ICT290 / src / scene / AIController / EntityFunctionTemplates.h
#pragma once

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include "BasicEntity.h"

//  Some useful template functions
//------------------------- Overlapped -----------------------------------
//  tests to see if an entity is overlapping any of a number of entities
//  stored in a std container
template <class T, class conT>
bool Overlapped(const T* ob, const conT& conOb, double MinDistBetweenObstacles
= 40.0)
  typename conT::const_iterator it;

  for (it=conOb.begin(); it != conOb.end(); ++it)
    if (TwoCirclesOverlapped(ob->Pos(),
      return true;

  return false;
//----------------------- TagNeighbors ----------------------------------
//  tags any entities contained in a std container that are within the
//  radius of the single entity parameter
template <class T, class conT>
void flagNeighbors(const T& entity, conT& ContainerOfEntities, float radius) {
    // iterate through all entities checking for range
    for (typename conT::iterator curEntity = ContainerOfEntities.begin();
         curEntity != ContainerOfEntities.end();
         ++curEntity) {
        // first clear any current tag

        glm::vec2 vecToOther = (*curEntity)->getPosition()
                               - entity->getPosition();

        // the bounding radius of the other is taken into account by adding it
        // to the range
        float range = radius + (*curEntity)->getBoundingRadius();

        // if entity within range, tag for further consideration. (working in
        // distance-squared space to avoid sqrts)
        if (((*curEntity) != entity) && (glm::length(vecToOther) < range)) {

    }  // next entity

//------------------- EnforceNonPenetrationConstraint ---------------------
//  Given a pointer to an entity and a std container of pointers to nearby
//  entities, this function checks to see if there is an overlap between
//  entities. If there is, then the entities are moved away from each
//  other
template <class T, class conT>
void EnforceNonPenetrationConstraint(const T&    entity,
                                    const conT& ContainerOfEntities)
  //iterate through all entities checking for any overlap of bounding radii
  for (typename conT::const_iterator curEntity =ContainerOfEntities.begin();
       curEntity != ContainerOfEntities.end();
    //make sure we don't check against the individual
    if (*curEntity == entity) continue;

    //calculate the distance between the positions of the entities
    glm::vec2 ToEntity = entity->Pos() - (*curEntity)->Pos();

    double DistFromEachOther = ToEntity.Length();

    //if this distance is smaller than the sum of their radii then this
    //entity must be moved away in the direction parallel to the
    //ToEntity vector
    double AmountOfOverLap = (*curEntity)->BRadius() + entity->BRadius() -

    if (AmountOfOverLap >= 0)
      //move the entity a distance away equivalent to the amount of overlap.
      entity->SetPos(entity->Pos() + (ToEntity/DistFromEachOther) *
  }//next entity

//-------------------- GetEntityLineSegmentIntersections ----------------------
//  tests a line segment AB against a container of entities. First of all
//  a test is made to confirm that the entity is within a specified range of
//  the one_to_ignore (positioned at A). If within range the intersection test
//  is made.
//  returns a list of all the entities that tested positive for intersection
template <class T, class conT>
std::list<T> GetEntityLineSegmentIntersections(const conT& entities,
                                               int         the_one_to_ignore,
                                               glm::vec2    A,
                                               glm::vec2    B,
                                               double       range = MaxDouble)
  typename conT::const_iterator it;

  std::list<T> hits;

  //iterate through all entities checking against the line segment AB
  for (it=entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); ++it)
    //if not within range or the entity being checked is the_one_to_ignore
    //just continue with the next entity
    if ( ((*it)->ID() == the_one_to_ignore) ||
         (Vec2DDistanceSq((*it)->Pos(), A) > range*range) )

    //if the distance to AB is less than the entities bounding radius then
    //there is an intersection so add it to hits
    if (DistToLineSegment(A, B, (*it)->Pos()) < (*it)->BRadius())


  return hits;
//------------------------ GetClosestEntityLineSegmentIntersection ------------
//  tests a line segment AB against a container of entities. First of all
//  a test is made to confirm that the entity is within a specified range of
//  the one_to_ignore (positioned at A). If within range the intersection test
//  is made.
//  returns the closest entity that tested positive for intersection or NULL
//  if none found

template <class T, class conT>
T* GetClosestEntityLineSegmentIntersection(const conT& entities,
                                          int         the_one_to_ignore,
                                          glm::vec2    A,
                                          glm::vec2    B,
                                          double       range = MaxDouble)
  typename conT::const_iterator it;

  T* ClosestEntity = NULL;

  double ClosestDist = MaxDouble;

  //iterate through all entities checking against the line segment AB
  for (it=entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); ++it)
    double distSq = Vec2DDistanceSq((*it)->Pos(), A);

    //if not within range or the entity being checked is the_one_to_ignore
    //just continue with the next entity
    if ( ((*it)->ID() == the_one_to_ignore) || (distSq > range*range) )

    //if the distance to AB is less than the entities bounding radius then
    //there is an intersection so add it to hits
    if (DistToLineSegment(A, B, (*it)->Pos()) < (*it)->BRadius())
      if (distSq < ClosestDist)
        ClosestDist = distSq;

        ClosestEntity = *it;


  return ClosestEntity;