HoangHai-portliofio-projects / Projects / 5.Tictactoe_java

TicTacToe game

Language: Java

Written by Le The Hoang Hai

Check out: my github

How you can start

  • Clone this Repository
  • Go to TicTacToeApplication which has the main method >> run

Game flow:

  1. Player pick cell by 1-9
  2. The computer plays by picking randomly among left-over cells
  3. Check if there is winner or board is full -> game ends.

Demo view

Game starts

Welcome to TicTacToe
Enter your Marker: 
Enter Ai marker: 
| 1| 2| 3
| 4| 5| 6
| 7| 8| 9


End game

You picked 4
We have a winner! The winner is O's

Want another game??  Y or N