#pragma once #include #include class EventManager; #include "Collider.hpp" /** * @brief What input keys are being currently pressed */ struct KeysPressed; // Global List containing all collionable objects extern std::vector collisionObjects; /** * @brief Class for a controlled player character */ class Player : public sf::Sprite, public Collider { public: /** * @brief Construct a new Player object. * * @param texturePath path to the texture */ Player(float windowWidth, float windowHeight, const std::string& texturePath); /** * @brief Construct a new Player object * * @param texturePath path to the texture file * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param speed speed of the moving platform * @param gravity gravity to be applied once in the air * @param jumpSpeed power of a jump */ Player(float windowWidth, float windowHeight, const std::string& texturePath, float x, float y, float speed, float gravity, float jumpSpeed); /** * @brief Construct a new Player object * * @param texturePath path to the texture file * @param x x position * @param y y position * @param speed speed of the moving platform * @param gravity gravity to be applied once in the air * @param jumpSpeed power of a jump * @param scaleX amount to scale the sprite by horizontally * @param scaleY amount to scale the sprite by vertically */ Player(float windowWidth, float windowHeight, const std::string& texturePath, float x, float y, float speed, float gravity, float jumpSpeed, float scaleX, float scaleY); /** * @brief Get the Global Bounds object * * @return sf::FloatRect global bounds of the object. */ sf::FloatRect getGlobalBounds() const override; /** * @brief Override of the move function. * * @param xOffset amount to move in the x direction. * @param yOffset amount to move in the y direction. */ void move(float xOffset, float yOffset) override; /** * @brief Override of the move function. * * @param offset amount to move given a float 2D vector. */ void move(sf::Vector2f offset) override; /** * @brief Override of the getPosition function. * * @return sf::Vector2f position of the object */ sf::Vector2f getPosition() override; /** * @brief Get the Movement of an object * * @return sf::Vector2f total movement of the object in that frame */ sf::Vector2f getMovement() override; /** * @brief Update each frame, transforming the object based on time and keyboard input. * * @param time time elapsed since the last frame * @param keysPressed input keys currently pressed */ void update(float time, KeysPressed keysPressed, EventManager* manager); /** * @brief Update each frame, transforming the object based on time and keyboard input. * * @param time time elapsed since the last frame * @param keysPressed input keys currently pressed * @param speedMultiplier is the player sprinting */ void update(float time, KeysPressed keysPressed, EventManager* manager, bool isSprinting); /** * @brief An override of the Collision function that adds logic of whether the player is on a platform. * * @return whether there was a collision */ bool checkCollision(EventManager* manager); /** * @brief Checks if the object collides with another object. This will not resolve the collision * * @param sf::FloatRect bounds to check for collision * @return bool of whether the collide object collides with the object. */ bool checkCollision(sf::FloatRect objectToCheck); /** * @brief Checks if the object collides with a list of objects. This will not resolve the collision * * @param std::vector collideable objects to check for collision * @return bool of whether the collide object collides with the object. */ bool checkCollision(std::vector objectsToCheck); private: float _speed; // Speed of the player float _gravity; // Amount that gravity affects the player float _jumpSpeed; // Power of the jump of the player float jumpVelocity; // Current jump velocity float _windowWidth; // Width of the game window float _windowHeight; // Height of the game window bool isJumping; // Is the character currently jumping? bool onPlatform; // Is the player on a platform? Collider* collidingPlatform; // Pointer to the collider of the platform the player is on sf::Vector2f totalMovement; // Total movement of the player sf::Texture texture; // Texture of the platform };