

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, welcome to my place! Thank you for coming here to this page. This is where I display some of my works to bootstrap your evaluation process.

My name is Hoang Hai. My dream is to become a professional Software Engineer! If you believe I can make some contributions to the prosperity of your business. Please connect me so we can have some coffee and tech talk!

๐ŸŒฑ Currently my main languages are Java/SpringBoot, Reacts, VueJS. Also, I am fond of Cloud computing and Computer Science.

Iโ€™m looking to collaborate on Web/apps project (building or maintainance phrase)

Demo Projects in this Repo

  1. To-do app - Written by ReactJS and vanilla JS
  2. Todo app โ€“ Written by React
  3. Money convertor Website - Springboot + Thymeleaf
  4. Card folding game - JS vanilla, HTML, CSS.
  5. BattleShip game - Java
  6. TicTacToe game - Java
  7. CRM management web - Springboot + Thymeleaf
  8. Shopping clothes - Springboot + VueJS
  9. BMI site - HTML, CSS, JS
