Example-Code / ScriptableObjects
This folder provides an example of a Scriptable Object I've made in Unity.

* In this example, I'm making a data container for a card object.
  This kind of development is used early on, before we pull card datas from a database.

* ScriptableObjects fill a few different use-cases.
  I primarily like them because they reduce nearly all serialized datas on a prefab, replacing it with just one serialized scriptable object field.
  Another positive of scriptable objects are that they're great for making different spells and levels of those spells.
  In a game like diablo, you may have a fireball spell and as you level up, that spell changes behaviors.
  I've used scriptable objects here to support that functionality. Basically you have a fireball SO, and on that object it can accept a reference to another SO, which are the different levels of fireball.
  I'll add an example of what I mean later...todo