.dotfiles / README.md

Dotfiles + BootStrap Repository

Welcome to my dotfiles repository! Here, you'll find configuration files (dotfiles) for customizing my development environment and a robust script, mac_bootstrap.zsh, designed to automate the entire setup of a new macOS device. This script covers everything from installing Xcode Command Line Tools to setting up your favorite apps, ensuring a streamlined and personalized development experience.

Table of Contents


This repository serves as a one-stop solution for setting up and customizing your macOS development environment. It includes my personal dotfiles and the mac_bootstrap.zsh script, which simplifies the setup process.


The mac_bootstrap.zsh script automates various setup tasks:

  1. Xcode Command Line Tools Installation: Essential for development on macOS, this step ensures that compilers and Git are available on your machine (installed by Homebrew).

  2. Smart Repository Cloning: It utilizes a robust cloning mechanism that initially tries SSH, and then switches to HTTPS with a Personal Access Token (PAT) if needed. If SSH fails, the user will be prompted for a PAT token.

  3. Symlink Creation: Sets up symbolic links for essential configuration files, linking them from the repository to your home directory for easy access and management.

  4. Homebrew Management: Installs Homebrew if not already present and uses a Brewfile to manage software installations, keeping your environment consistent and up-to-date.

  5. AstroNvim Setup with Dependency Management: Integrates AstroNvim, a highly configurable Neovim distribution, with your user profile for an enhanced coding experience. The script also manages dependencies including Python, Ruby, and Perl.

  6. CondaBackup Repository Restoration: Checks for the existence of a CondaBackup repository, clones it if necessary, and restores Conda environments from saved backups.

  7. Nerd Font Installation: Automatically installs the JetBrainsMono Nerd Font to enhance terminal aesthetics and compatibility with powerline symbols.

  8. User Interface Enhancements: The script includes functions for displaying colorful and centered messages, adding a touch of personality to your terminal.

  9. To-Do List for App Downloads: Generates a list of recommended applications to download, saved as a text file on your desktop for easy reference.


To set up your macOS development environment using this repository, ensure you have a stable internet connection and administrative access on your device. The installation can be done using a single command that downloads, executes, and removes the setup script.

Quick Installation

Open your terminal and run the following command:

curl -sSL https://gitfront.io/r/av1155/19cAs3DhXmSD/.dotfiles/raw/mac_bootstrap.zsh -o mac_bootstrap_tmp.zsh && chmod +x mac_bootstrap_tmp.zsh && ./mac_bootstrap_tmp.zsh && rm ./mac_bootstrap_tmp.zsh

This command will perform the following actions:

  1. Download the mac_bootstrap.zsh script and save it as mac_bootstrap_tmp.zsh.
  2. Make the script executable.
  3. Execute the script.
  4. Remove the script after execution.
  • After Oh My Zsh is installed, it has to be re-run because OMZ refreshes the shell.

Follow any on-screen instructions to complete the setup.


Option 1: Clone and Run

  1. Clone this repository to your desired location by opening the terminal and running the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/av1155/.dotfiles.git
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:

    cd .dotfiles

  3. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x mac_bootstrap.zsh

  4. Execute the script:


  5. Follow any on-screen instructions to complete setup.

Option 2: Download and Run

  1. Download the mac_bootstrap.zsh script from this repository.

  2. Move the downloaded script to your home directory (~), you can use the mv command for this:

    mv ~/Downloads/mac_bootstrap.zsh ~/mac_bootstrap.zsh
  3. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x mac_bootstrap.zsh

  4. Execute the script:


  5. Follow any on-screen instructions to complete setup.


Feel free to fork this repository and customize the dotfiles and script to match your personal preferences and workflow. You can also modify the script to:

  • Adjust Repository Cloning Logic: Customize the order in which SSH, HTTPS, and PAT are used for cloning repositories.
  • Install Additional Fonts: Add or replace the Nerd Font installation with your preferred fonts.
  • Manage Additional Software: Extend the Brewfile or script to install additional software packages or manage more complex configurations.


Encounter an issue? Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Script Fails to Clone Repositories: The script tries SSH first, then HTTPS with a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT). If all methods fail, ensure your SSH keys are set up correctly or generate a PAT from your GitHub account and provide it when prompted.

  • Xcode Command Line Tools Installation Issues: Check your internet connection and retry, or install manually from the Apple Developer website.

  • AstroNvim Dependency Issues: If the script fails to install dependencies like Python (pynvim), Ruby (neovim gem), or Perl (local::lib and Neovim::Ext), ensure you have a stable internet connection and sufficient permissions to install software. You may need to manually install these dependencies.


Contributions are welcome! If you have improvements, suggestions, or bug fixes, please submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.