ICT290 / src / scene / AIController / GameWorld.h
#pragma once

#include "../theArchanist/map/gameMap.h"
#include "Attacks/Projectile.h"
#include "BasicEntity.h"
#include "EntityFunctionTemplates.h"
#include "MovingEntity.h"
#include "Utils/WallIntersectionTests.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "WallType.h"

#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include "../../glIncludes.h"
#include "ArcanistLevel.h"
// for computing wall intersections for wall avoidance
#include <glm/gtx/intersect.hpp>

class Vehicle;
class ArcanistLevel;

class Projectile;
// typedef GLfloat point2[2];

 * @class GameWorld
 * @brief  This is the main world object for AI in the project
 * @author Michael John
 * @version 0.01
 * @date 21/08/2021
 * @todo get projects typedefs into this project
 * @todo isLOSOkay completion
 * @todo isPathObstructed completion
 * @todo GetAllBotsInFOV completion
 * @todo isSecondVisibleToFirst completion
 * @bug

class GameWorld {
    GameWorld() = default;
    virtual ~GameWorld();

    void init(gameMap& map);

    void Update(float elapsedTime);

    MovingEntity* player;

    const std::list<Vehicle*> getAllBots() const { return m_Vehicles; }

    std::list<Vehicle*> m_Vehicles;

    // std::list<BasicEntity*> m_Obstacles;

    std::list<Projectile*> m_Projectiles;

    std::vector<std::pair<int, glm::vec2>> m_deadProjectiles;

    std::vector<int> m_deadVehicles;

    void flagVehiclesWithinViewRange(BasicEntity* vehicle, float range);

    void flagObstaclesWithinViewRange(BasicEntity* vehicle, float range);

    glm::vec2 getClosestWallIntersection(glm::vec2 origin,
                                         glm::vec2 direction,
                                         float& distance);

    ArcanistLevel currentLevel;

    bool playerMoveCheck(glm::vec2& position);

    bool isPathObstructed(glm::vec2 A,
                          glm::vec2 B,
                          float BoundingRadius = 0) const;

    // returns a vector of pointers to bots in the FOV of the given bot
    std::vector<Vehicle*> GetAllBotsInFOV(const Vehicle* Bot) const;

    // returns true if the second bot is unobstructed by walls and in the field
    // of view of the first.
    bool isSecondVisibleToFirst(const Vehicle* pFirst,
                                const Vehicle* pSecond) const;

    // returns true if the ray between A and B is unobstructed.
    bool isLOSOkay(glm::vec2 A, glm::vec2 B) const;

    bool isSecondInFOVOfFirst(glm::vec2 posFirst,
                              glm::vec2 facingFirst,
                              glm::vec2 posSecond,
                              float fov,
                              float viewRange) const;
