from tkinter import * from initialise import * from copy import deepcopy #score breakdown def final_score_breakdown(stat): global total_score total_score = stat["score"][0] global correct_score correct_score = stat["correct"][0] * 100 global total_time_bonus total_time_bonus = total_score - correct_score return "Total Score: {} = \nCorrect Answers: {} = {} * 100 \nTotal Time Bonus = {}".format(total_score, correct_score, stat["correct"], total_time_bonus) def call_end(root, stat): # creating a frame (a canvas that is within the screen that stores the widgets) frame = Frame(root) #frame.eval('tk::PlaceWindow . center')'tk', 'scaling', 2) frame.grid() # creating end screen to show score breakdown stats final_score_breakdown(stat) variable = 0 pts = Label(frame, text=f"TOTAL POINTS: {total_score}") correct_pts = Label(frame, text=f"POINTS FROM CORRECT ANSWERS: {correct_score}") time_bonus= Label(frame, text=f"TOTAL TIME BONUS: {total_time_bonus}") health_left= Label(frame, text=f"TOTAL HEALTH LEFT: {stat['hp'][0]}") pts.grid(row=0, column=2) correct_pts.grid(row=1, column=2) time_bonus.grid(row=2, column=2) health_left.grid(row=3, column=2) # restart option/button restart_button = Button(frame, text="Restart Game", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame)) restart_button.grid(row=4, column=2) #change call value of this screen (Prevent repeat call here) call_value_dict["end"] = False #print(call_value_dict) #generally same def change_to_next(frame): #destroy current frame frame.grid_forget() #print("frame destroyed") # change call value of next screen (Calls next screen) call_value_dict["char"] = True # change update value of this screen (updates this) update_value_dict["end"] = True #print(call_value_dict) #diff per screen def update_end(stat): #reset progress #stat = deepcopy(char_stat_dict) starting_char[0] = "Normie" #print(stat) update_value_dict["end"] = False