ICT290 / src / ShaysWorld / EasySound.h
// EasySound.h: interface for the CEasySound class.

#ifndef EASY_SOUND_H
#define EASY_SOUND_H

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <SDL.h>
#elif defined(unix) || defined(__unix__) || defined(__unix)
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

//#include <SDL_mixer.h>
//#include <SDL_audio.h>

#include <list>
#include "Sound.h"
#include "SoundTime.h"

 * class Score: This class displays the score, bonus and time on the screen
 * @author Shay Leary

#define ES_SAMPLE 8192
#define ES_FREQ 88200

extern void mixaudio(void* unused, Uint8* stream, int len);
 * class CEasySound: This class is singleton design pattern, and it control all
 * object related to sound. (use SDL library)
 * @author Shannon, Graham and Shay
class CEasySound {
     * Instance: Get CEasySound class before using any methods (Singleton Design
     * Pattern)
     * @return static CEasySound*
    static CEasySound* Instance();
     * ~CEasySound:
     * @return
    virtual ~CEasySound();

     * CallMixAudio: ? no idea eh
     * @param unused
     * @param stream
     * @param len
     * @return void
    void CallMixAudio(void* unused, Uint8* stream, int len);

     * Load: load the sound and store in the m_listSound list
     * @param filename - filename of sound wave file
     * @return int	- get sound's ID for future use
    int Load(const string& filename);
     * Unload: unload the sound and remove form the m_listSound list
     * @param iSoundID - Sound's ID to find if there match ID in the m_listSound
     * and unload it.
     * @return void
    void Unload(int iSoundID);
     * Unload: unload the sound and remove from the m_listSound list
     * @param  sound - CSound class to find if there match ID in the m_listSound
     * and unload it.
     * @return void
    void Unload(CSound* sound);
     * GetSound: get the sound from the m_listSound list
     * @param iSoundID - Sound's ID to be given before get Sound Object from the
     * m_listSound
     * @return CSound* - Sound Object to use it (Play, Stop, etc)
    CSound* GetSound(int iSoundID);

    SDL_AudioSpec GetObtained() { return obtained; };

     * CEasySound: The construction had to be protected because of Singleton
     * Design Pattern
     * @return

     * _instance: pointer of CEasySound class as part of the Singleton Design
     * Pattern
    static CEasySound* _instance;

     * m_listSound: list of Sound's object to store it. (STL's list object)
    std::list<CSound*> m_listSound;

    SDL_AudioSpec desired;
    SDL_AudioSpec obtained;

    //	int m_currentID;
