HoangHai-portliofio-projects / Projects / 4.Battleship_java

BattleShip game

Language: Java

Author: written by Le The Hoang Hai

Check out: my github

How you can start

  • Clone this Repository
  • Go to GameBattleShip which has the main method >> run GameBattleship

Game flow:

  1. Create three ships location randomly. Each ship is three-cell length
  2. If the ship crashed when creating, recreate.
  3. Player guess a cell each round -> return 'hit' or 'miss'
  4. Game end after all three ships'cells are hit. Return number of guesses to win.

Demo view

Game starts

WELCOME TO THE BATTLESHIPS WAR. You have to Destroy 3 ships to win 
   |0||1||2||3||4||5||6| Y

While playing

Next ROUND... READY?! 
This is your 7's shoot... GO
Log in Location XY to FIRE: 
   |0||1||2||3||4||5||6| Y
You have shoot 7 times
 Great! you've Terminated NAPOLEONSHIP

And conquere

   |0||1||2||3||4||5||6| Y
You have shoot 30 times
 Great! you've Terminated ANGELASHIP
 Great! you've Terminated HITLERSHIP
 Great! you've Terminated NAPOLEONSHIP

Next ROUND... READY?! 
YOU DESTROYED ALL SHIPS! CONGRAT you win after 30 attempts

If you want to cheat

uncomment this code and all the location of the ship will be printed out before the game start

    public Ship () {
//        System.out.println("A new ship is created");
//        for (int [] arr : this.shipLocation) {
//            System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr));

like this:

A new ship is created
[2, 2]
[2, 3]
[2, 4]
A new ship is created
[5, 1]
[5, 2]
[5, 3]
Angela is created
Hitler is created

There maybe more than 3 ships but take the last three result. The ships crashed are eliminated