CSC110 / lectures / week04 /
"""CSC110 Fall 2022 Prep 4: Programming Exercises

Instructions (READ THIS FIRST!)

This Python module contains several function headers and descriptions.
Your task is to complete this module by doing the following for EACH function below:

1. Implement the function so that it does what its description claims.

You do *not* need to add new doctests or preconditions (and in fact
you should *not* add any preconditions!).

We have marked each place you need to write code with the word "TODO".
As you complete your work in this file, delete each TODO comment---this is a
good habit to get into early!

Copyright and Usage Information

This file is provided solely for the personal and private use of students
taking CSC110 at the University of Toronto St. George campus. All forms of
distribution of this code, whether as given or with any changes, are
expressly prohibited. For more information on copyright for CSC110 materials,
please consult our Course Syllabus.

This file is Copyright (c) 2022 David Liu, Mario Badr, and Tom Fairgrieve.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from python_ta.contracts import check_contracts

class Person:
    """A person with some basic demographic information.
    given_name: str
    family_name: str
    age: int
    address: str

def greet_person(person: Person) -> str:
    """Return a greeting message for the given person.

    The message should have the form 'Hello, <given_name> <family_name>!'

    >>> david = Person('David', 'Liu', 110, '110 St. George Street')
    >>> greet_person(david)
    'Hello, David Liu!'
    return 'Hello, ' + person.given_name + ' ' + person.family_name + '!'

def older_name(p1: Person, p2: Person) -> str:
    """Return the first name of the person who is older among p1 and p2.

    If p1 and p2 have the same age, return the name of p1.

    >>> david = Person('David', 'Liu', 110, '110 St. George Street')
    >>> mario = Person('Mario', 'Badr', 111, '111 St. George Street')
    >>> older_name(david, mario)
    if p1.age > p2.age:
        return p1.given_name
    elif p2.age > p1.age:
        return p2.given_name
        return p1.given_name

def total_age(people: list[Person]) -> int:
    """Return the total age of the people in people.

    >>> david = Person('David', 'Liu', 110, '110 St. George Street')
    >>> tom = Person('Tom', 'Fairgrieve', 111, '111 St. George Street')
    >>> example_people = [david, tom]
    >>> total_age(example_people)
    return sum(x.age for x in people)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

    import python_ta
        'max-line-length': 120