.dotfiles / configs / intelliJ_IDEA / .ideavimrc
" Basic settings
set ideajoin 
" Enables IntelliJ IDEA-like joining lines.
set surround 
" Enables surround plugin functionality.
set multiple-cursors 
" Enables multiple cursor functionality.
set incsearch 
" Enables incremental search, highlighting matches as you type.

" Leader key configuration
let mapleader = " " 
" Sets the spacebar as the leader key.

" Surround plugin mappings for visual mode
vmap s S 
" Maps 's' to the 'S' command in visual mode for surround actions.

" System clipboard integration mappings
" These mappings allow you to yank to and paste from the system clipboard.
vmap <leader>y 
"+y " Yank selection to the system clipboard in visual mode.
vmap <leader>d 
"+d " Delete selection to the system clipboard in visual mode.
nmap <leader>y 
"+yy " Yank current line to the system clipboard in normal mode.
nmap <leader>p 
"+p " Paste from the system clipboard below the cursor in normal mode.
nmap <leader>P 
"+P " Paste from the system clipboard above the cursor in normal mode.
vmap <leader>p 
"+p " Paste from the system clipboard in visual mode, replacing the selection.
vmap <leader>P 
"+P " Paste from the system clipboard before the selection in visual mode.

" Action mappings
" These mappings trigger various IntelliJ IDEA actions from normal mode.
nmap <leader>q <action>(CloseEditor) 
" Close the current editor tab.
nmap <leader>i <action>(Generate) 
" Open the 'Generate' menu (e.g., to generate code).
nmap <leader>m <action>(Git.Menu) 
" Open the 'VCS' menu for Git actions.
nmap <leader>s <action>(QuickChangeScheme) 
" Change the color scheme quickly.
nmap <leader>/ <action>(ShowErrorDescription) 
" Show the description of the current error.
nmap <leader>e <action>(GotoNextError) 
" Go to the next error in the file.
nnoremap <leader><leader> <C-Tab> 
" Map double leader press to switch between tabs.
nnoremap <c-\> :action MoveTabRight<CR> 
" Move the current tab to the right.
nnoremap <c-m> :action MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup<CR> 
" Move editor to the opposite group.
nnoremap <c--> :action SplitHorizontally<CR> 
" Split the window horizontally.

" Handler settings
" These settings define which mode (IDEA or Vim) handles specific Ctrl-key combinations.
sethandler <c-g> a:ide 
" IDEA handles Ctrl-G
sethandler <c-w> a:vim 
" Vim handles Ctrl-W
" ... (similarly for other Ctrl-key combinations)

" Vim window navigation mappings
nnoremap <c-h> <c-w>h 
" Move to the window to the left.
nnoremap <c-l> <c-w>l 
" Move to the window to the right.
nnoremap <c-j> <c-w>j 
" Move to the window below.
nnoremap <c-k> <c-w>k 
" Move to the window above.

" Tab navigation mappings
nnoremap <TAB> :action PreviousTab<CR> 
" Go to the previous tab.
nnoremap <s-TAB> :action NextTab<CR> 
" Go to the next tab.
nnoremap <leader>t :action ActivateTerminalToolWindow<CR> 
" Open or focus on the terminal window.

" Multi-cursor mappings
map mc <A-n> 
" Start multi-cursor from the current cursor position with Alt-N.
map mx <A-x> 
" Remove a cursor or cancel multi-cursor mode with Alt-X.
map mp <A-p> 
" Skip the next occurrence with Alt-P.

" Running and debugging mappings
nnoremap ,r :action Rerun<CR> 
" Rerun the last run configuration.
nnoremap ,c :action RunClass<CR> 
" Run the current class.
nnoremap ,b :action ToggleLineBreakpoint<CR> 
" Toggle a breakpoint on the current line.
nnoremap ,d :action ContextDebug<CR> 
" Start debugging in the current context.

" NERDTree settings
set NERDTree 
" Enable NERDTree functionality.
let g:NERDTreeMapActivateNode='l' 
" Press 'l' to open a directory or file in NERDTree.
let g:NERDTreeMapJumpParent='h' 
" Press 'h' to move to the parent directory in NERDTree.