import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class Ship { String name; ArrayList shipLocation = new ArrayList<>(); public void createRandomLocation() { String randomDirection; int x, y; int ran1 = (int) (Math.random()* ( (1-0+1 ) + 0)); randomDirection = (ran1 == 0 ? "ngang" : "doc"); if (randomDirection.equals("doc")) { x = (int) (Math.random()*((4-0 +1)+0)); y = (int) (Math.random()*(((6-0) + 1) + 0)); int[] firstCell = new int[2]; int[] secondCell = new int [2]; int[] thirdCell = new int [2]; //address HODLDER VALUE of each Cells of Ship's address firstCell[0] = x; firstCell[1] = y; secondCell[0] = x+1; secondCell[1] = y; thirdCell[0] = x+2; thirdCell[1] = y; this.shipLocation.add(firstCell); this.shipLocation.add(secondCell); this.shipLocation.add(thirdCell); } else { y = (int) (Math.random()* ((4-0 +1)+0) ); x = (int) (Math.random()* ((6-0 +1)+0) ); int[] firstCell = new int[2]; int[] secondCell = new int [2]; int[] thirdCell = new int [2]; //address HODLDER VALUE of each Cells of Ship's address firstCell[0] = x; firstCell[1] = y; secondCell[0] = x; secondCell[1] = y+1; thirdCell[0] = x; thirdCell[1] = y+2; this.shipLocation.add(firstCell); this.shipLocation.add(secondCell); this.shipLocation.add(thirdCell); } } public Ship () { createRandomLocation(); // System.out.println("A new ship is created"); // for (int [] arr : this.shipLocation) { // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); // } } }