import numpy as np import scipy.sparse import networkx as nx def get_metapath_adjacency_matrix(adjM, type_mask, metapath): """ :param M: the raw adjacency matrix :param type_mask: an array of types of all node :param metapath :return: a list of metapath-based adjacency matrices """ out_adjM = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(adjM[np.ix_(type_mask == metapath[0], type_mask == metapath[1])]) for i in range(1, len(metapath) - 1): out_adjM =[np.ix_(type_mask == metapath[i], type_mask == metapath[i + 1])])) return out_adjM.toarray() # networkx.has_path may search too def get_metapath_neighbor_pairs(M, type_mask, expected_metapaths): """ :param M: the raw adjacency matrix :param type_mask: an array of types of all node :param expected_metapaths: a list of expected metapaths :return: a list of python dictionaries, consisting of metapath-based neighbor pairs and intermediate paths """ outs = [] for metapath in expected_metapaths: # consider only the edges relevant to the expected metapath mask = np.zeros(M.shape, dtype=bool) for i in range((len(metapath) - 1) // 2): temp = np.zeros(M.shape, dtype=bool) temp[np.ix_(type_mask == metapath[i], type_mask == metapath[i + 1])] = True temp[np.ix_(type_mask == metapath[i + 1], type_mask == metapath[i])] = True mask = np.logical_or(mask, temp) partial_g_nx = nx.from_numpy_matrix((M * mask).astype(int)) # only need to consider the former half of the metapath # e.g., we only need to consider 0-1-2 for the metapath 0-1-2-1-0 metapath_to_target = {} for source in (type_mask == metapath[0]).nonzero()[0]: for target in (type_mask == metapath[(len(metapath) - 1) // 2]).nonzero()[0]: # check if there is a possible valid path from source to target node has_path = False single_source_paths = nx.single_source_shortest_path( partial_g_nx, source, cutoff=(len(metapath) + 1) // 2 - 1) if target in single_source_paths: has_path = True #if nx.has_path(partial_g_nx, source, target): if has_path: shortests = [p for p in nx.all_shortest_paths(partial_g_nx, source, target) if len(p) == (len(metapath) + 1) // 2] if len(shortests) > 0: metapath_to_target[target] = metapath_to_target.get(target, []) + shortests metapath_neighbor_paris = {} for key, value in metapath_to_target.items(): for p1 in value: for p2 in value: metapath_neighbor_paris[(p1[0], p2[0])] = metapath_neighbor_paris.get((p1[0], p2[0]), []) + [ p1 + p2[-2::-1]] outs.append(metapath_neighbor_paris) return outs def get_networkx_graph(neighbor_pairs, type_mask, ctr_ntype): indices = np.where(type_mask == ctr_ntype)[0] idx_mapping = {} for i, idx in enumerate(indices): idx_mapping[idx] = i G_list = [] for metapaths in neighbor_pairs: edge_count = 0 sorted_metapaths = sorted(metapaths.items()) G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_nodes_from(range(len(indices))) for (src, dst), paths in sorted_metapaths: for _ in range(len(paths)): G.add_edge(idx_mapping[src], idx_mapping[dst]) edge_count += 1 G_list.append(G) return G_list def get_edge_metapath_idx_array(neighbor_pairs): all_edge_metapath_idx_array = [] for metapath_neighbor_pairs in neighbor_pairs: sorted_metapath_neighbor_pairs = sorted(metapath_neighbor_pairs.items()) edge_metapath_idx_array = [] for _, paths in sorted_metapath_neighbor_pairs: edge_metapath_idx_array.extend(paths) edge_metapath_idx_array = np.array(edge_metapath_idx_array, dtype=int) all_edge_metapath_idx_array.append(edge_metapath_idx_array) print(edge_metapath_idx_array.shape) return all_edge_metapath_idx_array