from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any class _Vertex: item: Any neighbours: set[_Vertex] def __init__(self, item: Any, neighbours: set[_Vertex]): self.item = item self.neighbours = neighbours # RE def check_conncected(self, target_item: Any, visited: set[_Vertex]) -> bool: if self.item == target_item: return True else: visited.add(self) for u in self.neighbours: if u not in visited: if u.check_conncected(target_item, visited): return True return False # RE def get_spanning_tree(self, visited: set[_Vertex]) -> list[set]: edges_so_far = [] visited.add(self) for u in self.neighbours: if u not in visited: edges_so_far.append({self.item, u.item}) edges_so_far.extend(u.get_spanning_tree(visited)) return edges_so_far class Graph: _vertices: dict[Any, _Vertex] def __init__(self) -> None: self._vertices = {} def add_vertex(self, item: Any) -> None: vertex = _Vertex(item, set()) self._vertices[item] = vertex def add_edge(self, item1: Any, item2: Any) -> None: if item1 in self._vertices and item2 in self._vertices: vertex1 = self._vertices[item1] vertex2 = self._vertices[item2] vertex1.neighbours.add(vertex2) vertex2.neighbours.add(vertex1) else: raise ValueError def adjacent(self, item1: Any, item2: Any) -> bool: if item1 in self._vertices and item2 in self._vertices: vertex1 = self._vertices[item1] return any(v2.item == item2 for v2 in vertex1.neighbours) else: return False def get_neighbours(self, item: Any) -> set: if item in self._vertices: return {u.item for u in self._vertices[item].neighbours} else: raise ValueError # RE def num_edges(self) -> int: so_far = 0 for u in self._vertices: so_far += len(self._vertices[u].neighbours) return so_far // 2 def connected(self, item1: Any, item2: Any) -> bool: vertex1 = self._vertices[item1] if vertex1.check_conncected(item2, set()): return True return False def spanning_tree(self) -> list[set]: values = list(self._vertices.values()) return values[0].get_spanning_tree(set()) # RE def complete_graph(n: int) -> Graph: g = Graph() for i in range(n): g.add_vertex(i) for j in range(0, i): g.add_edge(j, i) return g def selection_sort_simple(lst: list) -> list: sorted_lst = [] copy = lst.copy() while copy != []: min_lst = min(copy) copy.remove(min_lst) sorted_lst.append(min_lst) return sorted_lst def selection_sort(lst: list) -> None: for i in range(len(lst)): min_index = _helper(lst, i) lst[i], lst[min_index] = lst[min_index], lst[i] def _helper(lst, i) -> int: min_index = i for j in range(i + 1, len(lst)): if lst[i] > lst[j]: min_index = j return min_index def insertion_sort(lst: list) -> None: for i in range(len(lst)): _insert(lst, i) # RE def _insert(lst, i) -> None: for j in range(i, 0, -1): # RETURN EARLY TO REDUCE RUN TIME if lst[j] <= lst[j - 1]: return else: lst[j], lst[j - 1] = lst[j - 1], lst[j] def sort_by_len(lst: list[str]) -> None: insertion_sort_by_len(lst) def insertion_sort_by_len(lst: list[str], i) -> None: for j in range(i, 0, -1): if len(lst[j]) >= len(lst[j-1]): return else: ... # switch... from typing import Callable, Optional def insertion_sort_by_key(lst: list, key: Optional[Callable] = None) \ -> None: for i in range(0, len(lst)): _insert_by_key(lst, i, key) def _insert_by_key(lst, i, key) -> None: for j in range(i, 0, -1): if key is None: ... else: if key(lst[j]) >= key(lst[j - 1]): ... def count(s: str) -> int: return s.count('a') # lambda s: s.count('a') def mergesort(lst: list) -> list: if len(lst) < 2: return lst.copy() else: midpoint = len(lst) // 2 left = mergesort(lst[:midpoint]) right = mergesort(lst[midpoint:]) return _merge(left, right) # RE def _merge(lst1, lst2) -> list: i1 = 0 i2 = 0 sorted_lst = [] while i1 < len(lst1) and i2 < len(lst2): assert sorted_lst == sorted(lst1[:i1] + lst2[:i2]) if i1 <= i2: sorted_lst.append(lst1[i1]) i1 += 1 else: sorted_lst.append(lst2[i2]) i1 += 1 assert len(lst1) == i1 or len(lst2) == i2 if len(lst1) == i1: return sorted_lst + lst2[i2:] else: return sorted_lst + lst1[i1:] # RE def quicksort(lst) -> list: if len(lst) < 2: return lst.copy() else: pivot = lst[0] rest = lst[1:] small, big = _partition(rest, pivot) small_lst = quicksort(small) big_lst = quicksort(big) return small_lst + [pivot] + big_lst # RE def _partition(lst, pivot) -> tuple[list, list]: small = [] big = [] for item in lst: # NOT LENGTH if item <= pivot: small.append(item) else: big.append(item) return (small, big) # RE THIS IS EARLY VERSION OF INDEX VERSION def _in_place_partition_draft(lst: list) -> None: pivot = lst[0] small = 1 big = len(lst) while small < big: # Use big only to swap if lst[small] <= pivot: small += 1 else: # Minus 1 lst[small], lst[big - 1] = lst[big - 1], lst[small] big -= 1 lst[0], lst[small - 1] = lst[0], lst[small - 1] # CALLS _in_place_partition def in_place_quicksort(lst: list) -> None: _in_place_partition(lst, 0, len(lst)) # RE CALLS _in_place_partition_indexed based on pivot def _in_place_partition(lst, b, e) -> None: if e - b < 2: pass else: pivot_index = _in_place_partition_indexed(lst, b, e) _in_place_partition_indexed(lst, b, pivot_index) _in_place_partition_indexed(lst, pivot_index + 1, e) # RE def _in_place_partition_indexed(lst, b, e) -> int: pivot = lst[b] small = b + 1 big = e while small < big: if lst[small] <= pivot: small += 1 else: lst[small], lst[big - 1] = lst[big - 1], lst[small] big -= 1 lst[b], lst[small - 1] = lst[b], lst[small - 1] return small - 1 class BinOp(Expr): left: Expr op: str right: Expr def __init__(self, left: Expr, op: str, right: Expr) -> None: self.left = left self.op = op self.right = right def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: l_value = self.left.evaluate(env) r_value = self.right.evaluate(env) if self.op == '+': return l_value + r_value else: raise ValueError(f"{self.op} DNE") # RE RAISE VALUE ERROR class Compare(Expr): left: Expr comparisons: list[tuple[str, Expr]] def __init__(self, left: Expr, comparisons: list[tuple[str, Expr]]) -> None: self.left = left self.comparisons = comparisons def evaluate(self) -> Any: left = self.left.evaluate() for ex in self.comparisons: right = ex[1].evaluate() if ex[0] == '<': if not left < right: return False # ... else: raise ValueError left = right return False # RE class Name(Expr): id: str def __init__(self, id) -> None: = id def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> Any: return env[] # RE class Assign(Statement): target: str value: Expr def __init__(self, target: str, value: Expr) -> None: = target self.value = value def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # MAKE SURE TO USE ENV WHEN EVALUATE env[] = self.value.evaluate(env) # RE class Module: body: list[Statement] def __init__(self, body: list[Statement]) -> None: self.body = body def evaluate(self) -> None: env = {} # MAKE EMPTY ENV for statement in self.body: statement.evaluate(env) # RE EVALUATE THEN PRINT class Print(Statement): argument: str def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> None: print(self.argument.evaluate(env)) # RE class If(Statement): test: Expr body: list[Statement] orelse: list[Statement] def __init__(self, test: Expr, body: list[Statement], orelse: list[Statement]) -> None: ... def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> None: if self.test.evaluate(env): for statement in self.body: statement.evaluate(env) else: for statement in self.orelse: statement.evaluate(env) # RE class ForRange(Statement): target: str start: Expr stop: Expr body: list[Statement] def __init__(self, target: str, start: Expr, stop: Expr, body: list[Statement]) -> None: = target self.start = start self.stop = stop self.body = body def evaluate(self, env: dict[str, Any]) -> None: for i in range(self.start.evaluate(env), self.stop.evaluate(env)): # Assign first env[] = i Assign(, Num(i)) # Then run the statement for statement in self.body: statement.evaluate(env)