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--> <script> let big_data = [ { Cycle: 0, PC: 0, DecodedPCs: [0, 1, 2, 3], Exception: false, ExceptionPC: 0, "ActiveList": [ { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 1, "OldDestination": 1, "PC": 0 }, { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 1, "OldDestination": 32, "PC": 1 }, { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 3, "OldDestination": 3, "PC": 2 }, { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 4, "OldDestination": 4, "PC": 3 } ], SelectPrompt: "" }, { Cycle: 1, PC: 4, DecodedPCs: [0, 1, 2, 3], Exception: true, ExceptionPC: 0, "ActiveList": [ { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 1, "OldDestination": 1, "PC": 0 }, { "Done": false, "Exception": false, "LogicalDestination": 4, "OldDestination": 4, "PC": 3 } ] } ]; let i = 0; Vue.createApp({ data() { return { SelectPrompt: "", CurrentCycle: 0, maximumCycle: 0, SimulationData: big_data[i] }; }, methods: { select(n) { console.log(`${n} is selected.`); this.SelectPrompt = `Cycle ${n}`; this.CurrentCycle = n; this.SimulationData = big_data[n]; }, newFileSelected(event) { let file = event.target.files; if (file.length == 0) { console.log("No file is selected."); this.SimulationData = {}; } else { // We have the data we want! let reader = new FileReader() reader.readAsText(file[0]) reader.onloadend = () => { big_data = JSON.parse(reader.result); this.maximumCycle = big_data.length; this.select(0); }; } }, nextCycle(){ if (this.CurrentCycle < this.maximumCycle - 1) { this.select(this.CurrentCycle + 1) } }, previousCycle() { if (this.CurrentCycle > 0) { this.select(this.CurrentCycle - 1) } } }, mounted() { document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { if (event.code == "ArrowLeft") { this.previousCycle() } else if (event.code == "ArrowRight") { this.nextCycle() } }); } }).mount("#app"); </script> </body> </html>