FPGA-RISC-V-CPU / hardware / test_results / bios_tb.vpd.out
cd sim && vcs -full64 -notice -line +lint=all,noVCDE,noNS,noSVA-UA -sverilog -timescale=1ns/10ps -debug +define+ABS_TOP=/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware +incdir+/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core -o bios_tb.tb /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/EECS151.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/clocks.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/button_parser.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/debouncer.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/edge_detector.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/fifo.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/synchronizer.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/bios_mem.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/dmem.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/imem.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/alu.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cpu.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/ctrl_logic.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/imm_gen.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/reg_file.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/bp_cache.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/branch_predictor.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/sat_updn.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cmb_ctrl_logic.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/forward_logic.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/pipeline.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/store_load_data.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/z1top.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/BUFG.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/PLLE2_ADV.v /home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v bios_tb.v -top bios_tb -top glbl

Warning-[LINX_KRNL] Unsupported Linux kernel
  Linux kernel '5.4.206-200.el7.x86_64' is not supported.
  Supported versions are 2.4* or 2.6*.

                         Chronologic VCS (TM)
         Version P-2019.06_Full64 -- Fri Dec  9 07:40:33 2022
               Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by Synopsys Inc.
                         ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This program is proprietary and confidential information of Synopsys Inc.
and may be used and disclosed only as authorized in a license agreement
controlling such use and disclosure.

Warning-[DEBUG_DEP] Option will be deprecated
  The option 'debug=4' will be deprecated in a future release.  Please use 
  '-debug_acc+pp+f+fn+dmptf -debug_region+cell+encrypt' instead.

Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/EECS151.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/clocks.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/button_parser.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/debouncer.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/edge_detector.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/fifo.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/synchronizer.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/bios_mem.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/dmem.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/imem.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/alu.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/alu.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cpu.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cpu.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/ctrl_logic.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/ctrl_logic.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/imm_gen.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/reg_file.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/bp_cache.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/branch_predictor.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/sat_updn.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cmb_ctrl_logic.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cmb_ctrl_logic.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/forward_logic.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/forward_logic.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/pipeline.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/store_load_data.v'
Parsing included file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/store_load_data.v'.
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/z1top.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/BUFG.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/PLLE2_ADV.v'
Parsing design file '/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v'
Parsing design file 'bios_tb.v'
Parsing included file '../src/riscv_core/opcode.vh'.
Back to file 'bios_tb.v'.
Parsing included file 'mem_path.vh'.
Back to file 'bios_tb.v'.
Top Level Modules:
TimeScale is 1 ps / 1 ps

Lint-[TFIPC-L] Too few instance port connections
bios_tb.v, 24
bios_tb, "cpu #(.CPU_CLOCK_FREQ(CPU_CLOCK_FREQ), .RESET_PC(32'h40000000), .BAUD_RATE(BAUD_RATE)) cpu( .clk (clk),  .rst (rst),  .serial_in (serial_in),  .serial_out (serial_out));"
  The above instance has fewer port connections than the module definition,
  input port 'bp_enable' is not connected.

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 55
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 3-bit LHS target:
  Source info: clock_counter <= (((start || reset) || symbol_edge) ? 0 : 
  (clock_counter + 1));
  Expression: clock_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 61
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= 0;
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 63
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= 10;
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 65
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= (bit_counter - 1);
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[ULCO] Unequal length in comparison operator
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 33
uart_receiver, "(clock_counter == (SYMBOL_EDGE_TIME - 1))"
  A left 3-bit expression is compared to a right 32-bit expression.
  Comparing 'clock_counter' of type reg [(CLOCK_COUNTER_WIDTH - 1):0]
  with '(SYMBOL_EDGE_TIME - 1)' of type int.

Lint-[ULCO] Unequal length in comparison operator
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_receiver.v, 38
uart_receiver, "(clock_counter == SAMPLE_TIME)"
  A left 3-bit expression is compared to a right 32-bit expression.
  Comparing 'clock_counter' of type reg [(CLOCK_COUNTER_WIDTH - 1):0]
  with 'SAMPLE_TIME' of type int.

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 27
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 3-bit LHS target:
  Source info: clock_counter = 0;
  Expression: clock_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 28
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter = 0;
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 45
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 3-bit LHS target:
  Source info: clock_counter <= (((start || reset) || symbol_edge) ? 0 : 
  (clock_counter + 1));
  Expression: clock_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 51
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= 0;
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 53
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= 10;
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 55
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 4-bit LHS target:
  Source info: bit_counter <= (bit_counter - 1);
  Expression: bit_counter

Lint-[ULCO] Unequal length in comparison operator
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/io_circuits/uart_transmitter.v, 32
uart_transmitter, "(clock_counter == (SYMBOL_EDGE_TIME - 1))"
  A left 3-bit expression is compared to a right 32-bit expression.
  Comparing 'clock_counter' of type reg [(CLOCK_COUNTER_WIDTH - 1):0]
  with '(SYMBOL_EDGE_TIME - 1)' of type int.

Lint-[VNGS] Variable never gets set
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/memories/bios_mem.v, 11
  Following variable has never been set any value.
  Source info: mem

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 18
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 1-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: eq_out = ($unsigned(a) == $unsigned(b));
  Expression: eq_out

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 19
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 1-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: lt_out = ($unsigned(a) < $unsigned(b));
  Expression: lt_out

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 22
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 1-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: eq_out = ($signed(a) == $signed(b));
  Expression: eq_out

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 23
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 1-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: lt_out = ($signed(a) < $signed(b));
  Expression: lt_out

Lint-[CAWM-L] Width mismatch
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 27
  Continuous assignment width mismatch
  1 bits (lhs) versus 32 bits (rhs).
  Source info: assign BrEq = eq_out;  

Lint-[CAWM-L] Width mismatch
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_comp.v, 28
  Continuous assignment width mismatch
  1 bits (lhs) versus 32 bits (rhs).
  Source info: assign BrLt = lt_out;  

Lint-[VNGS] Variable never gets set
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/cpu.v, 128
  Following variable has never been set any value.
  Source info: stall

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/bp_cache.v, 56
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 8-bit LHS target:
  Source info: is_valid <= 0;
  Expression: is_valid

Lint-[ULCO] Unequal length in comparison operator
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/sat_updn.v, 16
sat_updn, "(in < ((2 ** WIDTH) - 1))"
  A left 2-bit expression is compared to a right 32-bit expression.
  Comparing 'in' of type wire [(WIDTH - 1):0]
  with '((2 ** WIDTH) - 1)' of type bit signed [31:0].

Lint-[CAWM-L] Width mismatch
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/branch_prediction/sat_updn.v, 16
  Continuous assignment width mismatch
  2 bits (lhs) versus 32 bits (rhs).
  Source info: assign out = ((in + ((up && (in < ((2 ** WIDTH) - 1))) ? 1 : 
  0)) + ((dn && (in > 0)) ? (-1) : 0));  

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/store_load_data.v, 16
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 16-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: out = (din[15:0] << (addr[1:0] * 8));
  Expression: out

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/src/riscv_core/store_load_data.v, 17
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 8-bit wide expression is assigned to a 32-bit LHS target:
  Source info: out = (din[7:0] << (addr[1:0] * 8));
  Expression: out

Lint-[VNGS] Variable never gets set
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 16
  Following variable has never been set any value.
  Source info: p_up_tmp

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 42
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: JTAG_SEL1_GLBL = 0;
  Expression: JTAG_SEL1_GLBL

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 43
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: JTAG_SEL2_GLBL = 0;
  Expression: JTAG_SEL2_GLBL

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 44
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: JTAG_SEL3_GLBL = 0;
  Expression: JTAG_SEL3_GLBL

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 45
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: JTAG_SEL4_GLBL = 0;
  Expression: JTAG_SEL4_GLBL

Lint-[ZERO] Zero delay in design
/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim_models/glbl.v, 66
glbl, "TOC_WIDTH"
  Use of #0 may result in incorrect results or inconsistent behavior.

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 14
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: clk = 0;
  Expression: clk

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 106
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 12-bit LHS target:
  Source info: IMM[11:0] = 8;
  Expression: IMM[11:0]

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 107
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 14-bit wide expression is assigned to a 15-bit LHS target:
  Source info: INST_ADDR = 14'b0;
  Expression: INST_ADDR

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 122
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: rst = 1;
  Expression: rst

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 123
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: serial_in = 1;
  Expression: serial_in

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 129
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: rst = 0;
  Expression: rst

Lint-[ULCO] Unequal length in comparison operator
bios_tb.v, 380
bios_tb, "(bios_tb.cpu.rf.mem[3] === IMM[11:0])"
  A left 32-bit expression is compared to a right 12-bit expression.
  Comparing 'bios_tb.cpu.rf.mem[3]' of type reg [31:0]
  with 'IMM[11:0]' of type reg [11:0].

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 45
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: serial_in = 0;
  Expression: serial_in

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 53
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 32-bit wide expression is assigned to a 1-bit LHS target:
  Source info: serial_in = 1;
  Expression: serial_in

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 82
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 48-bit wide expression is assigned to a 64-bit LHS target:
  Source info: test_status = "PASSED";
  Expression: test_status

Lint-[WMIA-L] Width mismatch in assignment
bios_tb.v, 85
  Width mismatch between LHS and RHS is found in assignment:
  The following 48-bit wide expression is assigned to a 64-bit LHS target:
  Source info: test_status = "FAILED";
  Expression: test_status

Starting vcs inline pass...
2 modules and 0 UDP read.
Generating code for _VCSgd_reYIK
Generating code for _VCSgd_WZg7r
Generating code for _VCSgd_DPKe0
recompiling module bios_tb
	However, due to incremental compilation, only 1 module needs to be compiled. 
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim/csrc'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim/csrc'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim/csrc'
rm -f _csrc*.so pre_vcsobj_*.so share_vcsobj_*.so
if [ -x ../bios_tb.tb ]; then chmod -x ../bios_tb.tb; fi
g++  -o ../bios_tb.tb    -rdynamic  -Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN'/bios_tb.tb.daidir -Wl,-rpath=./bios_tb.tb.daidir -Wl,-rpath=/share/instsww/synopsys-new/vcs/P-2019.06/linux64/lib -L/share/instsww/synopsys-new/vcs/P-2019.06/linux64/lib  -Wl,-rpath-link=./   objs/amcQw_d.o   _25111_archive_1.so _prev_archive_1.so  SIM_l.o       rmapats_mop.o rmapats.o rmar.o rmar_nd.o  rmar_llvm_0_1.o rmar_llvm_0_0.o          -lnuma -lvirsim -lerrorinf -lsnpsmalloc -lvfs    -lvcsnew -lsimprofile -luclinative /share/instsww/synopsys-new/vcs/P-2019.06/linux64/lib/vcs_tls.o   -Wl,-whole-archive -lvcsucli -Wl,-no-whole-archive          /share/instsww/synopsys-new/vcs/P-2019.06/linux64/lib/vcs_save_restore_new.o -ldl  -lc -lm -lpthread -ldl 
../bios_tb.tb up to date
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cc/eecs151/fa22/class/eecs151-abj/Documents/fa22_fpga_team06/hardware/sim/csrc'
CPU time: .672 seconds to compile + .419 seconds to elab + .192 seconds to link
cd sim && ./bios_tb.tb +verbose=1 +vpdfile+bios_tb.vpd |& tee bios_tb.log
Chronologic VCS simulator copyright 1991-2019
Contains Synopsys proprietary information.
Compiler version P-2019.06_Full64; Runtime version P-2019.06_Full64;  Dec  9 07:40 2022
Message: From $vcdpluson at time 0 in file bios_tb.v line 115: [VCD+-SVFN]: 
Setting VPD File by "+vpdfile+" switch to bios_tb.vpd.

VCD+ Writer P-2019.06_Full64 Copyright (c) 1991-2019 by Synopsys Inc.
[TEST 1] BIOS startup. Expect to see: \r\n151> 
[time              2270000, sim. cycle        103] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time              3390000, sim. cycle        159] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time              4690000, sim. cycle        224] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time              5810000, sim. cycle        280] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h35, expected 8'h35 == 5 [   PASSED ]
[time              6930000, sim. cycle        336] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time              8050000, sim. cycle        392] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3e, expected 8'h3e == > [   PASSED ]
[time              9170000, sim. cycle        448] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[TEST 2] Send an invalid command. Expect to see: \n\rUnrecognized token: 
[time             10170000, sim. cycle        498] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time             11850000, sim. cycle        582] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time             17150000, sim. cycle        847] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h62
[time             18790000, sim. cycle        929] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h62, expected 8'h62 == b [   PASSED ]
[time             24130000, sim. cycle       1196] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h63
[time             25850000, sim. cycle       1282] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h63, expected 8'h63 == c [   PASSED ]
[time             31110000, sim. cycle       1545] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h64
[time             32790000, sim. cycle       1629] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h64, expected 8'h64 == d [   PASSED ]
[time             38090000, sim. cycle       1894] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h20
[time             39730000, sim. cycle       1976] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time             47270000, sim. cycle       2353] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time             48390000, sim. cycle       2409] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time             49510000, sim. cycle       2465] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h55, expected 8'h55 == U [   PASSED ]
[time             50630000, sim. cycle       2521] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6e, expected 8'h6e == n [   PASSED ]
[time             51750000, sim. cycle       2577] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h72, expected 8'h72 == r [   PASSED ]
[time             52870000, sim. cycle       2633] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h65, expected 8'h65 == e [   PASSED ]
[time             53990000, sim. cycle       2689] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h63, expected 8'h63 == c [   PASSED ]
[time             55110000, sim. cycle       2745] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6f, expected 8'h6f == o [   PASSED ]
[time             56230000, sim. cycle       2801] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h67, expected 8'h67 == g [   PASSED ]
[time             57350000, sim. cycle       2857] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6e, expected 8'h6e == n [   PASSED ]
[time             58470000, sim. cycle       2913] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h69, expected 8'h69 == i [   PASSED ]
[time             59590000, sim. cycle       2969] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h7a, expected 8'h7a == z [   PASSED ]
[time             60710000, sim. cycle       3025] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h65, expected 8'h65 == e [   PASSED ]
[time             61830000, sim. cycle       3081] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h64, expected 8'h64 == d [   PASSED ]
[time             62950000, sim. cycle       3137] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time             64070000, sim. cycle       3193] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h74, expected 8'h74 == t [   PASSED ]
[time             65190000, sim. cycle       3249] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6f, expected 8'h6f == o [   PASSED ]
[time             66310000, sim. cycle       3305] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6b, expected 8'h6b == k [   PASSED ]
[time             67430000, sim. cycle       3361] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h65, expected 8'h65 == e [   PASSED ]
[time             68550000, sim. cycle       3417] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6e, expected 8'h6e == n [   PASSED ]
[time             69670000, sim. cycle       3473] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3a, expected 8'h3a == : [   PASSED ]
[time             70790000, sim. cycle       3529] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time             72070000, sim. cycle       3593] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time             73190000, sim. cycle       3649] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h62, expected 8'h62 == b [   PASSED ]
[time             74310000, sim. cycle       3705] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h63, expected 8'h63 == c [   PASSED ]
[time             75430000, sim. cycle       3761] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h64, expected 8'h64 == d [   PASSED ]
[time             76730000, sim. cycle       3826] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time             77850000, sim. cycle       3882] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time             79210000, sim. cycle       3950] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time             80330000, sim. cycle       4006] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h35, expected 8'h35 == 5 [   PASSED ]
[time             81450000, sim. cycle       4062] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time             82570000, sim. cycle       4118] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3e, expected 8'h3e == > [   PASSED ]
[time             83690000, sim. cycle       4174] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[TEST 3] Send [sw cafeaaaa 30000004] command. Expect to write 32'hcafeaaaa to both IMem[1] and DMem[1]
[time             84690000, sim. cycle       4224] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h73
[time             86370000, sim. cycle       4308] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h73, expected 8'h73 == s [   PASSED ]
[time             91670000, sim. cycle       4573] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h77
[time             93310000, sim. cycle       4655] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h77, expected 8'h77 == w [   PASSED ]
[time             98650000, sim. cycle       4922] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h20
[time            100370000, sim. cycle       5008] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time            105630000, sim. cycle       5271] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h63
[time            107910000, sim. cycle       5385] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h63, expected 8'h63 == c [   PASSED ]
[time            112610000, sim. cycle       5620] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            114250000, sim. cycle       5702] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            119590000, sim. cycle       5969] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h66
[time            121310000, sim. cycle       6055] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h66, expected 8'h66 == f [   PASSED ]
[time            126570000, sim. cycle       6318] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h65
[time            128250000, sim. cycle       6402] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h65, expected 8'h65 == e [   PASSED ]
[time            133550000, sim. cycle       6667] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            135190000, sim. cycle       6749] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            140530000, sim. cycle       7016] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            142250000, sim. cycle       7102] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            147510000, sim. cycle       7365] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            149190000, sim. cycle       7449] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            154490000, sim. cycle       7714] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            156130000, sim. cycle       7796] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            161470000, sim. cycle       8063] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h20
[time            163190000, sim. cycle       8149] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time            168450000, sim. cycle       8412] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h33
[time            175430000, sim. cycle       8761] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            175990000, sim. cycle       8789] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h33, expected 8'h33 == 3 [   PASSED ]
[time            178370000, sim. cycle       8908] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            182410000, sim. cycle       9110] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            184110000, sim. cycle       9195] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            189390000, sim. cycle       9459] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            191050000, sim. cycle       9542] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            196370000, sim. cycle       9808] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            198110000, sim. cycle       9895] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            203350000, sim. cycle      10157] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            205050000, sim. cycle      10242] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            210330000, sim. cycle      10506] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            211990000, sim. cycle      10589] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            217310000, sim. cycle      10855] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h34
[time            219050000, sim. cycle      10942] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h34, expected 8'h34 == 4 [   PASSED ]
[time            224290000, sim. cycle      11204] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h0d
[time            226430000, sim. cycle      11311] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            227550000, sim. cycle      11367] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            238910000, sim. cycle      11935] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time            240030000, sim. cycle      11991] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h35, expected 8'h35 == 5 [   PASSED ]
[time            241150000, sim. cycle      12047] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time            242270000, sim. cycle      12103] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3e, expected 8'h3e == > [   PASSED ]
[time            243390000, sim. cycle      12159] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
Imem[1]=cafeaaaa DMem[1]=cafeaaaa
Test Write to IMem
Test Write to DMem
[TEST 4] Send [lw 30000004] command. Expect to see: 30000004:cafeaaaa
[time            244390000, sim. cycle      12209] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h6c
[time            246070000, sim. cycle      12293] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6c, expected 8'h6c == l [   PASSED ]
[time            251370000, sim. cycle      12558] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h77
[time            253010000, sim. cycle      12640] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h77, expected 8'h77 == w [   PASSED ]
[time            258350000, sim. cycle      12907] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h20
[time            260070000, sim. cycle      12993] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time            265330000, sim. cycle      13256] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h33
[time            267070000, sim. cycle      13343] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h33, expected 8'h33 == 3 [   PASSED ]
[time            272310000, sim. cycle      13605] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            274010000, sim. cycle      13690] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            279290000, sim. cycle      13954] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            280950000, sim. cycle      14037] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            286270000, sim. cycle      14303] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            288010000, sim. cycle      14390] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            293250000, sim. cycle      14652] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            294950000, sim. cycle      14737] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            300230000, sim. cycle      15001] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            301890000, sim. cycle      15084] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            307210000, sim. cycle      15350] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            308950000, sim. cycle      15437] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            314190000, sim. cycle      15699] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h34
[time            315890000, sim. cycle      15784] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h34, expected 8'h34 == 4 [   PASSED ]
[time            321170000, sim. cycle      16048] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h0d
[time            323270000, sim. cycle      16153] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            324390000, sim. cycle      16209] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            342250000, sim. cycle      17102] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h33, expected 8'h33 == 3 [   PASSED ]
[time            343370000, sim. cycle      17158] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            344490000, sim. cycle      17214] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            345610000, sim. cycle      17270] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            346730000, sim. cycle      17326] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            347850000, sim. cycle      17382] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            348970000, sim. cycle      17438] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            350090000, sim. cycle      17494] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h34, expected 8'h34 == 4 [   PASSED ]
[time            351390000, sim. cycle      17559] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3a, expected 8'h3a == : [   PASSED ]
[time            359830000, sim. cycle      17981] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h63, expected 8'h63 == c [   PASSED ]
[time            360950000, sim. cycle      18037] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            362070000, sim. cycle      18093] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h66, expected 8'h66 == f [   PASSED ]
[time            363190000, sim. cycle      18149] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h65, expected 8'h65 == e [   PASSED ]
[time            364310000, sim. cycle      18205] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            365430000, sim. cycle      18261] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            366550000, sim. cycle      18317] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            367670000, sim. cycle      18373] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            368970000, sim. cycle      18438] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            370090000, sim. cycle      18494] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0a, expected 8'h0a == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
[time            371450000, sim. cycle      18562] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time            372570000, sim. cycle      18618] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h35, expected 8'h35 == 5 [   PASSED ]
[time            373690000, sim. cycle      18674] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time            374810000, sim. cycle      18730] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h3e, expected 8'h3e == > [   PASSED ]
[time            375930000, sim. cycle      18786] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[TEST 5] Send [jal 10000000] command. Expect to see: jal 10000000
[time            376930000, sim. cycle      18836] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h6a
[time            378610000, sim. cycle      18920] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6a, expected 8'h6a == j [   PASSED ]
[time            383910000, sim. cycle      19185] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h61
[time            385550000, sim. cycle      19267] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h61, expected 8'h61 == a [   PASSED ]
[time            390890000, sim. cycle      19534] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h6c
[time            392610000, sim. cycle      19620] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h6c, expected 8'h6c == l [   PASSED ]
[time            397870000, sim. cycle      19883] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h20
[time            399550000, sim. cycle      19967] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h20, expected 8'h20 ==   [   PASSED ]
[time            404850000, sim. cycle      20232] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h31
[time            406530000, sim. cycle      20316] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h31, expected 8'h31 == 1 [   PASSED ]
[time            411830000, sim. cycle      20581] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            413470000, sim. cycle      20663] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            418810000, sim. cycle      20930] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            420530000, sim. cycle      21016] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            425790000, sim. cycle      21279] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            427470000, sim. cycle      21363] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            432770000, sim. cycle      21628] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            434410000, sim. cycle      21710] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            439750000, sim. cycle      21977] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            441470000, sim. cycle      22063] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            446730000, sim. cycle      22326] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            448410000, sim. cycle      22410] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            453710000, sim. cycle      22675] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h30
[time            455350000, sim. cycle      22757] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h30, expected 8'h30 == 0 [   PASSED ]
[time            460690000, sim. cycle      23024] [Host (tb) --> FPGA_SERIAL_RX] Sent char 8'h0d
[time            462850000, sim. cycle      23132] [Host (tb) <-- FPGA_SERIAL_TX] Got char 8'h0d, expected 8'h0d == newline/CR [   PASSED ]
Test RF: RF[3]=00000008
BIOS testbench done! Num failed tests:          0
$finish called from file "bios_tb.v", line 388.
$finish at simulation time            488670000
           V C S   S i m u l a t i o n   R e p o r t 
Time: 488670000 ps
CPU Time:      0.710 seconds;       Data structure size:   0.3Mb
Fri Dec  9 07:40:36 2022