Example-Code / Utility / Timer.cs
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System;
using CCG.Shared.Logging.Unity;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
#nullable enable

namespace CCG.Bigfoot.Utility
    /// <summary>
    /// Provides utility to start a timer and receive a callback when it is done or cancelled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks> Callers new a Timer and call Run. Callers can cache a Timer and reuse it by calling Run without new.
    /// Authors: CS
    /// Created: 2024-01-05
    /// </remarks>
    public sealed class Timer
        public bool IsRunning 
                return _runningCancellation != null;
        private readonly TimeSpan _duration;
        private readonly Action? _onCompleted;
        private readonly Action? _onCancelled;
        private readonly CancellationToken _parentCancellationToken;
        private CancellationTokenSource? _runningCancellation;

        public bool IsDebugEnabled
            get => _logger != null;
            set => _logger = (value ? Log.GetClassLogger<Timer>() : null);
        private ILogger<Timer>? _logger;
        public Timer(int msDuration,    Action? onCompleted = null, Action? onCancelled = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            : this(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(msDuration), onCompleted, onCancelled, cancellationToken)
        public Timer(float secDuration, Action? onCompleted = null, Action? onCancelled = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            : this(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secDuration), onCompleted, onCancelled, cancellationToken)
        public Timer(TimeSpan duration, Action? onCompleted = null, Action? onCancelled = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            _duration = duration;
            _onCompleted = onCompleted;
            _onCancelled = onCancelled;
            _parentCancellationToken = cancellationToken;

        public void Run()
            if (_runningCancellation == null)
                if (_parentCancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
                    _runningCancellation = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_parentCancellationToken);
                    _runningCancellation = new();

            else if(IsDebugEnabled)
               _logger!.LogWarning("Timer is already running. Create another Timer if you want another running in parallel.");

        public void Stop()
            if (_runningCancellation != null)
            else if(IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger!.LogWarning("Timer is not running. Can't Stop an inactive Timer.");

        async UniTaskVoid RunTimerAsync(CancellationToken ct)
                await UniTask.Delay(_duration, cancellationToken: ct);
                _runningCancellation = null;
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                if (IsDebugEnabled) _logger!.LogWarning("Timer was cancelled.");
                _runningCancellation = null;
                if (IsDebugEnabled) _logger!.LogInformation("Timer's lifetime complete. Cancellation token was disposed and nulled");