2d-sfml-game-engine / HW5 / Part 1 / Client / Client.hpp
#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <zmq.hpp>

#include "Player.hpp"
#include "Timeline.hpp"
#include "GameObject.hpp"
#include "EventManager.hpp"

 * @brief Client class responsible for handling client calls and server information
class Client {
         * @brief Construct a new Client object and set up replier and publisher sockets
        Client(PlayerClient* thisClient, std::vector<PlayerClient>* clients);

         * @brief Function to be run by the requester socket
        void requesterFunction(PlayerClient* playerClient);

         * @brief Function to be run by the subscriber socket
         * @param objects objects to publish
        void subscriberFunction(std::vector<GameObject*>* objects, EventManager* manager);

        zmq::context_t context; // ZMQ socket context
        zmq::socket_t requester; // Requester socket
        zmq::socket_t subscriber; // Subscriber socket
        std::vector<PlayerClient>* clients; // Clients currently in the server
        PlayerClient* thisClient; // Reference to current client