import pandas as pd #for handling csv and csv contents from rdflib import Graph, Literal, RDF, URIRef, Namespace #basic RDF handling # from rdflib.namespace import FOAF , XSD #most common namespaces # import urllib.parse #for parsing strings to URI's if __name__ == '__main__': data_df=pd.read_csv("/home/hussein/Downloads/DBLP_RandomEdgePairs - Sheet21.tsv",sep='\t') g = Graph() prefix = Namespace('') g.bind('dblp_prefix', prefix) S_URI=P_URI=O_URI=None for index, row in data_df.iterrows(): if type(row[0]) is str and (row[0].startswith("http://") or row[0].startswith("https://")): S_URI=URIRef(row[0]) if type(row[1]) is str and (row[1].startswith("http://") or row[1].startswith("https://")): P_URI = URIRef(row[1]) else: P_URI = Literal(str(row[1])) if type(row[2]) is str and (row[2].startswith("http://") or row[2].startswith("https://")): O_URI = URIRef(row[2]) else: O_URI = Literal(str(row[2])) g.add((S_URI, P_URI, O_URI)) else: S_URI=Literal(str(row[0])) # print(g.serialize(format='turtle').decode('UTF-8')) g.serialize('DBLP_PrimaryAffaliationCountry.nt',format='n3')