Example-Code / Editor Scripts
This folder provides specific examples of editor scripts I've created.

* This is nice because it hooks into a "hidden" Unity process that runs each time a new asset is about to be created.
  We utilize that to automatically add code to our scripts to setup a default C# monobehavior script.

* This is a tool I added to help find missing references. 
  You can press the button I added in the Tools dropdown to run it and it'll spit out a full path to where the questionable gameobject is.
  I've specifically used this tool to help find and remove gameobjects with their hidden flag set.
  That's a particularly annoying one because if a bug occurs somehow, and that flag gets set,
  the console will yell about a missing reference for a game object that doesn't appear in the hierarchy.

* This is a basic tool for artists to quickly check their verts/tris/memory consumption on a per-object basis.