import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { CloudinaryContext } from "cloudinary-react"; import { Image } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { Stack } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import axios from "axios"; import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; import { motion } from "framer-motion"; import { Button, Heading, Text } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { Box, FormControl, FormLabel, Input, FormHelperText, useColorModeValue, Center, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; const Step2 = () => { const { uploadedUrl } = useLocation().state; const [imageSelected, setImageSelected] = React.useState(""); const [formData, setFormData] = useState({}); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({}); const [michelangelo, setMichelangelo] = React.useState( "" ); const [leonardo, setLeonardo] = React.useState( "" ); const [monet, setMonet] = React.useState( "" ); const [vangogh, setVangogh] = React.useState( "" ); return ( <motion.Flex minH={"100vh"} align={"center"} justify={"center"} bg={useColorModeValue("gray.50", "gray.800")} initial={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} exit={{ opacity: 0, transition: { duration: 0.1 } }}> <Stack spacing={8} mx={"auto"} maxW={"lg"} py={12} px={2}> <Stack align={"center"}> <Heading fontSize={"4xl"}>Select a style to apply.</Heading> <Text fontSize={"lg"} color={"gray.600"}> Upload your image <Link color={"blue.400"}> to get started</Link> ✌️ </Text> </Stack> <Box rounded={"lg"} bg={useColorModeValue("white", "gray.700")} boxShadow={"lg"} px={8} py={5}> <Stack spacing={4}> <Center> <Text color={"gray.500"} fontSize={{ base: "sm", sm: "md" }}> ⓘ You can upload image of any resolution and size. </Text> </Center> <Stack direction="row"> <Link to="/createartwork/step3" state={{ styleLink: michelangelo, uploadedUrl }}> <Image boxSize="150px" objectFit="cover" src={michelangelo} alt="Dan Abramov" /> </Link> <Link to="/createartwork/step3" state={{ styleLink: leonardo, uploadedUrl }}> <Image boxSize="150px" objectFit="cover" src={leonardo} alt="Dan Abramov" /> </Link> <Link to="/createartwork/step3" state={{ styleLink: monet, uploadedUrl }}> <Image boxSize="150px" objectFit="cover" src={monet} alt="Dan Abramov" /> </Link> <Link to="/createartwork/step3" state={{ styleLink: vangogh, uploadedUrl }}> <Image boxSize="150px" objectFit="cover" src={vangogh} alt="Dan Abramov" text="hello" /> </Link> </Stack> <Box as={"form"} mt={10}> <Link to="/createartwork/step1"> <Button fontFamily={"heading"} mt={8} w={"full"} bgGradient="linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)" color={"white"} _hover={{ bgGradient: "linear(to-r, red.400,pink.400)", boxShadow: "xl", }}> Back </Button> </Link> </Box> </Stack> </Box> </Stack> </motion.Flex> ); }; export default Step2;