQueryAndWriteOutput(endpoint_url,query, offset, batch_size, f): start_t = r_query = query.replace("?offset", str(offset)) r_query = r_query.replace("?limit", str(batch_size)) body = {'query': r_query} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Accept': 'text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8'} r =, data=body, headers=headers) lock.acquire() f.write(r.text.replace(""""subject" "predicate" "object"\n""", "")) end_t = print("Query idx: ", (offset / batch_size), "/", batches_count, " records count=", len(r.text.split('\n')), " time=", end_t - start_t, " sec.") lock.release() def ExecQuery(endpoint_url,query): start_t = body = {'query': query} headers = { #'Content-Type': 'application/sparql-update', 'Content-Type':"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Accept': 'text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8'} r =, data=body, headers=headers) return r.text.split('\n')[1] def get_d1h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri): query="""select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object where { select ?s ?p ?o from <"""+graph_uri+"""> where { ?s <"""+target_rel_uri+"""> ?label. ?s ?p ?o. filter(!isBlank(?o)). } limit ?limit offset ?offset } """ return query def get_d2h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri): query="""select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object where { select ?o2 as ?s ?p2 as ?p ?s as ?o from <"""+graph_uri+"""> where { ?s <"""+target_rel_uri+"""> ?label. ?o2 ?p2 ?s. filter(!isBlank(?o2)). } limit ?limit offset ?offset } """ return [get_d1h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri),query] def get_d1h2_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri): query="""select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object where { select ?o2 as ?s ?p3 as ?p ?o3 as ?o from <"""+graph_uri+"""> where { ?s <"""+target_rel_uri+"""> ?label. ?s ?p2 ?o2. ?o2 ?p3 ?o3. filter(!isBlank(?o2)). filter(!isBlank(?o3)). } limit ?limit offset ?offset } """ return [get_d1h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri),query] def get_d2h2_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri): query1="""select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object where { select ?o2 as ?s ?p3 as ?p ?o3 as ?o from <"""+graph_uri+"""> where { ?s <"""+target_rel_uri+"""> ?label. ?s ?p2 ?o2. ?o2 ?p3 ?o3. filter(!isBlank(?o2)). filter(!isBlank(?o3)). } limit ?limit offset ?offset } """ query2 = """select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object where { select ?o3 as ?s ?p3 as ?p ?o2 as ?o from <""" + graph_uri + """> where { ?s <""" + target_rel_uri + """> ?label. ?o2 ?p ?s. ?o3 ?p3 ?o2. filter(!isBlank(?o2)). filter(!isBlank(?o3)). } limit ?limit offset ?offset } """ return [get_d1h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri),get_d2h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri),query1,query2] if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--start_offset', dest='start_offset', type=int, help='Add start_offset', default=0) parser.add_argument('--sparql_endpoint', type=str, help='SPARQL endpoint URL', default='') parser.add_argument('--graph_uri', type=str, help=' KG URI', default='') parser.add_argument('--target_rel_uri', type=str, help='target_rel_uri URI',default='') parser.add_argument('--TOSG', type=str, help='TOSG Pattern',default='d2h1') parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, help='batch_size', default='1000000') parser.add_argument('--out_file', dest='out_file', type=str, help='output file to write trplies to', default='dblp_pv.tsv') parser.add_argument('--threads_count', dest='threads_count', type=int, help='output file to write trplies to', default=64) args = parser.parse_args() print('args=',args) start_offset = args.start_offset graph_uri=args.graph_uri sparql_endpoint =args.sparql_endpoint target_rel_uri=args.target_rel_uri TOSG=args.TOSG batch_size=args.batch_size out_file=args.out_file.split('.')[0]+"_"+TOSG+".tsv" threads_count = args.threads_count queries=[] if TOSG=='d1h1': queries=[get_d1h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri)] elif TOSG=='d1h2': queries=get_d1h2_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri) elif TOSG=='d2h1': queries=get_d2h1_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri) elif TOSG=='d2h2': queries=get_d2h2_query(graph_uri,target_rel_uri) ################################### q_start_t = rows_count_lst=[] for query in queries: rows_count_query = query.replace("select distinct ?s as ?subject ?p as ?predicate ?o as ?object", "select count(*) as ?c") rows_count_query=rows_count_query.replace("limit ?limit" ,"") rows_count_query = rows_count_query.replace("offset ?offset", "") rows_count=ExecQuery(sparql_endpoint,rows_count_query) rows_count_lst.append(int(rows_count)) q_end_t = print("rows_count=", sum(rows_count_lst), "Query Time=",q_end_t - q_start_t, " sec.") ####################### q_start_t = with open(out_file, 'w') as f: for q_idx,query in enumerate(queries): batches_count = int(rows_count_lst[q_idx] / batch_size) + 1 print("query idx=",q_idx,"batches_count=", batches_count) th_idx = 1 th_lst = [] for idx, offset in enumerate(range(start_offset, rows_count_lst[q_idx], batch_size)): try: t = Thread(target=ExecQueryAndWriteOutput, args=(sparql_endpoint,query, offset, batch_size, f)) th_lst.append(t) t.start() th_idx = th_idx + 1 if th_idx == threads_count: th_idx = 0 for th in th_lst: th.join() th_lst = [] print(threads_count, " threads finish at ", - q_start_t, " sec.") except Exception as e: print("Exception", e) for th in th_lst: th.join() print(threads_count, " threads finish at ", - q_start_t, " sec.") q_end_t = print("total time ", q_end_t - q_start_t, " sec.")