CDT-1D /
# List of topics
topic_list = ["Maths", "English", "Science", "Geography", "General_Knowledge"]
boss_topic_list = ["Boss_English","Boss_Maths", "Boss_Science"]

# List of answers and questions for each topic
# List of tuples of 6 strings in order of (qn,op1,op2,op3,op4,ans)

Maths_qns = [["54 - 6 / 2 + 6 =" , "6" , "27" , "30" , "57" , "57"],
             ["How many edges does a cube have?" , "6" , "10" , "8" , "12" , "8"],
             ["999 rounded off to the nearest 10 is ?" , "990" , "1000" , "900" , "909", "1000"],
             ["If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?" , "25%" , "50%" , "0%" , "75%", "25%"],
             ["What is the next prime number after 7?" , "13" , "12" , "14" , "11" , "11"],
             ["8 / 2(2+2) = ?", "16", "1", "14", "2", "16"],
             ["10001 - 101 =" , "1001" , "990" , "9990" , "9900" , "9900"],
             ["A number is greater than 3 but less than 8. Also the number is greater than 6 but less than 10.\n What is the number?" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8", "7"],
             ["0.7499 lies between __ and __" , "0.7 and 0.74" , "0.75 and 0.79" , "0.74992 and 0.75" , "0.749 and 0.75" , "0.749 and 0.75"],
             ["Which of the following letters do not have any line of symmetry?" , "M" , "S" , "K" , "H" , "S"]

English_qns = [["Do you think that flying an airplane is a ..... experience?", "terrified" , "terrifying" , "terrify" , "terror" , "terrifying"],
               ["Synonym of defer" , "Indifferent" , "Defy" , "Differ" , "Postpone" , "Postpone"],
               ["Mother suggest that Mark ..... part-time on Saturdays." , "work" , "worked" , "works" , "were working" , "work"],
               ["There were many important guests at the event, some of ..... were principals and ministers." , "who" , "which" , "whom" , "whose" , "whom"],
               ["What is the meaning of 'At arm's length'" , "Length of arm" , "at a distance" , "insult" , "very near" , "at a distance"],
               ["I saw a ..... of cows in the field" , "group" , "herd" , "swarm" , "flock" , "herd"],
               ["Find the correctly spelt word" , "foreine" , "foreign" , "foriegn" , "forein" , "foreign"],
               ["Error Detection: Supposing if it rains, what shall we do?" , "Supposing if" , "it rains" , "what shall" , "we do?" , "Supposing if"],
               ["Rohan was ..... till death by the dacoits." , "hanged" , "hung" , "hanging" , "hunged" , "hanged"],
               ["Antonym of obeying" , "ordering" , "following" , "refusing" , "protesting" , "refusing"]

Science_qns = [["what is the function of the stomata", "take in oxygen", "take in carbon dioxide", "take in sunlight", "take in water vapour", "take in carbon dioxide"],
               ["What is released during photosynthesis?", "carbon dioxide", "oxygen", "water", "air","oxygen"],
               ["Which part of the cell contains chloroplast?", "cytoplasm", "cell membrane", "cell wall", "nucleus", "cytoplasm"],
               ["how many stages does the life cycle of a cockroach have?", "2", "3", "4", "6", "3"],
               ["which of the following option is an electrical conductor?", "rubber", "glass", "air", "silver", "silver"],
               ["what is the name of the energy that allows objects to move?", "kinetic energy","elastic potential energy", "gravitational potential energy", "chemical energy", "kinetic energy"],
               ["Which is the odd one out?", "Dog", "Cat", "Apple tree", "Water", "Water"],
               ["Which color is not considered to be one of the primary colors of light?", "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow"],
               ["Force changes the", "motion of body", "shape of body", "speed of body", "all", "all"],
               ["What object changes chemical energy to heat, light and sound energy?", "blender", "apple", "firecracker", "lightbulb", "firecracker"]
Geography_qns = [["How many continents are there?", "6", "7", "8", "12", "7"],
                 ["Which country has the largest population in the world?", "China", "India", "Russia", "Europe", "China"],
                 ["What is the tallest mountain in the world?", "Mount Everest", "Mount Fuji", "K2", "Kangchenjunga", "Mount Everest"],
                 ["What is the largest continent?", "Asia", "Africa", "Europe", "North America", "Asia"],
                 ["Which country is called the land of the rising sun?", "Taiwan", "Argentina", "Japan", "Philippines", "Japan"],
                 ["What heats the water in a hot spring?", "Magma", "Lava", "Steam", "Sunlight", "Magma"],
                 ["What is the largest desert in the world?", "Antarctic desert", "Sahara desert", "Arabian desert", "Arctic desert", "Antarctic desert"],
                 ["Which country is home to most active volcanoes", "Indonesia", "Japan", "Russia", "Iceland", "Indonesia"]

General_Knowledge_qns = [["How many months have 30 days?", "2 months", "4 months", "6 months", "8 months", "4 months"],
                         ["How many planets in the solar system?", "7", "8", "9", "12", "8"],
                         ["What is the National language of Singapore?", "Mandarin Chinese", "Tamil", "English", "Malay", "Malay"],
                         ["How many letters are there in the English alphabet?", "26", "27", "36", "42", "26"],
                         ["Which is the largest animal in the world?", "whale", "elephant", "giraffe", "colossal squid", "whale"],
                         ["Which is the most widely spoken language in the world?", "English", "Mandarin Chinese", "Hindi", "Spanish", "English"],
                         ["which direction does the sun rise from?", "North", "South", "East", "West", "East"],
                         ["Normal temperature of a human body", "35", "37", "38", "39", "37"],
                         ["Which is the closest planet to the sun?", "Venus", "Mars", "Mercury", "Earth", "Mercury"],
                         ["What does 'www' stand for in a website browser?", "World Wide Web", "Wild Wild Wet", "World Wide Wiki", "World Window Web", "World Wide Web"]

Boss_Maths_qns = [["If \n1 + 4 = 5\n 2 + 5 = 12 \n3 + 6 = 21 \nThen \n8 + 11 = ?" , "19" , "88" , "96" , "99" , "96"],
                  ["Create 6 with three 3's \n3 ? 3 ? 3 = 6" , "+,-" , "x,+" , "x,/" , "x,-" , "x,-"],
                  ["If \n5 + 3 = 28 \n5 + 4 = 19\n9 + 1 = 810 \nThen \n7 + 3 = ?" , "10" , "21" , "210", "410" , "410"],
                  ["1, 8, 27, 64, ? \nWhat is ?" , "105" , "110" , "125", "120" , "125"],
                  ["What number is missing from this sequence? \n1, 5, 14, 30, ?", "43", "46", "49", "55", "55"]
Boss_English_qns = [["Find the correctly spelt word" , "maintainence" , "maintainance" , "maintenance" , "maintenence" , "maintenance"],
                    ["The secretary was arrested for ..... signatures on her company's cheques." , "forging" , "copying" , "imitating" , "reproducing" , "forging"],
                    ["Mary and Jane are identical twins. Many of us cannot ..... one from the other." , "make in" , "make up" , "make off" , "make out" , "make out"],
                    ["They were 'having a whale of time' dancing and singing." , "to enjoy yourself very much", "to enjoy life", "to enjoy leisure time" , "to enjoy with loved ones" , "to enjoy yourself very much"],
                    ["Large scale departure of people", "Migration", "Emigration", "Immigration", "Exodus", "Exodus"]
Boss_Science_qns = [["How many teeth does an adult human have?", "20", "26", "32", "38", "32"],
                    ["Which of the following groups contain objects that are obtained from living things?", "Leather, wool", "Paper, glass", "Plastic, seed", "Sand, iron", "Leather, wool"],
                    ["When is kinetic energy greatest in a roller coaster ride?", "at the top of the highest hill", "at the bottom of the highest hill", "at the end of ride", "at the beginning of ride", "at the bottom of the highest hill"]
# Dict of questions
topic_dict = {"Maths" : Maths_qns, 
              "English" : English_qns, 
              "Science": Science_qns, 
              "Geography": Geography_qns,
              "General_Knowledge": General_Knowledge_qns,
              "Boss_English": Boss_English_qns, 
              "Boss_Maths": Boss_Maths_qns,
              "Boss_Science": Boss_Science_qns