import os import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from collections import Counter, defaultdict from sklearn.metrics import f1_score import time class bcolors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKCYAN = '\033[96m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' class data_loader: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.nodes = self.load_nodes() self.links = self.load_links() self.labels_train = self.load_labels('label.dat') self.labels_test = self.load_labels('label.dat.test') self.labels_test_full = self.load_labels('label.dat.test_full') def get_sub_graph(self, node_types_tokeep): """ node_types_tokeep is a list or set of node types that you want to keep in the sub-graph We only support whole type sub-graph for now. This is an in-place update function! return: old node type id to new node type id dict, old edge type id to new edge type id dict """ keep = set(node_types_tokeep) new_node_type = 0 new_node_id = 0 new_nodes = {'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'attr':{}, 'shift':{}} new_links = {'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'meta':{}, 'data':defaultdict(list)} new_labels_train = {'num_classes':0, 'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'data':None, 'mask':None} new_labels_test = {'num_classes':0, 'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'data':None, 'mask':None} old_nt2new_nt = {} old_idx = [] for node_type in self.nodes['count']: if node_type in keep: nt = node_type nnt = new_node_type old_nt2new_nt[nt] = nnt cnt = self.nodes['count'][nt] new_nodes['total'] += cnt new_nodes['count'][nnt] = cnt new_nodes['attr'][nnt] = self.nodes['attr'][nt] new_nodes['shift'][nnt] = new_node_id beg = self.nodes['shift'][nt] old_idx.extend(range(beg, beg+cnt)) cnt_label_train = self.labels_train['count'][nt] new_labels_train['count'][nnt] = cnt_label_train new_labels_train['total'] += cnt_label_train cnt_label_test = self.labels_test['count'][nt] new_labels_test['count'][nnt] = cnt_label_test new_labels_test['total'] += cnt_label_test new_node_type += 1 new_node_id += cnt new_labels_train['num_classes'] = self.labels_train['num_classes'] new_labels_test['num_classes'] = self.labels_test['num_classes'] for k in ['data', 'mask']: new_labels_train[k] = self.labels_train[k][old_idx] new_labels_test[k] = self.labels_test[k][old_idx] old_et2new_et = {} new_edge_type = 0 for edge_type in self.links['count']: h, t = self.links['meta'][edge_type] if h in keep and t in keep: et = edge_type net = new_edge_type old_et2new_et[et] = net new_links['total'] += self.links['count'][et] new_links['count'][net] = self.links['count'][et] new_links['meta'][net] = tuple(map(lambda x:old_nt2new_nt[x], self.links['meta'][et])) new_links['data'][net] = self.links['data'][et][old_idx][:, old_idx] new_edge_type += 1 self.nodes = new_nodes self.links = new_links self.labels_train = new_labels_train self.labels_test = new_labels_test return old_nt2new_nt, old_et2new_et def get_meta_path(self, meta=[]): """ Get meta path matrix meta is a list of edge types (also can be denoted by a pair of node types) return a sparse matrix with shape [node_num, node_num] """ ini = sp.eye(self.nodes['total']) meta = [self.get_edge_type(x) for x in meta] for x in meta: ini =['data'][x]) if x >= 0 else['data'][-x - 1].T) return ini def dfs(self, now, meta, meta_dict): if len(meta) == 0: meta_dict[now[0]].append(now) return th_mat = self.links['data'][meta[0]] if meta[0] >= 0 else self.links['data'][-meta[0] - 1].T th_node = now[-1] for col in th_mat[th_node].nonzero()[1]: self.dfs(now+[col], meta[1:], meta_dict) def get_full_meta_path(self, meta=[], symmetric=False): """ Get full meta path for each node meta is a list of edge types (also can be denoted by a pair of node types) return a dict of list[list] (key is node_id) """ meta = [self.get_edge_type(x) for x in meta] if len(meta) == 1: meta_dict = {} start_node_type = self.links['meta'][meta[0]][0] if meta[0]>=0 else self.links['meta'][-meta[0]-1][1] for i in range(self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type], self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type]+self.nodes['count'][start_node_type]): meta_dict[i] = [] self.dfs([i], meta, meta_dict) else: meta_dict1 = {} meta_dict2 = {} mid = len(meta) // 2 meta1 = meta[:mid] meta2 = meta[mid:] start_node_type = self.links['meta'][meta1[0]][0] if meta1[0]>=0 else self.links['meta'][-meta1[0]-1][1] for i in range(self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type], self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type]+self.nodes['count'][start_node_type]): meta_dict1[i] = [] self.dfs([i], meta1, meta_dict1) start_node_type = self.links['meta'][meta2[0]][0] if meta2[0]>=0 else self.links['meta'][-meta2[0]-1][1] for i in range(self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type], self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type]+self.nodes['count'][start_node_type]): meta_dict2[i] = [] if symmetric: for k in meta_dict1: paths = meta_dict1[k] for x in paths: meta_dict2[x[-1]].append(list(reversed(x))) else: for i in range(self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type], self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type]+self.nodes['count'][start_node_type]): self.dfs([i], meta2, meta_dict2) meta_dict = {} start_node_type = self.links['meta'][meta1[0]][0] if meta1[0]>=0 else self.links['meta'][-meta1[0]-1][1] for i in range(self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type], self.nodes['shift'][start_node_type]+self.nodes['count'][start_node_type]): meta_dict[i] = [] for beg in meta_dict1[i]: for end in meta_dict2[beg[-1]]: meta_dict[i].append(beg + end[1:]) return meta_dict def gen_file_for_evaluate(self, test_idx, label, file_path, mode='bi'): if test_idx.shape[0] != label.shape[0]: return if mode == 'multi': multi_label=[] for i in range(label.shape[0]): label_list = [str(j) for j in range(label[i].shape[0]) if label[i][j]==1] multi_label.append(','.join(label_list)) label=multi_label elif mode=='bi': label = np.array(label) else: return with open(file_path, "w") as f: for nid, l in zip(test_idx, label): f.write(f"{nid}\t\t{self.get_node_type(nid)}\t{l}\n") def evaluate_train(self, pred, mask=None): idx = self.labels_train['mask'][mask] assert np.all(self.labels_train['mask'][mask]) y_true = self.labels_train['data'][mask] micro = f1_score(y_true, pred, average='micro') macro = f1_score(y_true, pred, average='macro') result = { 'micro-f1': micro, 'macro-f1': macro } return result def evaluate(self, pred): print(f"{bcolors.WARNING}Warning: If you want to obtain test score, please submit online on biendata.{bcolors.ENDC}") y_true = self.labels_test['data'][self.labels_test['mask']] micro = f1_score(y_true, pred, average='micro') macro = f1_score(y_true, pred, average='macro') result = { 'micro-f1': micro, 'macro-f1': macro } return result def load_labels(self, name): """ return labels dict num_classes: total number of labels total: total number of labeled data count: number of labeled data for each node type data: a numpy matrix with shape (self.nodes['total'], self.labels['num_classes']) mask: to indicate if that node is labeled, if False, that line of data is masked """ labels = {'num_classes':0, 'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'data':None, 'mask':None} nc = 0 mask = np.zeros(self.nodes['total'], dtype=bool) data = [None for i in range(self.nodes['total'])] with open(os.path.join(self.path, name), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: th = line.split('\t') node_id, node_name, node_type, node_label = int(th[0]), th[1], int(th[2]), list(map(int, th[3].split(','))) for label in node_label: nc = max(nc, label+1) mask[node_id] = True data[node_id] = node_label labels['count'][node_type] += 1 labels['total'] += 1 labels['num_classes'] = nc new_data = np.zeros((self.nodes['total'], labels['num_classes']), dtype=int) for i,x in enumerate(data): if x is not None: for j in x: new_data[i, j] = 1 labels['data'] = new_data labels['mask'] = mask return labels def get_node_type(self, node_id): for i in range(len(self.nodes['shift'])): if node_id < self.nodes['shift'][i]+self.nodes['count'][i]: return i def get_edge_type(self, info): if type(info) is int or len(info) == 1: return info for i in range(len(self.links['meta'])): if self.links['meta'][i] == info: return i info = (info[1], info[0]) for i in range(len(self.links['meta'])): if self.links['meta'][i] == info: return -i - 1 raise Exception('No available edge type') def get_edge_info(self, edge_id): return self.links['meta'][edge_id] def list_to_sp_mat(self, li): data = [x[2] for x in li] i = [x[0] for x in li] j = [x[1] for x in li] return sp.coo_matrix((data, (i,j)), shape=(self.nodes['total'], self.nodes['total'])).tocsr() def load_links(self): """ return links dict total: total number of links count: a dict of int, number of links for each type meta: a dict of tuple, explaining the link type is from what type of node to what type of node data: a dict of sparse matrices, each link type with one matrix. Shapes are all (nodes['total'], nodes['total']) """ links = {'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'meta':{}, 'data':defaultdict(list)} with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'link.dat'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: th = line.split('\t') h_id, t_id, r_id, link_weight = int(th[0]), int(th[1]), int(th[2]), float(th[3]) if r_id not in links['meta']: h_type = self.get_node_type(h_id) t_type = self.get_node_type(t_id) links['meta'][r_id] = (h_type, t_type) links['data'][r_id].append((h_id, t_id, link_weight)) links['count'][r_id] += 1 links['total'] += 1 new_data = {} for r_id in links['data']: new_data[r_id] = self.list_to_sp_mat(links['data'][r_id]) links['data'] = new_data return links def load_nodes(self): """ return nodes dict total: total number of nodes count: a dict of int, number of nodes for each type attr: a dict of np.array (or None), attribute matrices for each type of nodes shift: node_id shift for each type. You can get the id range of a type by [ shift[node_type], shift[node_type]+count[node_type] ) """ nodes = {'total':0, 'count':Counter(), 'attr':{}, 'shift':{}} with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'node.dat'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: th = line.split('\t') if len(th) == 4: # Then this line of node has attribute node_id, node_name, node_type, node_attr = th node_id = int(node_id) node_type = int(node_type) node_attr = list(map(float, node_attr.split(','))) nodes['count'][node_type] += 1 nodes['attr'][node_id] = node_attr nodes['total'] += 1 elif len(th) == 3: # Then this line of node doesn't have attribute node_id, node_name, node_type = th node_id = int(node_id) node_type = int(node_type) nodes['count'][node_type] += 1 nodes['total'] += 1 else: raise Exception("Too few information to parse!") shift = 0 attr = {} for i in range(len(nodes['count'])): nodes['shift'][i] = shift if shift in nodes['attr']: mat = [] for j in range(shift, shift+nodes['count'][i]): mat.append(nodes['attr'][j]) attr[i] = np.array(mat) else: attr[i] = None shift += nodes['count'][i] nodes['attr'] = attr return nodes