import { Box, Flex, Stack, Heading, Text, Container, Input, Button, SimpleGrid, Avatar, AvatarGroup, useBreakpointValue, IconProps, Icon, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import ai1 from "./images/ai1.jpeg"; import ai2 from "./images/ai2.png"; import ai3 from "./images/ai3.jpeg"; import ai4 from "./images/ai4.jpg"; import ai5 from "./images/ai5.jpeg"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; const avatars = [ { name: "Ryan Florence", url: ai1, }, { name: "Segun Adebayo", url: ai2, }, { name: "Kent Dodds", url: ai3, }, { name: "Prosper Otemuyiwa", url: ai4, }, { name: "Christian Nwamba", url: ai5, }, ]; export default function Preface() { return ( <motion.Box position={"relative"} initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, transition: { duration: 0.1 } }}> <Container as={SimpleGrid} maxW={"6xl"} columns={{ base: 1, md: 2 }} spacing={{ base: 10, lg: 32 }} py={{ base: 2, sm: 20, lg: 20 }}> <Stack spacing={{ base: 10, md: 10 }}> <Heading lineHeight={1.1} fontSize={{ base: "3xl", sm: "4xl", md: "5xl", lg: "6xl" }}> Create stunning{" "} <Text as={"span"} bgGradient="linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)" bgClip="text"> artworks </Text>{" "} with our user-friendly platform </Heading> <Stack direction={"row"} spacing={4} align={"center"}> <AvatarGroup> { => ( <Avatar key={} name={} src={avatar.url} size={{ base: "lg", md: "lg" }} position={"relative"} zIndex={1} _before={{ content: '""', width: "full", height: "full", // transform: "scale(1.125)", //bgGradient: "linear(to-bl, red.400,pink.400)", position: "absolute", zIndex: 1, top: 0, left: 0, }} /> ))} </AvatarGroup> </Stack> </Stack> <Stack bg={"gray.900"} rounded={"xl"} p={{ base: 4, sm: 6, md: 8 }} spacing={{ base: 8 }} maxW={{ lg: "lg" }}> <Stack spacing={4}> <Heading color={"gray.300"} lineHeight={1.1} fontSize={{ base: "2xl", sm: "3xl", md: "4xl" }}> Let the world become your canvas <Text as={"span"} bgGradient="linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)" bgClip="text"> ! </Text> </Heading> <Text color={"gray.500"} fontSize={{ base: "sm", sm: "md" }}> Unleash your creativity and bring your vision to life. Transform your ideas into beautiful, one-of-a-kind artworks with our comprehensive art creation tools </Text> </Stack> <Box as={"form"} mt={10}> <Link to="/createartwork/step1"> <Button fontFamily={"heading"} mt={8} w={"full"} bgGradient="linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)" color={"white"} _hover={{ bgGradient: "linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)", boxShadow: "xl", }}> Create an Artwork </Button> </Link> </Box> </Stack> </Container> <Blur position={"absolute"} top={20} left={-10} style={{ filter: "blur(70px)" }} /> </motion.Box> ); } export const Blur = (props) => { return ( <Icon width={useBreakpointValue({ base: "100%", md: "40vw", lg: "30vw" })} zIndex={useBreakpointValue({ base: -1, md: -1, lg: 0 })} height="560px" viewBox="0 0 528 560" fill="none" xmlns="" {...props}> <circle cx="71" cy="61" r="111" fill="#F56565" /> <circle cx="244" cy="106" r="139" fill="#ED64A6" /> <circle cy="291" r="139" fill="#ED64A6" /> <circle cx="80.5" cy="189.5" r="101.5" fill="#ED8936" /> <circle cx="196.5" cy="317.5" r="101.5" fill="#ECC94B" /> <circle cx="70.5" cy="458.5" r="101.5" fill="#48BB78" /> <circle cx="426.5" cy="-0.5" r="101.5" fill="#4299E1" /> </Icon> ); };