ICT290 / src / scene / ShaysWorldState.h
#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include "../engine/resources.h"
#include "../engine/skybox.h"
#include "../engine/stateManager.h"

 * @struct ShaysWorldStateSounds
 * @brief Wraps all the sounds used by shays world in a struct for easier
 * access.
 * @author Chase Percy
struct ShaysWorldStateSounds {
    // Treat as a 2D sound due to Shays worlds scale messing with 3D sound.
    Sound walk{"walk.ogg", false, 50.f};
    Sound ambience{"ambience.ogg", true, 80};
    Sound transition{"combat.ogg", true, 80};
    float soundDelta{
        1};  /// Time delta so sounds stepping don't play too often.

 * @class ShaysWorldState
 * @brief A struct to wrap the toggling functions in one place to keep it clean.
 * @author Chase Percy
struct ShaysWorldStateToggles {
    bool endScreen{false};
    bool displayLights{true};

 * @class ShaysWorldTransition
 * @brief A struct to wrap the transition variables.
 * @author Chase Percy
struct ShaysWorldTransition {
    bool lighting{false};       /// to enable or disable lighting
    bool transitioning{false};  /// Has the scene started the transition
    std::random_device rd{};    /// obtain a random number from hardware
    std::mt19937 gen{rd()};     /// seed the generator
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution{3, 40};  /// define the range
    int flicker{0};                  /// The frames until the next light flicker
    float wallToCameraOffset{1200};  /// The offset between the camera and wall.
    float lastX{0};                  /// The lastX position of the camera.

class ShaysWorldState {
     * Initialises the ShaysWorldState and sets all its functions to the
     * function pointers in a state and returns that state.
     * @param engineResources the resources to be used by the scene.
     * @return A state shared_ptr with all the associated functions.
    static std::shared_ptr<State> init(Resources& engineResources);

     * Destroys all shaysWorldState data when called.
    static void destroy();

     * Pauses ShaysWorldState as it currently is and deactivates lighting,
     * sound, and enables culling when false is the parameter. The opposite when
     * true is received as a parameter.
     * @param option true if scene should pause, false if resume.
    static void pause(bool option);

     * Handles all SDL events and process input.
     * @param event the current event state to read updates from.
    static void handleEvents(SDL_Event& event);

     * Updates all objects and camera within ShaysWorldState.
     * @param deltaTime the delta time to be used for smooth animations, camera
     * updates, etc.
    static void update(float deltaTime);

     * The draw function for ShaysWorldState. Draws all shays world data from
     * shays world's display function then our objects are drawn after.
    static void draw();

     * The function to signal to the state manager that shaysWorldState is ready
     * to shutdown.
     * @return true if ready to shutdown, else false.
    static bool shutdown();

     * Returns the next state that will start after shaysWorldState.
     * @return nullptr if no new state, else a shared_ptr to the new state.
    static std::shared_ptr<State> newState();

     * Sets the state camera and updates it according the shays worlds own
     * functions that were exposed. Each camera updates the other, but ours is
     * used to display.
    static void setCamera();

     * Updates the state camera and updates it according the shays worlds own
     * functions that were exposed. Each camera updates the other, but ours is
     * used to display.
     * @param deltaTime The delta time to use when calling the camera.update()
     * method.
    static void updateCamera(float deltaTime);

     * Creates the sky bridge above the ESL for assignment one and all its
     * collision.
    static void createSkyBridge();

     * Creates the tavern and all of its collision for assignment one
    static void createTav();

     * Creates the light objects to replace the original lighting cylinders from
     * shays world.
    static void createLightObjects();

     * Checks to see if the mouse is clicking within the bounds of the exit
     * screen image and sets m_stop to true if it is.
    static void checkExitClick();

     * Checks if the player has entered the level transition area to be
     * transported to the next state (The Archanist).
    static void checkLevelTransition();

     * Calls all code related to the transition event out of shays world.
    static void transition();

     * Called when the player leaves shays world or backs out of the transition.
    static void resetTransition();

    static std::shared_ptr<State> m_thisState;  /// The pointer to this state.
    static Camera_
        temp;  /// A temp camera used for shays world collision detection.
    static ShaysWorldStateSounds
        m_sounds;  /// The sounds that shays world state will play.
    static ShaysWorldStateToggles
        m_toggles;  /// All the bool toggles for the state.
    static ShaysWorldTransition m_transition;  /// The transition data.
    static unsigned int newExitTexture;        /// index of the new Exit picture