web-scripting / Digital Marketing Website Draft / aos-master / src / js / aos.js
 * *******************************************************
 * AOS (Animate on scroll) - wowjs alternative
 * made to animate elements on scroll in both directions
 * *******************************************************

import styles from './../sass/aos.scss';

// Modules & helpers
import throttle from 'lodash.throttle';
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce';

import observe from './libs/observer';

import detect from './helpers/detector';
import handleScroll from './helpers/handleScroll';
import prepare from './helpers/prepare';
import elements from './helpers/elements';

 * Private variables
let $aosElements = [];
let initialized = false;

 * Default options
let options = {
  offset: 120,
  delay: 0,
  easing: 'ease',
  duration: 400,
  disable: false,
  once: false,
  startEvent: 'DOMContentLoaded',
  throttleDelay: 99,
  debounceDelay: 50,
  disableMutationObserver: false,

 * Refresh AOS
const refresh = function refresh(initialize = false) {
  // Allow refresh only when it was first initialized on startEvent
  if (initialize) initialized = true;

  if (initialized) {
    // Extend elements objects in $aosElements with their positions
    $aosElements = prepare($aosElements, options);
    // Perform scroll event, to refresh view and show/hide elements
    handleScroll($aosElements, options.once);

    return $aosElements;

 * Hard refresh
 * create array with new elements and trigger refresh
const refreshHard = function refreshHard() {
  $aosElements = elements();

 * Disable AOS
 * Remove all attributes to reset applied styles
const disable = function() {
  $aosElements.forEach(function(el, i) {

 * Check if AOS should be disabled based on provided setting
const isDisabled = function(optionDisable) {
  return optionDisable === true ||
  (optionDisable === 'mobile' && detect.mobile()) ||
  (optionDisable === 'phone' && detect.phone()) ||
  (optionDisable === 'tablet' && detect.tablet()) ||
  (typeof optionDisable === 'function' && optionDisable() === true);

 * Initializing AOS
 * - Create options merging defaults with user defined options
 * - Set attributes on <body> as global setting - css relies on it
 * - Attach preparing elements to options.startEvent,
 *   window resize and orientation change
 * - Attach function that handle scroll and everything connected to it
 *   to window scroll event and fire once document is ready to set initial state
const init = function init(settings) {
  options = Object.assign(options, settings);

  // Create initial array with elements -> to be fullfilled later with prepare()
  $aosElements = elements();

  // Detect not supported browsers (<=IE9)
  // http://browserhacks.com/#hack-e71d8692f65334173fee715c222cb805
  const browserNotSupported = document.all && !window.atob;

   * Don't init plugin if option `disable` is set
   * or when browser is not supported
  if (isDisabled(options.disable) || browserNotSupported) {
    return disable();

   * Set global settings on body, based on options
   * so CSS can use it
  document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('data-aos-easing', options.easing);
  document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('data-aos-duration', options.duration);
  document.querySelector('body').setAttribute('data-aos-delay', options.delay);

   * Handle initializing
  if (options.startEvent === 'DOMContentLoaded' &&
    ['complete', 'interactive'].indexOf(document.readyState) > -1) {
    // Initialize AOS if default startEvent was already fired
  } else if (options.startEvent === 'load') {
    // If start event is 'Load' - attach listener to window
    window.addEventListener(options.startEvent, function() {
  } else {
    // Listen to options.startEvent and initialize AOS
    document.addEventListener(options.startEvent, function() {

   * Refresh plugin on window resize or orientation change
  window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(refresh, options.debounceDelay, true));
  window.addEventListener('orientationchange', debounce(refresh, options.debounceDelay, true));

   * Handle scroll event to animate elements on scroll
  window.addEventListener('scroll', throttle(() => {
    handleScroll($aosElements, options.once);
  }, options.throttleDelay));

   * Observe [aos] elements
   * If something is loaded by AJAX
   * it'll refresh plugin automatically
  if (!options.disableMutationObserver) {
    observe('[data-aos]', refreshHard);

  return $aosElements;

 * Export Public API

module.exports = {