import os import sys import gc import random import dgl import dgl.function as fn import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_sparse import SparseTensor from torch_sparse import remove_diag, set_diag import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp from sklearn.metrics import f1_score from tqdm import tqdm sys.path.append('../data') from data_loader import data_loader import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Setting attributes on ParameterList is not supported.") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Setting attributes on ParameterDict is not supported.") def set_random_seed(seed=0): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed(seed) def evaluator(gt, pred): gt = gt.cpu().squeeze() pred = pred.cpu().squeeze() return f1_score(gt, pred, average='micro'), f1_score(gt, pred, average='macro') def get_n_params(model): pp = 0 for p in list(model.parameters()): nn = 1 for s in list(p.size()): nn = nn*s pp += nn return pp def hg_propagate_feat_dgl(g, tgt_type, num_hops, max_length, extra_metapath, echo=False): for hop in range(1, max_length): reserve_heads = [ele[:hop] for ele in extra_metapath if len(ele) > hop] for etype in g.etypes: stype, _, dtype = g.to_canonical_etype(etype) # if hop == args.num_hops and dtype != tgt_type: continue for k in list(g.nodes[stype].data.keys()): if len(k) == hop: current_dst_name = f'{dtype}{k}' if (hop == num_hops and dtype != tgt_type and k not in reserve_heads) \ or (hop > num_hops and k not in reserve_heads): continue if echo: print(k, etype, current_dst_name) g[etype].update_all( fn.copy_u(k, 'm'), fn.mean('m', current_dst_name), etype=etype) # remove no-use items for ntype in g.ntypes: if ntype == tgt_type: continue removes = [] for k in g.nodes[ntype].data.keys(): if len(k) <= hop: removes.append(k) for k in removes: g.nodes[ntype].data.pop(k) if echo and len(removes): print('remove', removes) gc.collect() if echo: print(f'-- hop={hop} ---') for ntype in g.ntypes: for k, v in g.nodes[ntype].data.items(): print(f'{ntype} {k} {v.shape}', v[:,-1].max(), v[:,-1].mean()) if echo: print(f'------\n') return g def hg_propagate_sparse_pyg(adjs, tgt_types, num_hops, max_length, extra_metapath, prop_feats=False, echo=False, prop_device='cpu'): store_device = 'cpu' if type(tgt_types) is not list: tgt_types = [tgt_types] label_feats = {k: v.clone() for k, v in adjs.items() if prop_feats or k[-1] in tgt_types} # metapath should start with target type in label propagation adjs_g = {k: for k, v in adjs.items()} for hop in range(2, max_length): reserve_heads = [ele[-(hop+1):] for ele in extra_metapath if len(ele) > hop] new_adjs = {} for rtype_r, adj_r in label_feats.items(): metapath_types = list(rtype_r) if len(metapath_types) == hop: dtype_r, stype_r = metapath_types[0], metapath_types[-1] for rtype_l, adj_l in adjs_g.items(): dtype_l, stype_l = rtype_l if stype_l == dtype_r: name = f'{dtype_l}{rtype_r}' if (hop == num_hops and dtype_l not in tgt_types and name not in reserve_heads) \ or (hop > num_hops and name not in reserve_heads): continue if name not in new_adjs: if echo: print('Generating ...', name) if prop_device == 'cpu': new_adjs[name] = adj_l.matmul(adj_r) else: with torch.no_grad(): new_adjs[name] = adj_l.matmul( else: if echo: print(f'Warning: {name} already exists') label_feats.update(new_adjs) removes = [] for k in label_feats.keys(): metapath_types = list(k) if metapath_types[0] in tgt_types: continue # metapath should end with target type in label propagation if len(metapath_types) <= hop: removes.append(k) for k in removes: label_feats.pop(k) if echo and len(removes): print('remove', removes) del new_adjs gc.collect() if prop_device != 'cpu': del adjs_g torch.cuda.empty_cache() return label_feats def check_acc(preds_dict, condition, init_labels, train_nid, val_nid, test_nid, show_test=True, loss_type='ce'): mask_train, mask_val, mask_test = [], [], [] remove_label_keys = [] k = list(preds_dict.keys())[0] v = preds_dict[k] if loss_type == 'ce': na, nb, nc = len(train_nid), len(val_nid), len(test_nid) elif loss_type == 'bce': na, nb, nc = len(train_nid) * v.size(1), len(val_nid) * v.size(1), len(test_nid) * v.size(1) for k, v in preds_dict.items(): if loss_type == 'ce': pred = v.argmax(1) elif loss_type == 'bce': pred = (v > 0).int() a, b, c = pred[train_nid] == init_labels[train_nid], \ pred[val_nid] == init_labels[val_nid], \ pred[test_nid] == init_labels[test_nid] ra, rb, rc = a.sum() / na, b.sum() / nb, c.sum() / nc if loss_type == 'ce': vv = torch.log(v / (v.sum(1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6) + 1e-6) la, lb, lc = F.nll_loss(vv[train_nid], init_labels[train_nid]), \ F.nll_loss(vv[val_nid], init_labels[val_nid]), \ F.nll_loss(vv[test_nid], init_labels[test_nid]) else: vv = (v / 2. + 0.5).clamp(1e-6, 1-1e-6) la, lb, lc = F.binary_cross_entropy(vv[train_nid], init_labels[train_nid].float()), \ F.binary_cross_entropy(vv[val_nid], init_labels[val_nid].float()), \ F.binary_cross_entropy(vv[test_nid], init_labels[test_nid].float()) if condition(ra, rb, rc, k): mask_train.append(a) mask_val.append(b) mask_test.append(c) else: remove_label_keys.append(k) if show_test: print(k, ra, rb, rc, la, lb, lc, (ra/rb-1)*100, (ra/rc-1)*100, (1-la/lb)*100, (1-la/lc)*100) else: print(k, ra, rb, la, lb, (ra/rb-1)*100, (1-la/lb)*100) print(set(list(preds_dict.keys())) - set(remove_label_keys)) print((torch.stack(mask_train, dim=0).sum(0) > 0).sum() / na) print((torch.stack(mask_val, dim=0).sum(0) > 0).sum() / nb) if show_test: print((torch.stack(mask_test, dim=0).sum(0) > 0).sum() / nc) def train_multi_stage(model, feats, label_feats, labels_cuda, loss_fcn, optimizer, train_loader, enhance_loader, evaluator, predict_prob, gama, mask=None, scalar=None): model.train() device = labels_cuda.device total_loss = 0 loss_l1, loss_l2 = 0., 0. iter_num = 0 y_true, y_pred = [], [] for idx_1, idx_2 in zip(train_loader, enhance_loader): idx =, idx_2), dim=0) L1_ratio = len(idx_1) * 1.0 / (len(idx_1) + len(idx_2)) L2_ratio = len(idx_2) * 1.0 / (len(idx_1) + len(idx_2)) if isinstance(feats, list): batch_feats = [x[idx].to(device) for x in feats] elif isinstance(feats, dict): batch_feats = {k: x[idx].to(device) for k, x in feats.items()} else: assert 0 batch_labels_feats = {k: x[idx].to(device) for k, x in label_feats.items()} if mask is not None: batch_mask = {k: x[idx].to(device) for k, x in mask.items()} else: batch_mask = None batch_y = labels_cuda[idx_1] if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): extra_weight = 2 * torch.abs(predict_prob[idx_2] - 0.5) extra_y = (predict_prob[idx_2] > 0.5).float() else: extra_weight, extra_y = predict_prob[idx_2].max(dim=1) extra_weight = extra_y = # teacher_soft = predict_prob[idx_2].to(device) # teacher_conf = torch.max(teacher_soft, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] optimizer.zero_grad() if scalar is not None: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): output_att = model(None, batch_feats, batch_labels_feats, batch_mask) L1 = loss_fcn(output_att[:len(idx_1)], batch_y) if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): L2 = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(output_att[len(idx_1):], extra_y, reduction='none') else: L2 = F.cross_entropy(output_att[len(idx_1):], extra_y, reduction='none') L2 = (L2 * extra_weight).sum() / len(idx_2) loss_train = L1_ratio * L1 + gama * L2_ratio * L2 scalar.scale(loss_train).backward() scalar.step(optimizer) scalar.update() else: output_att = model(None, batch_feats, batch_labels_feats, batch_mask) L1 = loss_fcn(output_att[:len(idx_1)], batch_y) if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): L2 = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(output_att[len(idx_1):], extra_y, reduction='none') else: L2 = F.cross_entropy(output_att[len(idx_1):], extra_y, reduction='none') L2 = (L2 * extra_weight).sum() / len(idx_2) loss_train = L1_ratio * L1 + gama * L2_ratio * L2 loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() # if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCELoss): # y_pred.append((output_att[:len(idx_1)].data.cpu() > 0).int()) # output_att = torch.sigmoid(output_att) # assert 0, 'not implement yet' # else: # y_pred.append(output_att[:len(idx_1)].argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True).cpu()) # L1 = loss_fcn(output_att[:len(idx_1)], batch_y) # L3 = teacher_soft * (torch.log(teacher_soft + 1e-8) - torch.log_softmax(output_att[len(idx_1):], dim=1)) # L3 = (teacher_conf * L3).sum(dim=1).mean() # y_true.append(batch_y.cpu()) # L1 = loss_fcn(output_att[:len(idx_1)], y)*(len(idx_1)*1.0/(len(idx_1)+len(idx_2))) # teacher_soft = predict_prob[idx_2].to(device) # teacher_prob = torch.max(teacher_soft, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] # L3 = (teacher_prob*(teacher_soft*(torch.log(teacher_soft+1e-8)-torch.log_softmax(output_att[len(idx_1):], dim=1)))).sum(1).mean()*(len(idx_2)*1.0/(len(idx_1)+len(idx_2))) # loss_train = L1_ratio * L1 + gama * L2_ratio * L3 y_true.append(batch_y.cpu().to(torch.long)) if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): y_pred.append((output_att[:len(idx_1)].data.cpu() > 0.).int()) else: y_pred.append(output_att[:len(idx_1)].argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True).cpu()) total_loss += loss_train.item() loss_l1 += L1.item() loss_l2 += L2.item() iter_num += 1 print(loss_l1 / iter_num, loss_l2 / iter_num) loss = total_loss / iter_num approx_acc = evaluator(, dim=0),, dim=0)) return loss, approx_acc def train(model, feats, label_feats, labels_cuda, loss_fcn, optimizer, train_loader, evaluator, mask=None, scalar=None): model.train() device = labels_cuda.device total_loss = 0 iter_num = 0 y_true, y_pred = [], [] for batch in train_loader: batch = if isinstance(feats, list): batch_feats = [x[batch].to(device) for x in feats] elif isinstance(feats, dict): batch_feats = {k: x[batch].to(device) for k, x in feats.items()} else: assert 0 batch_labels_feats = {k: x[batch].to(device) for k, x in label_feats.items()} if mask is not None: batch_mask = {k: x[batch].to(device) for k, x in mask.items()} else: batch_mask = None batch_y = labels_cuda[batch] optimizer.zero_grad() if scalar is not None: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): output_att = model(batch, batch_feats, batch_labels_feats, batch_mask) loss_train = loss_fcn(output_att, batch_y) scalar.scale(loss_train).backward() scalar.step(optimizer) scalar.update() else: output_att = model(batch, batch_feats, batch_labels_feats, batch_mask) L1 = loss_fcn(output_att, batch_y) loss_train = L1 loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() y_true.append(batch_y.cpu().to(torch.long)) if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): y_pred.append(( > 0.).int()) else: y_pred.append(output_att.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True).cpu()) total_loss += loss_train.item() iter_num += 1 loss = total_loss / iter_num acc = evaluator(, dim=0),, dim=0)) return loss, acc def train_2l(model, feats, label_feats, labels_cuda, loss_fcn, optimizer, train_loader, evaluator, tgt_type, scalar=None): model.train() device = labels_cuda.device total_loss = 0 iter_num = 0 y_true, y_pred = [], [] for batch in train_loader: batch = layer2_feats = {k: x[batch] for k, x in feats.items() if k[0] == tgt_type} batch_labels_feats = {k: x[batch] for k, x in label_feats.items()} involved_keys = {} for k, v in layer2_feats.items(): src = k[-1] if src not in involved_keys: involved_keys[src] = [] involved_keys[src].append(torch.unique( involved_keys = {k: torch.unique( for k, v in involved_keys.items()} for k, v in layer2_feats.items(): src = k[-1] old_nnz = v.nnz() layer2_feats[k] = v[:, involved_keys[src]] assert layer2_feats[k].nnz() == old_nnz layer1_feats = {k: v[involved_keys[k[0]]] for k, v in feats.items() if k[0] in involved_keys} batch1 = {k: for k,v in involved_keys.items()} layer1_feats = {k: for k,v in layer1_feats.items()} batch2 = layer2_feats = {k: for k,v in layer2_feats.items()} batch_labels_feats = {k: for k, x in batch_labels_feats.items()} batch_y = labels_cuda[batch] optimizer.zero_grad() if scalar is not None: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): output_att = model(layer1_feats, batch1, layer2_feats, batch2, batch_labels_feats) loss_train = loss_fcn(output_att, batch_y) scalar.scale(loss_train).backward() scalar.step(optimizer) scalar.update() else: output_att = model(layer1_feats, batch1, layer2_feats, batch2, batch_labels_feats) L1 = loss_fcn(output_att, batch_y) loss_train = L1 loss_train.backward() optimizer.step() y_true.append(batch_y.cpu().to(torch.long)) if isinstance(loss_fcn, nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss): y_pred.append(( > 0.).int()) else: y_pred.append(output_att.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True).cpu()) total_loss += loss_train.item() iter_num += 1 loss = total_loss / iter_num acc = evaluator(, dim=0),, dim=0)) return loss, acc def load_dataset(args): dl = data_loader(f'{args.root}/{args.dataset}') # use one-hot index vectors for nods with no attributes # === feats === features_list = [] for i in range(len(dl.nodes['count'])): th = dl.nodes['attr'][i] if th is None: features_list.append(torch.eye(dl.nodes['count'][i])) else: features_list.append(torch.FloatTensor(th)) idx_shift = np.zeros(len(dl.nodes['count'])+1, dtype=np.int32) for i in range(len(dl.nodes['count'])): idx_shift[i+1] = idx_shift[i] + dl.nodes['count'][i] # === labels === num_classes = dl.labels_train['num_classes'] init_labels = np.zeros((dl.nodes['count'][0], num_classes), dtype=int) val_ratio = 0.2 train_nid = np.nonzero(dl.labels_train['mask'])[0] np.random.shuffle(train_nid) split = int(train_nid.shape[0]*val_ratio) val_nid = train_nid[:split] train_nid = train_nid[split:] train_nid = np.sort(train_nid) val_nid = np.sort(val_nid) test_nid = np.nonzero(dl.labels_test['mask'])[0] test_nid_full = np.nonzero(dl.labels_test_full['mask'])[0] init_labels[train_nid] = dl.labels_train['data'][train_nid] init_labels[val_nid] = dl.labels_train['data'][val_nid] init_labels[test_nid] = dl.labels_test['data'][test_nid] if args.dataset != 'IMDB': init_labels = init_labels.argmax(axis=1) print(len(train_nid), len(val_nid), len(test_nid), len(test_nid_full)) init_labels = torch.LongTensor(init_labels) # === adjs === # print(dl.nodes['attr']) # for k, v in dl.nodes['attr'].items(): # if v is None: print('none') # else: print(v.shape) adjs = [] if args.dataset != 'Freebase' else {} for i, (k, v) in enumerate(dl.links['data'].items()): v = v.tocoo() src_type_idx = np.where(idx_shift > v.col[0])[0][0] - 1 dst_type_idx = np.where(idx_shift > v.row[0])[0][0] - 1 row = v.row - idx_shift[dst_type_idx] col = v.col - idx_shift[src_type_idx] sparse_sizes = (dl.nodes['count'][dst_type_idx], dl.nodes['count'][src_type_idx]) adj = SparseTensor(row=torch.LongTensor(row), col=torch.LongTensor(col), sparse_sizes=sparse_sizes) if args.dataset == 'Freebase': name = f'{dst_type_idx}{src_type_idx}' assert name not in adjs adjs[name] = adj else: adjs.append(adj) print(adj) if args.dataset == 'DBLP': # A* --- P --- T # | # V # author: [4057, 334] # paper : [14328, 4231] # term : [7723, 50] # venue(conference) : None A, P, T, V = features_list AP, PA, PT, PV, TP, VP = adjs new_edges = {} ntypes = set() etypes = [ # src->tgt ('P', 'P-A', 'A'), ('A', 'A-P', 'P'), ('T', 'T-P', 'P'), ('V', 'V-P', 'P'), ('P', 'P-T', 'T'), ('P', 'P-V', 'V'), ] for etype, adj in zip(etypes, adjs): stype, rtype, dtype = etype dst, src, _ = adj.coo() src = src.numpy() dst = dst.numpy() new_edges[(stype, rtype, dtype)] = (src, dst) ntypes.add(stype) ntypes.add(dtype) g = dgl.heterograph(new_edges) # for i, etype in enumerate(g.etypes): # src, dst, eid = g._graph.edges(i) # adj = SparseTensor(row=dst.long(), col=src.long()) # print(etype, adj) # g.ndata['feat']['A'] = A # not work g.nodes['A'].data['A'] = A g.nodes['P'].data['P'] = P g.nodes['T'].data['T'] = T g.nodes['V'].data['V'] = V elif args.dataset == 'IMDB': # A --- M* --- D # | # K # movie : [4932, 3489] # director : [2393, 3341] # actor : [6124, 3341] # keywords : None M, D, A, K = features_list MD, DM, MA, AM, MK, KM = adjs assert torch.all( == MD.t().storage.col()) assert torch.all( == MA.t().storage.col()) assert torch.all( == MK.t().storage.col()) assert torch.all( == 1) # each movie has single director new_edges = {} ntypes = set() etypes = [ # src->tgt ('D', 'D-M', 'M'), ('M', 'M-D', 'D'), ('A', 'A-M', 'M'), ('M', 'M-A', 'A'), ('K', 'K-M', 'M'), ('M', 'M-K', 'K'), ] for etype, adj in zip(etypes, adjs): stype, rtype, dtype = etype dst, src, _ = adj.coo() src = src.numpy() dst = dst.numpy() new_edges[(stype, rtype, dtype)] = (src, dst) ntypes.add(stype) ntypes.add(dtype) g = dgl.heterograph(new_edges) g.nodes['M'].data['M'] = M g.nodes['D'].data['D'] = D g.nodes['A'].data['A'] = A if args.num_hops > 2 or args.two_layer: g.nodes['K'].data['K'] = K elif args.dataset == 'ACM': # A --- P* --- C # | # K # paper : [3025, 1902] # author : [5959, 1902] # conference: [56, 1902] # field : None P, A, C, K = features_list PP, PP_r, PA, AP, PC, CP, PK, KP = adjs row, col = torch.where(P) assert torch.all(row == and torch.all(col == assert torch.all(AP.matmul(PK).to_dense() == A) assert torch.all(CP.matmul(PK).to_dense() == C) assert torch.all( == AP.t().storage.col()) assert torch.all( == CP.t().storage.col()) assert torch.all( == KP.t().storage.col()) row0, col0, _ = PP.coo() row1, col1, _ = PP_r.coo() PP = SparseTensor(, row1)),, col1)), sparse_sizes=PP.sparse_sizes()) PP = PP.coalesce() PP = PP.set_diag() adjs = [PP] + adjs[2:] new_edges = {} ntypes = set() etypes = [ # src->tgt ('P', 'P-P', 'P'), ('A', 'A-P', 'P'), ('P', 'P-A', 'A'), ('C', 'C-P', 'P'), ('P', 'P-C', 'C'), ] if args.ACM_keep_F: etypes += [ ('K', 'K-P', 'P'), ('P', 'P-K', 'K'), ] for etype, adj in zip(etypes, adjs): stype, rtype, dtype = etype dst, src, _ = adj.coo() src = src.numpy() dst = dst.numpy() new_edges[(stype, rtype, dtype)] = (src, dst) ntypes.add(stype) ntypes.add(dtype) g = dgl.heterograph(new_edges) g.nodes['P'].data['P'] = P # [3025, 1902] g.nodes['A'].data['A'] = A # [5959, 1902] g.nodes['C'].data['C'] = C # [56, 1902] if args.ACM_keep_F: g.nodes['K'].data['K'] = K # [1902, 1902] elif args.dataset == 'Freebase': # 0*: 40402 2/4/7 <-- 0 <-- 0/1/3/5/6 # 1: 19427 all <-- 1 # 2: 82351 4/6/7 <-- 2 <-- 0/1/2/3/5 # 3: 1025 0/2/4/6/7 <-- 3 <-- 1/3/5 # 4: 17641 4 <-- all # 5: 9368 0/2/3/4/6/7 <-- 5 <-- 1/5 # 6: 2731 0/4 <-- 6 <-- 1/2/3/5/6/7 # 7: 7153 4/6 <-- 7 <-- 0/1/2/3/5/7 for i in range(8): kk = str(i) print(f'==={kk}===') for k, v in adjs.items(): t, s = k assert s == t or f'{s}{t}' not in adjs if s == kk or t == kk: if s == t: print(k, v.sizes(), v.nnz(), f'symmetric {v.is_symmetric()}; selfloop-ratio: {v.get_diag().sum()}/{v.size(0)}') else: print(k, v.sizes(), v.nnz()) adjs['00'] = adjs['00'].to_symmetric() g = None else: assert 0 if args.dataset == 'DBLP': adjs = {'AP': AP, 'PA': PA, 'PT': PT, 'PV': PV, 'TP': TP, 'VP': VP} elif args.dataset == 'ACM': adjs = {'PP': PP, 'PA': PA, 'AP': AP, 'PC': PC, 'CP': CP} elif args.dataset == 'IMDB': adjs = {'MD': MD, 'DM': DM, 'MA': MA, 'AM': AM, 'MK': MK, 'KM': KM} elif args.dataset == 'Freebase': new_adjs = {} for rtype, adj in adjs.items(): dtype, stype = rtype if dtype != stype: new_name = f'{stype}{dtype}' assert new_name not in adjs new_adjs[new_name] = adj.t() adjs.update(new_adjs) else: assert 0 return g, adjs, init_labels, num_classes, dl, train_nid, val_nid, test_nid, test_nid_full class EarlyStopping: def __init__(self, patience, verbose=False, delta=0, save_path=''): self.patience = patience self.verbose = verbose self.counter = 0 self.best_score = None self.early_stop = False self.val_loss_min = np.Inf = delta self.save_path = save_path def __call__(self, val_loss, model): score = -val_loss if self.best_score is None: self.best_score = score self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model) elif score < self.best_score - self.counter += 1 print(f'EarlyStopping counter: {self.counter} out of {self.patience}') if self.counter >= self.patience: self.early_stop = True else: self.best_score = score self.save_checkpoint(val_loss, model) self.counter = 0 def save_checkpoint(self, val_loss, model): if self.verbose: print(f'Validation loss decreased ({self.val_loss_min:.6f} --> {val_loss:.6f}). Saving model ...'), self.save_path) self.val_loss_min = val_loss