// EasySound.cpp: implementation of the CEasySound class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "EasySound.h" #include extern void mixaudio(void* unused, Uint8* stream, int len) { CEasySound::Instance()->CallMixAudio(unused, stream, len); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Member for Singleton Pattern ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEasySound* CEasySound::_instance = NULL; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CEasySound::CEasySound() { if ((SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE) == -1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } atexit(SDL_Quit); /* Open the audio device */ /* 22050Hz - FM Radio quality */ desired.freq = ES_FREQ; /* 16-bit signed audio */ desired.format = AUDIO_S16; /* Mono */ desired.channels = 2; /* Large audio buffer reduces risk of dropouts but increases response time */ desired.samples = ES_SAMPLE; desired.callback = mixaudio; desired.userdata = NULL; /* Open the audio device */ if (SDL_OpenAudio(&desired, &obtained) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } } CEasySound::~CEasySound() { SDL_Quit(); delete _instance; _instance = NULL; } CEasySound* CEasySound::Instance() { if (_instance == NULL) _instance = new CEasySound(); return _instance; } void CEasySound::CallMixAudio(void*, Uint8* stream, int len) { // int i; Uint32 amount, data_len, data_pos; std::list::iterator cs; for (cs = m_listSound.begin(); cs != m_listSound.end(); ++cs) { // data_len = (*cs)->GetLength().GetSDLTime(); data_len = (*cs)->m_stop.GetSDLTime(); data_pos = (*cs)->m_pos.GetSDLTime(); amount = (data_len - data_pos); if (amount > (Uint32)len) { amount = len; } Uint8* data = &(*cs)->m_data[data_pos]; SDL_MixAudio(stream, data, amount, SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME); (*cs)->m_pos = CSoundTime(data_pos + amount); } } int CEasySound::Load(const string& filename) { // find ID for sound std::list::iterator cs; int iSoundID = 0; bool bFoundID = true; while (bFoundID) { // while loop until if there no ID match and set that ID // for new sound's ID bFoundID = false; for (cs = m_listSound.begin(); cs != m_listSound.end(); ++cs) { if ((*cs)->GetSoundID() == iSoundID) { bFoundID = true; iSoundID++; break; } } } // load the sound with new ID CSound* sound = new CSound(filename, iSoundID); if (sound->GetLength() == CSoundTime(0, 0, 0)) { return -1; // fail to load } m_listSound.insert(m_listSound.end(), sound); return iSoundID; // fail to load } void CEasySound::Unload(int iSoundID) { std::list::iterator cs; for (cs = m_listSound.begin(); cs != m_listSound.end(); ++cs) { if ((*cs)->GetSoundID() == iSoundID) { delete (*cs); m_listSound.erase(cs); return; } } } void CEasySound::Unload(CSound* sound) { std::list::iterator cs; for (cs = m_listSound.begin(); cs != m_listSound.end(); ++cs) { if ((*cs)->GetSoundID() == sound->GetSoundID()) { delete (*cs); m_listSound.erase(cs); return; } } } CSound* CEasySound::GetSound(int iSoundID) { std::list::iterator cs; for (cs = m_listSound.begin(); cs != m_listSound.end(); ++cs) { if ((*cs)->GetSoundID() == iSoundID) { return (*cs); } } return nullptr; // empty sound }