FPGA-RISC-V-CPU / hardware / sim / cpu_tb.log
Chronologic VCS simulator copyright 1991-2019
Contains Synopsys proprietary information.
Compiler version P-2019.06_Full64; Runtime version P-2019.06_Full64;  Dec  9 07:40 2022
Message: From $vcdpluson at time 0 in file cpu_tb.v line 187: [VCD+-SVFN]: 
Setting VPD File by "+vpdfile+" switch to cpu_tb.vpd.

VCD+ Writer P-2019.06_Full64 Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by Synopsys Inc.
[         1] Test                       R-Type ADD passed!
[         2] Test                       R-Type SUB passed!
[         3] Test                       R-Type SLL passed!
[         4] Test                       R-Type SLT passed!
[         5] Test                      R-Type SLTU passed!
[         6] Test                       R-Type XOR passed!
[         7] Test                        R-Type OR passed!
[         8] Test                       R-Type AND passed!
[         9] Test                       R-Type SRL passed!
[        10] Test                       R-Type SRA passed!
[        11] Test                      R-Type SLLI passed!
[        12] Test                      R-Type SRLI passed!
[        13] Test                      R-Type SRAI passed!
[        14] Test                       I-Type ADD passed!
[        15] Test                       I-Type SLT passed!
[        16] Test                      I-Type SLTU passed!
[        17] Test                       I-Type XOR passed!
[        18] Test                        I-Type OR passed!
[        19] Test                       I-Type AND passed!
[        20] Test                        I-Type LW passed!
[        21] Test                      I-Type LH 0 passed!
[        22] Test                      I-Type LH 2 passed!
[        23] Test                      I-Type LB 0 passed!
[        24] Test                      I-Type LB 1 passed!
[        25] Test                      I-Type LB 2 passed!
[        26] Test                      I-Type LB 3 passed!
[        27] Test                     I-Type LHU 0 passed!
[        28] Test                     I-Type LHU 2 passed!
[        29] Test                     I-Type LBU 0 passed!
[        30] Test                     I-Type LBU 1 passed!
[        31] Test                     I-Type LBU 2 passed!
[        32] Test                     I-Type LBU 3 passed!
[        33] Test                        S-Type SW passed!
[        34] Test                      S-Type SH 1 passed!
[        35] Test                      S-Type SH 3 passed!
[        36] Test                      S-Type SB 1 passed!
[        37] Test                      S-Type SB 2 passed!
[        38] Test                      S-Type SB 3 passed!
[        39] Test                      S-Type SB 4 passed!
[        40] Test                       U-Type LUI passed!
[        41] Test                     U-Type AUIPC passed!
[        42] Test                       J-Type JAL passed!
[        43] Test                       J-Type JAL passed!
[        44] Test                       J-Type JAL passed!
[        45] Test                      J-Type JALR passed!
[        46] Test                      J-Type JALR passed!
[        47] Test                      J-Type JALR passed!
[        48] Test               B-Type BEQ Taken 1 passed!
[        49] Test               B-Type BEQ Taken 2 passed!
[        50] Test             B-Type BEQ Not Taken passed!
[        51] Test               B-Type BNE Taken 1 passed!
[        52] Test               B-Type BNE Taken 2 passed!
[        53] Test             B-Type BNE Not Taken passed!
[        54] Test               B-Type BLT Taken 1 passed!
[        55] Test               B-Type BLT Taken 2 passed!
[        56] Test             B-Type BLT Not Taken passed!
[        57] Test               B-Type BGE Taken 1 passed!
[        58] Test               B-Type BGE Taken 2 passed!
[        59] Test             B-Type BGE Not Taken passed!
[        60] Test              B-Type BLTU Taken 1 passed!
[        61] Test              B-Type BLTU Taken 2 passed!
[        62] Test            B-Type BLTU Not Taken passed!
[        63] Test              B-Type BGEU Taken 1 passed!
[        64] Test              B-Type BGEU Taken 2 passed!
[        65] Test            B-Type BGEU Not Taken passed!
[        66] Test CSRRW passed!
[        67] Test CSRRWI passed!
[        68] Test                         Hazard 1 passed!
[        69] Test                         Hazard 2 passed!
[        70] Test                         Hazard 3 passed!
[        71] Test                         Hazard 4 passed!
[        72] Test                         Hazard 5 passed!
[        73] Test                         Hazard 6 passed!
[        74] Test                         Hazard 7 passed!
[        75] Test                         Hazard 8 passed!
[        76] Test                         Hazard 9 passed!
[        77] Test                      Hazard 10 1 passed!
[        78] Test                      Hazard 10 2 passed!
[        79] Test                        Hazard 11 passed!
[        80] Test                        Hazard 12 passed!
All tests passed!
$finish called from file "cpu_tb.v", line 732.
$finish at simulation time              7210000
           V C S   S i m u l a t i o n   R e p o r t 
Time: 7210000 ps
CPU Time:      0.420 seconds;       Data structure size:   0.3Mb
Fri Dec  9 07:40:03 2022