HoangHai-portliofio-projects / Projects / 8.Shop.vue+springboot / README.md

Shopping Webstie


  • Back-end: Springboot
  • Front-end: VueJS

Written by: Le The Hoang Hai

Check my github

click here to experience

Describe the web main functions:

  1. Customer can click item and add to cart.
  2. The customers' choice will be remembered in session.
  3. After click checkout Cart, customer will see the Order details.
  4. Order payment will be calculated based on discount code and amount of products in cart.
  5. After click confirm payment, customer will fill a form of personal detail information. Session also be destroyed here.
  6. After click send form which provide email address. There will be an email automatically send to customer about personal infor and order detail. Also there will be a link to confirm in the email.

Web main views

Home page

version 1:

version 2 (updated):

Order page

version 1 version 2 Form page

Email confirm