from tkinter import * from copy import deepcopy from random import choice from Characters import char_list import initialise # randomly pick 3 characters to be displayed as options def random_char_generator(): global a a = choice(temp_char_list) temp_char_list.remove(a) global b b = choice(temp_char_list) temp_char_list.remove(b) global c c = choice(temp_char_list) temp_char_list.remove(c) # create a temp_list of data to remove elements so the original copy is not affected def generate_temp_list(): global temp_char_list temp_char_list = deepcopy(char_list) def call_chara(root): # creating a frame (a canvas that is within the screen that stores the widgets) frame = Frame(root)'tk', 'scaling', 2) frame.grid() generate_temp_list() random_char_generator() char_label = Label(frame, text="Choose your character!") char_label.grid(row=2, column=2) variable1 = a variable2 = b variable3 = c # checking the character to display its description def check_character(var): for char in initialise.char_desc_dict: if var == char: return initialise.char_desc_dict[char] # create buttons for characters char1 = Button(frame, text=f"{variable1} \n {check_character(variable1)} ", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, variable1)) char2 = Button(frame, text=f"{variable2} \n {check_character(variable2)}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, variable2)) char3 = Button(frame, text=f"{variable3} \n {check_character(variable3)}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, variable3)) # buttons positioning char1.grid(row=3, column=0) char2.grid(row=3, column=2) char3.grid(row=3, column=4) # change call value of this screen (Prevent repeat call here) initialise.call_value_dict["char"] = False def change_to_next(frame, variable): # destroy current frame frame.grid_forget() # store what is clicked initialise.starting_char[0] = variable # change call value of next screen (Calls next screen) initialise.call_value_dict["topic"] = True # change update value of this screen (updates this) initialise.update_value_dict["char"] = True def update_chara(stat): initialise.update_value_dict["char"] = False