appId: ${APP_ID}
Title: 'Post title'
"It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the\
\ readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem\
\ Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed\
\ to using"
- launchApp
- runFlow: ../utils/onboarding-and-login.yaml
- assertVisible: 'Feed'
- assertVisible: 'Create'
- tapOn: 'Create'
- assertVisible: 'Add Post'
- tapOn:
id: 'title'
- inputText: ${Title}
- tapOn:
id: 'body-input'
- inputText: 'short content'
- tapOn:
id: 'add-post-button'
- assertVisible: 'String must contain at least 120 character(s)'
- inputText: ${CONTENT}
- runFlow: ../utils/hide-keyboard.yaml
- tapOn:
id: 'add-post-button'
- assertVisible: 'Post added successfully'