from copy import deepcopy from random import choice from tkinter import * from Questions import * from initialise import * # create a temp_list of data to remove elements so the original copy is not affected def generate_temp_list(): global temp_qn_list # getting a copy of the list that contains questions of the topic chosen temp_qn_list = deepcopy(topic_dict[chosen_topic[0]]) # randomly pick 1 qn(still packed in list) from a list of qns def random_qn_generator(): global qn_chosen qn_chosen = choice(temp_qn_list) while question_chosen.count(qn_chosen) > 0: temp_qn_list.remove(qn_chosen) qn_chosen = choice(temp_qn_list) question_chosen.append(qn_chosen) break else: question_chosen.append(qn_chosen) # 4 ans will be randomly assigned positions to be displayed on 4 buttons def random_ans_generator(): # slice the tuple to just the 4 ans, excluding qn and "fact-check" ans qn_used = qn_chosen[1:5] global a a = choice(qn_used) qn_used.remove(a) global b b = choice(qn_used) qn_used.remove(b) global c c = choice(qn_used) qn_used.remove(c) global d d = choice(qn_used) # question screen display def call_question(root, stat): # creating a frame (a canvas that is within the screen that stores the widgets) frame = Frame(root)'tk', 'scaling', 2) frame.grid() # to call a, b, c and d generate_temp_list() random_qn_generator() random_ans_generator() # label widgets question_label = Label(frame, text=qn_chosen[0]) hp_label = Label(frame, text=f"HP: {stat['hp'][0]}") progress_label = Label(frame, text=f"Progress: {stat['progress'][0]}/10") points_label = Label(frame, text=f"Points: {stat['score'][0]}") # widgets positioning question_label.grid(row=2, column=2) hp_label.grid(row=0, column=0) progress_label.grid(row=0, column=2) points_label.grid(row=0, column=4) # create buttons for four options to be chosen as answer to question button1 = Button(frame, text=f"{a}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, a, stat, root)) button2 = Button(frame, text=f"{b}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, b, stat, root)) button3 = Button(frame, text=f"{c}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, c, stat, root)) button4 = Button(frame, text=f"{d}", command=lambda: change_to_next(frame, d, stat, root)) # buttons positioning button1.grid(row=3, column=1) button2.grid(row=3, column=3) button3.grid(row=5, column=1) button4.grid(row=5, column=3) # change call value of this screen (Prevent repeat call here) call_value_dict["question"] = False # print(call_value_dict) timer_time[0] = stat["time"][0] # function to change frames def change_to_next(frame, ans, stat, root): question_answer[0] = ans if timer_time[0] <= 0: question_answer[0] = "Time's up" # destroy current frame frame.grid_forget() # update game progress stat["progress"][0] += 1 # check progress # when a boss question is answered correctly, the perk screen is called if chosen_topic[0][0:4] == "Boss" and question_answer[0] == qn_chosen[5]: call_value_dict["perks"] = True call_value_dict["topic"] = False # when 10 questions have been answered, the end screen is called elif stat["progress"][0] == 10: call_value_dict["end"] = True call_value_dict["topic"] = False result[0] = "Victory" # calls topic screen after question is answered else: call_value_dict["topic"] = True # change update value of this screen (updates this) update_value_dict["question"] = True def update_question(stat): # create frame for "wrong" or "correct" ans # minus hp if answer is wrong if question_answer[0] != qn_chosen[5] or question_answer[0] == "Time's up": # print("health lost") stat["hp"][0] -= 1 if boss_appearance[0] == "True": last_boss2[1] += 1 # directs player to end screen if question is answered incorrectly and loses all hp if stat["hp"][0] == 0: call_value_dict["topic"] = False call_value_dict["end"] = True result[0] = "Game Over" # when question is answered correctly, points are added and stat for number of correct qns answered is updated else: stat["score"][0] += round((100 + 100 * round(timer_time[0], 2)) * stat["mult"][chosen_topic[0]], 1) stat["correct"][0] += 1 if boss_appearance[0] == "True": last_boss2[0] += 1 # stops timer and resets to zero while on this screen timer_time[0] = 0.0