# list with Character names char_list = ["Normie" , "Nerd" , "Jock" , "Boomer" , "Millenial" , "Teacher's Pet"] # dictionary with Character Descriptions # values are tuples of 3 strings in order (desc,perk,disadvantage) char_desc_dict = { "Normie" : (" \n No perks \n No disadvantage"), "Nerd" : (" \n STEM scores x 1.2 \n Other scores x 0.8"), "Jock" : (" \n +2 starting HP \n All scores x 0.9"), "Boomer" : (" \n Other scores x 1.2 \n STEM scores x 0.8"), "Millenial" : (" \n All scores x 1.3 \n -2 starting HP"), "Teacher's Pet" : (" \n +2 seconds \n No boss")} # dictionaries with multipliers for each topic for each character normie_mult = { "Science" : 1 , "Maths" : 1 , "English" : 1, "Boss_English" : 2, "Boss_Maths" : 2, "Geography": 1, "General_Knowledge": 1, "Boss_Science": 2} nerd_mult = { "Science" : 1.2 , "Maths" : 1.2 , "English" : 0.8, "Boss_English" : 1.6, "Boss_Maths" : 2.4, "Geography": 0.8, "General_Knowledge": 0.8, "Boss_Science": 2.4} jock_mult = { "Science" : 0.9 , "Maths" : 0.9 , "English" : 0.9, "Boss_English" : 1.8, "Boss_Maths" : 1.8, "Geography": 0.9, "General_Knowledge": 0.9, "Boss_Science": 1.8} boomer_mult = { "Science" : 0.8 , "Maths" : 0.8 , "English" : 1.2, "Boss_English" : 2.4, "Boss_Maths" : 1.6, "Geography": 1.2, "General_Knowledge": 1.2, "Boss_Science": 1.6} millenial_mult = { "Science" : 1.5 , "Maths" : 1.5 , "English" : 1.5, "Boss_English" : 3, "Boss_Maths" : 3, "Geography": 1.3, "General_Knowledge": 1.3, "Boss_Science": 3} teacherpet_mult = { "Science" : 1 , "Maths" : 1 , "English" : 1, "Boss_English" : 2, "Boss_Maths" : 2, "Geography": 1, "General_Knowledge": 1, "Boss_Science": 2} # dictionary with Character stats # "hp" : int # "time" : float (time given for each questions/perks/topics screen) # "score" : int # "progress" : int # "correct" : int (No. of correct questions answered # "bosschance" : Tuple of 2 tuples of 2 values (correct chance, wrong chance) # "mult" : dict char_stat_dict = { "Normie" : {"hp" : [3] , "time" : [10] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0.75,1.25),(0.25,0.75)) , "mult" : normie_mult}, "Nerd" : {"hp" : [3] , "time" : [10] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0.75,1.25),(0.25,0.75)) , "mult" : nerd_mult}, "Jock" : {"hp" : [5] , "time" : [10] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0.75,1.25),(0.25,0.75)) , "mult" : jock_mult}, "Boomer" : {"hp" : [3] , "time" : [10] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0.75,1.25),(0.25,0.75)) , "mult" : boomer_mult}, "Millenial" : {"hp" : [1] , "time" : [10] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0.75,1.25),(0.25,0.75)) , "mult" : millenial_mult}, "Teacher's Pet" : {"hp" : [3] , "time" : [12] , "score" : [0] , "progress" : [0] , "correct" : [0], "bosschance" : ((0,0),(0,0)) , "mult" : teacherpet_mult} }