CG-Assets-AudioManager / ReadMe.txt
Audio Manager Readme

Asset Developed By:
- Jonathan Carter

Asset Published By Carter Games

For this asset to work properly you will need to import all of the following items:

Editor/Carter Games/Audio Manager/
- AudioManagerEditor.cs
- UIAudioPlayerEditor.cs
- MusicPlayerEditor.cs

Prefabs/Carter Games/Audio Manager/
- AudioPrefab.prefab

Scripts/Carter Games/Audio Manager/
- AudioManager.cs
- AudioManagerFile.cs
- UIAudioPlayer.cs
- MusicPlayer.cs

What does the rest do?

Gizmos/Carter Games/Audio Manager/
- AudioManagerFile Icon.png is a visual change that makes Audio Manager Files have a custom icon, purely cosmetic.

Resources/Carter Games/Audio Manager/
- Play.png
- Stop.png
- AMIcon.png

All cosmetic, if not present, alternative values are used instead.