ICT290 / src / ShaysWorld / texturedPolygons.h
//  texturedPolygon.h
//  Header file for the texturedPolygon class
//  Shay Leary, March 2005



#include "../glIncludes.h"

#include <cstdio>  // should really be using c++, but didn't get time to change
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using std::string;


class TexturedPolygons {
    TexturedPolygons() {}
    ~TexturedPolygons() {
        if (m_texture != nullptr) {
            glDeleteTextures(1, reinterpret_cast<const GLuint*>(&m_texture[0]));
            delete[] m_texture;


    // returns texture
    GLuint GetTexture(const int& tempIndex) { return m_texture[tempIndex]; }

    // loads a raw image file into memory
    GLubyte* LoadTexture(const string& filename, int imgWidth, int imgHeight);

    // set the number of textures to be used
    void SetTextureCount(const int& textureNo);

    // creates texture and set required values for texture mapping
    void CreateTexture(int textureNo,
                       unsigned char* image,
                       int imgWidth,
                       int imgHeight);

    // calls function to creates display list to contain image
    void CreateDisplayList(const int& XYZ,
                           const int& listNo,
                           const GLdouble& xImgSize,
                           const GLdouble& zImgSize,
                           const GLdouble& xStart,
                           const GLdouble& yStart,
                           const GLdouble& zStart,
                           const GLdouble& xTimes,
                           const GLdouble& zTimes);

    // used to create display lists where image is larger than world scale on YZ
    // axis
    void CreateYtoZWindowList(const int& listNo,
                              const GLdouble& xStart,
                              const GLdouble& yStart,
                              const GLdouble& ySize,
                              const GLdouble& zStart,
                              const GLdouble& zSize,
                              const GLdouble& yImgSize,
                              const GLdouble& zImgSize);

    // used to create display lists where image is larger than world scale on XY
    // axis
    void CreateXtoYWindowList(const int& listNo,
                              const GLdouble& zStart,
                              const GLdouble& xStart,
                              const GLdouble& xSize,
                              const GLdouble& yStart,
                              const GLdouble& ySize,
                              const GLdouble& xImgSize,
                              const GLdouble& yImgSize);

    // used to create display lists where image is on an angle
    void CreateAngledPolygon(const int& listNo,
                             const GLdouble& imageWidth,
                             const GLdouble& imageHeight,
                             const GLdouble& x1,
                             const GLdouble& x2,
                             const GLdouble& x3,
                             const GLdouble& x4,
                             const GLdouble& y1,
                             const GLdouble& y2,
                             const GLdouble& y3,
                             const GLdouble& y4,
                             const GLdouble& z1,
                             const GLdouble& z2,
                             const GLdouble& z3,
                             const GLdouble& z4,
                             const int& smallestX,
                             const int& smallestZ);

    // pointer to display list
    GLuint* m_texture = nullptr;

    // returns image file
    GLubyte* LoadRawImageFile(const string& filename, int width, int height);

    // creates display list to contain image on X Z axis
    void CreateXtoZTextureList(const GLdouble& xImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& zImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& xStart,
                               const GLdouble& yStart,
                               const GLdouble& zStart,
                               const GLdouble& xTimes,
                               const GLdouble& zTimes);

    // creates display list to contain image on X Y axis
    void CreateXtoYTextureList(const GLdouble& xImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& yImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& xStart,
                               const GLdouble& yStart,
                               const GLdouble& zStart,
                               const GLdouble& xTimes,
                               const GLdouble& yTimes,
                               const bool& flip);

    // creates display list to contain image on Y Z axis
    void CreateYtoZTextureList(const GLdouble& yImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& zImgSize,
                               const GLdouble& xStart,
                               const GLdouble& yStart,
                               const GLdouble& zStart,
                               const GLdouble& yTimes,
                               const GLdouble& zTimes,
                               const bool& flip);

    // called from	CreateAngledPolygon determine how images are displayed
    void CreateTextureScale(GLdouble& xzImage1,
                            GLdouble& xzImage2,
                            GLdouble& xzImage3,
                            GLdouble& xzImage4,
                            const GLdouble& imageSize);


    // Privatised copy constructor and assignment operator
    TexturedPolygons(const TexturedPolygons&) = default;
    TexturedPolygons& operator=(const TexturedPolygons&) = default;

