#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifndef __HASHTABLE_H
#define __HASHTABLE_H
//Murmurhash3 32 bit implementation
uint32_t MurmurHash3_32(void *key,int len,uint32_t seed);
static inline uint32_t getblock(uint8_t *p,int i);
static inline uint32_t rotl(uint32_t x,uint8_t r);
static inline uint32_t fmix(uint32_t h);
//A node in the queue of entries
struct hash_entry
void *key;
size_t key_len;
void *value;
size_t value_len;
struct hash_entry *next,*prev;
//a queue of hash_entries
struct hash_queue
size_t size;
struct hash_entry *head,*tail;
//hash_table structure we're gonna use murmurhash for hashing
struct hash_table
struct hash_queue **table;
size_t size;
size_t num_elements;
uint32_t seed;
//entry functions
struct hash_entry* hash_entry_create(void *key,size_t key_len, void *value,size_t value_len);
void hash_entry_destroy(struct hash_entry *entry);
//queue functions
void hash_queue_init(struct hash_queue *queue);
void hash_queue_push_front(struct hash_queue *queue,void *key,size_t key_len,void *value,size_t value_len);
void hash_queue_push_back(struct hash_queue *queue,void *key,size_t key_len,void *value,size_t value_len);
//ownership transfers
struct hash_entry* hash_queue_pop_front(struct hash_queue *queue);
//ownership transfers
struct hash_entry* hash_queue_pop_back(struct hash_queue *queue);
//returning value in case it needs to be freed
void* hash_queue_remove(struct hash_queue *queue,struct hash_entry *entry);
//for complex objects
int hash_queue_find(struct hash_queue *queue,struct hash_entry *entry,int (*cmpfunc)(void *elem1,void *elem2));
int hash_queue_destroy(struct hash_queue *queue);
//hash table functions
int hash_table_init(struct hash_table *hashtable,size_t size);
void hash_table_insert(struct hash_table *hashtable,void *key,size_t key_len,void *value,size_t value_len);
void* hash_table_get(struct hash_table *hashtable,void *key,size_t key_len,size_t* value_len);
void* hash_table_entry(struct hash_table *hashtable,void *key,size_t key_len);
//return the value in case we need to deallocate it
void* hash_table_remove(struct hash_table *hashtable,void *key,size_t key_len);
int hash_table_destroy(struct hash_table *hashtable);