ICT290 / src / ShaysWorld / AABB.H
//  AABH.h
//  Header file for the AABB class
//  Dynamic Array used to store the co-ordinates of the bounding boxes used for
//  collsion detection.  The array is only used initially before being copied
//  into AABB Linked Lists. The array is then terminated.
//  I created this class originally before using linked lists to store the BB
//  info. But decided to keep it has the stored data can be easily copied across
//  into different linked lists in any prefered order. (i.e. the data is copied
//  into across into linked lists for different quadrants)
//  Shay Leary, March 2005

#ifndef AABB_H
#define AABB_H


#include "../glIncludes.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>


class AABB {
    // stores x,y,z co-ordinates
    struct XYZ {
        GLdouble x, y, z;
    // stores max and min values of co-ordinates
    struct BoundingBox {
        XYZ max;
        XYZ min;
    // dynamic array to store info
    std::vector<BoundingBox> m_BBox;


    AABB() = default;

    //  Set Methods
    void SetMaxX(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempX);
    void SetMinX(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempX);
    void SetMaxY(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempY);
    void SetMinY(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempY);
    void SetMaxZ(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempZ);
    void SetMinZ(const int& tempIndex, const GLdouble& tempZ);
    void AddBoundingBox();

    //  Get Methods
    GLdouble GetMaxX(const int& tempIndex) const;
    GLdouble GetMinX(const int& tempIndex) const;
    GLdouble GetMaxY(const int& tempIndex) const;
    GLdouble GetMinY(const int& tempIndex) const;
    GLdouble GetMaxZ(const int& tempIndex) const;
    GLdouble GetMinZ(const int& tempIndex) const;
    size_t GetNoBoundingBoxes() const;

    void clear();
