FPGA-RISC-V-CPU / hardware / src / z1top.v
module z1top #(
    parameter BAUD_RATE = 115_200,
    // Warning: CPU_CLOCK_FREQ must match the PLL parameters!
    parameter CPU_CLOCK_FREQ = 50_000_000,
    // PLL Parameters: sets the CPU clock = 125Mhz * 34 / 5 / 17 = 50 MHz
    parameter CPU_CLK_CLKFBOUT_MULT = 34,
    parameter CPU_CLK_DIVCLK_DIVIDE = 5,
    parameter CPU_CLK_CLKOUT_DIVIDE  = 17,
    /* verilator lint_off REALCVT */
    // Sample the button signal every 500us
    parameter integer B_SAMPLE_CNT_MAX = 0.0005 * CPU_CLOCK_FREQ,
    // The button is considered 'pressed' after 100ms of continuous pressing
    parameter integer B_PULSE_CNT_MAX = 0.100 / 0.0005,
    /* lint_on */
    // The PC the RISC-V CPU should start at after reset
    parameter RESET_PC = 32'h4000_0000,
    parameter N_VOICES = 1
) (
    input CLK_125MHZ_FPGA,
    input [3:0] BUTTONS,
    input [1:0] SWITCHES,
    output [5:0] LEDS,
    input  FPGA_SERIAL_RX,
    output FPGA_SERIAL_TX,
    output AUD_PWM,
    output AUD_SD
    // Clocks and PLL lock status
    wire cpu_clk, cpu_clk_locked, pwm_clk, pwm_clk_locked;

    // Buttons after the button_parser
    wire [3:0] buttons_pressed;

    // Reset the CPU and all components on the cpu_clk if the reset button is
    // pushed or whenever the CPU clock PLL isn't locked
    wire cpu_reset;
    assign cpu_reset = buttons_pressed[0] || !cpu_clk_locked;

    // Use IOBs to drive/sense the UART serial lines
    wire cpu_tx, cpu_rx;
    (* IOB = "true" *) reg fpga_serial_tx_iob;
    (* IOB = "true" *) reg fpga_serial_rx_iob;
    assign FPGA_SERIAL_TX = fpga_serial_tx_iob;
    assign cpu_rx = fpga_serial_rx_iob;
    always @(posedge cpu_clk) begin
        fpga_serial_tx_iob <= cpu_tx;
        fpga_serial_rx_iob <= FPGA_SERIAL_RX;

    // Use IOBs to drive the PWM output
    (* IOB = "true" *) reg pwm_iob;
    wire pwm_out; // TODO: connect this wire to your DAC
    assign pwm_out = 1'b0;
    assign AUD_PWM = pwm_iob;
    assign AUD_SD = 1'b1;
    always @(posedge pwm_clk) begin
        pwm_iob <= pwm_out;

    // Generate a reset for the PWM clock domain
    wire pwm_rst, reset_button_pwm_domain;
    synchronizer rst_pwm_sync (.async_signal(buttons_pressed[0]), .sync_signal(reset_button_pwm_domain), .clk(pwm_clk));
    assign pwm_rst = reset_button_pwm_domain || ~pwm_clk_locked;

    clocks #(
    ) clk_gen (

    button_parser #(
    ) bp (

    cpu #(
    ) cpu (
